Ellis, J., Mavromatos, N. E., Sakharov, A. S., & Sarkisyan-Grinbaum, E. K. (2019). Limits on neutrino Lorentz violation from multimessenger observations of TXS 0506+056. Phys. Lett. B, 789, 352–355.
Abstract: The observation by the IceCube Collaboration of a high-energy (E greater than or similar to 200 TeV) neutrino from the direction of the blazar TXS 0506+056 and the coincident observations of enhanced gamma-ray emissions from the same object by MAGIC and other experiments can be used to set stringent constraints on Lorentz violation in the propagation of neutrinos that is linear in the neutrino energy: Delta v = -E/M-1, where Delta v is the deviation from the velocity of light, and M-1 is an unknown high energy scale to be constrained by experiment. Allowing for a difference in neutrino and photon propagation times of similar to 10 days, we find that M-1 greater than or similar to 3 x 10(16) GeV. This improves on previous limits on linear Lorentz violation in neutrino propagation by many orders of magnitude, and the same is true for quadratic Lorentz violation.
Mavromatos, N. E., & Mitsou, V. A. (2020). Magnetic monopoles revisited: Models and searches at colliders and in the Cosmos. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 35(23), 2030012–81pp.
Abstract: In this review, we discuss recent developments in both the theory and the experimental searches of magnetic monopoles in past, current and future colliders and in the Cosmos. The theoretical models include, apart from the standard Grand Unified Theories, extensions of the Standard Model that admit magnetic monopole solutions with finite energy and masses that can be as light as a few TeV. Specifically, we discuss, among other scenarios, modified Cho-Maison monopoles and magnetic monopoles in (string-inspired, higher derivative) Born-Infeld extensions of the hypercharge sector of the Standard Model. We also outline the conditions for which effective field theories describing the interaction of monopoles with photons are valid and can be used for result interpretation in monopole production at colliders. The experimental part of the review focuses on, past and present, cosmic and collider searches, including the latest bounds on monopole masses and magnetic charges by the ATLAS and MoEDAL experiments at the LHC, as well as prospects for future searches.
Zornoza, J. D. (2021). Review on Indirect Dark Matter Searches with Neutrino Telescopes. Universe, 7(11), 415–10pp.
Abstract: The search for dark matter is one of the hottest topics in Physics today. The fact that about 80% of the matter of the Universe is of unknown nature has triggered an intense experimental activity to detect this kind of matter and a no less intense effort on the theory side to explain it. Given the fact that we do not know the properties of dark matter well, searches from different fronts are mandatory. Neutrino telescopes are part of this experimental quest and offer specific advantages. Among the targets to look for dark matter, the Sun and the Galactic Center are the most promising ones. Considering models of dark matter densities in the Sun, neutrino telescopes have put the best limits on spin-dependent cross section of proton-WIMP scattering. Moreover, they are competitive in the constraints on the thermally averaged annihilation cross-section for high WIMP masses when looking at the Galactic Centre. Other results are also reviewed.