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Bernabeu, J., Di Domenico, A., & Villanueva-Perez, P. (2015). Probing CPT in transitions with entangled neutral kaons. J. High Energy Phys., 10(10), 139–19pp.
Abstract: In this paper we present a novel CPT symmetry test in the neutral kaon system based, for the first time, on the direct comparison of the probabilities of a transition and its CPT reverse. The required interchange of in <-> out states for a given process is obtained exploiting the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations of neutral kaon pairs produced at a phi-factory. The observable quantities have been constructed by selecting the two semileptonic decays for flavour tag, the pi and 3 pi(0) decays for CP tag and the time orderings of the decay pairs. The interpretation in terms of the standard Weisskopf-Wigner approach to this system, directly connects CPT violation in these observables to the violating R delta parameter in the mass matrix of K-0 – (K) over bar (0), a genuine CPT violating effect independent of Delta Gamma and not requiring the decay as an essential ingredient. Possible spurious effects induced by CP violation in the decay and/or a violation of the Delta S = Delta Q rule have been shown to be well under control. The proposed test is thus fully robust, and might shed light on possible new CPT violating mechanisms, or further improve the precision of the present experimental limits. It could be implemented at the DA Phi NE facility in Frascati, where the KLOE-2 experiment might reach a statistical sensitivity of O (10(-3)) on the newly proposed observable quantities.
Keywords: Discrete and Finite Symmetries; Kaon Physics; CP violation
Cirigliano, V., Gisbert, H., Pich, A., & Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. (2020). Isospin-violating contributions to epsilon '/epsilon. J. High Energy Phys., 02(2), 032–44pp.
Abstract: The known isospin-breaking contributions to the K -> pi pi amplitudes are reanalyzed, taking into account our current understanding of the quark masses and the relevant non-perturbative inputs. We present a complete numerical reappraisal of the direct CP-violating ratio is an element of(')/is an element of, where these corrections play a quite significant role. We obtain the Standard Model prediction Re (is an element of(')/is an element of) = (14 +/- 5) <bold> </bold>10(-4), which is in very good agreement with the measured ratio. The uncertainty, which has been estimated conservatively, is dominated by our current ignorance about 1/N-C-suppressed contributions to some relevant chiral-perturbation-theory low-energy constants.
Hansen, M. T., Romero-Lopez, F., & Sharpe, S. R. (2021). Decay amplitudes to three hadrons from finite-volume matrix elements. J. High Energy Phys., 04(4), 113–44pp.
Abstract: We derive relations between finite-volume matrix elements and infinite-volume decay amplitudes, for processes with three spinless, degenerate and either identical or non-identical particles in the final state. This generalizes the Lellouch-Luscher relation for two-particle decays and provides a strategy for extracting three-hadron decay amplitudes using lattice QCD. Unlike for two particles, even in the simplest approximation, one must solve integral equations to obtain the physical decay amplitude, a consequence of the nontrivial finite-state interactions. We first derive the result in a simplified theory with three identical particles, and then present the generalizations needed to study phenomenologically relevant three-pion decays. The specific processes we discuss are the CP-violating K -> 3 pi weak decay, the isospin-breaking eta -> 3 pi QCD transition, and the electromagnetic gamma (*) -> 3 pi amplitudes that enter the calculation of the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to muonic g – 2.
Keywords: Lattice QCD; Kaon Physics
KLOE-2 Collaboration(Babusci, D. et al), & Bernabeu, J. (2023). Direct tests of T, CP, CPT symmetries in transitions of neutral K mesons with the KLOE experiment. Phys. Lett. B, 845, 138164–11pp.
Abstract: Tests of the T, CP and CPT symmetries in the neutral kaon system are performed by the direct comparison of the probabilities of a kaon transition process to its symmetry-conjugate. The exchange of in and out states required for a genuine test involving an antiunitary transformation implied by time-reversal is implemented exploiting the entanglement of K0K0 pairs produced at a 0 -factory.A data sample collected by the KLOE experiment at DAONE corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 1.7 fb-1 is analysed to study the At distributions of the 0 -> KSKL -> pi+pi- pi +/- e -/+ v and 0 -> KSKL -> pi +/- e -/+ v3 pi 0 processes, with At the difference of the kaon decay times. A comparison of the measured At distributions in the asymptotic region At ⠅ iS allows to test for the first time T and CPT symmetries in kaon transitions with a precision of few percent, and to observe CP violation with this novel method.
Keywords: Discrete and finite symmetries; Kaon physics; CP violation
Li, X. Q., Yang, Y. D., & Yuan, X. B. (2012). Anomalous tqZ coupling effects in rare B- and K-meson decays. J. High Energy Phys., 03(3), 018–22pp.
Abstract: As a top-factory, the LHC is performing a direct study of top-quark anomalous FCNC couplings, which are, however, correlated closely with the rare B- and K-meson decays. In this paper, we study the effects of anomalous tqZ (with q = u, c) couplings in the rare decays B-s,B-d -> mu(+)mu(-), B -> X-s nu(nu) over bar, B -> K(*)nu(nu) over bar, K+ -> pi(+)nu(nu) over bar, and K-L -> pi(0)nu(nu) over bar. With the up-to-date experimental bounds on the branching ratios of these channels, constraints on the left-handed anomalous couplings X-ct(L), and X-ut(L) are derived, respectively. With these low-energy constraints taken into account, we find that, for real couplings X-ct(L) and X-ut(L), the indirect upper bounds on B(t -> qZ) are much lower than that from the D0 collaboration, but are still compatible with the 5 sigma discovery potential of ATLAS with an integrated luminosity of 10 fb(-1). With refined measurements to be available at the LHCb, the future super-B factories, the NA62 at CERN, and the KOTO at J-PARC, closer correlations between the t -> qZ and the rare B- and K-meson decays are expected in the near future, which will be helpful for the searches of thu e top-quark FCNC decays at the LHC.
Keywords: Rare Decays; Beyond Standard Model; B-Physics; Kaon Physics
Mandal, R., & Pich, A. (2019). Constraints on scalar leptoquarks from lepton and kaon physics. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 089–40pp.
Abstract: We present a comprehensive analysis of low-energy signals of hypothetical scalar leptoquark interactions in lepton and kaon transitions. We derive the most general effective four-fermion Lagrangian induced by tree-level scalar leptoquark exchange and identify the Wilson coefficients predicted by the five possible types of scalar leptoquarks. The current constraints on the leptoquark Yukawa couplings arising from lepton and kaon processes are worked out, including also loop-induced transitions with only leptons (or quarks) as external states. In the presence of scalar leptoquark interactions, we also derive the differential distributions for flavour-changing neutral-current transitions in semileptonic kaon modes, including all known effects within the Standard Model. Their interference with the new physics contributions could play a significant role in future improvements of those constraints that are currently hampered by poorly-determined non-perturbative parameters.
Keywords: Beyond Standard Model; Kaon Physics
Pich, A., & Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. (2021). SU(3) analysis of four-quark operators: K -> pi pi and vacuum matrix elements. J. High Energy Phys., 06(6), 005–43pp.
Abstract: Hadronic matrix elements of local four-quark operators play a central role in non-leptonic kaon decays, while vacuum matrix elements involving the same kind of operators appear in inclusive dispersion relations, such as those relevant in tau -decay analyses. Using an SU(3)(L) circle times SU(3)(R) decomposition of the operators, we derive generic relations between these matrix elements, extending well-known results that link observables in the two different sectors. Two relevant phenomenological applications are presented. First, we determine the electroweak-penguin contribution to the kaon CP-violating ratio epsilon '/epsilon, using the measured hadronic spectral functions in tau decay. Second, we fit our SU(3) dynamical parameters to the most recent lattice data on K -> pi pi matrix elements. The comparison of this numerical fit with results from previous analytical approaches provides an interesting anatomy of the Delta I = 1/2 enhancement, confirming old suggestions about its underlying dynamical origin.