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Boggia, M., Cruz-Martinez, J. M., Frellesvig, H., Glover, N., Gomez-Ambrosio, R., Gonella, G., et al. (2018). The HiggsTools handbook: a beginners guide to decoding the Higgs sector. J. Phys. G, 45(6), 065004–152pp.
Abstract: This report summarises some of the activities of the HiggsTools initial training network working group in the period 2015-2017. The main goal of this working group was to produce a document discussing various aspects of state-of-the-art Higgs physics at the large hadron collider (LHC) in a pedagogic manner The first part of the report is devoted to a description of phenomenological searches for new physics (NP) at the LHC. All of the available studies of the couplings of the new resonance discovered in 2012 by the ATLAS and CMS experiments (Aad et al (ATLAS Collaboration) 2012 Phys. Lett. B 716 1-29; Chatrchyan et al (CMS Collaboration) 2012 Phys. Lett. B 716 30-61) conclude that it is compatible with the Higgs boson of the standard model (SM) within present precision. So far the LHC experiments have given no direct evidence for any physical phenomena that cannot be described by the SM. As the experimental measurements become more and more precise, there is a pressing need for a consistent framework in which deviations from the SM predictions can be computed precisely. Such a framework should be applicable to measurements in all sectors of particle physics, not only LHC Higgs measurements but also electroweak precision data, etc. We critically review the use of the k-framework, fiducial and simplified template cross sections, effective field theories, pseudoobservables and phenomenological Lagrangians. Some of the concepts presented here are well known and were used already at the time of the large electron-positron collider (LEP) experiment. However, after years of theoretical and experimental development, these techniques have been refined, and we describe new tools that have been introduced in order to improve the comparison between theory and experimental data. In the second part of the report, we propose Phi(eta)* as a new and complementary observable for studying Higgs boson production at large transverse momentum in the case where the Higgs boson decays to two photons. The Phi(eta)* variable depends on measurements of the angular directions and rapidities of the two Higgs decay products rather than the energies, and exploits the information provided by the calorimeter in the detector. We show that, even without tracking information, the experimental resolution for Phi(eta)* is better than that of the transverse momentum of the photon pair, particularly at low transverse momentum. We make a detailed study of the phenomenology of the Phi(eta)* variable, contrasting the behaviour with the Higgs transverse momentum distribution using a variety of theoretical tools including event generators and fixed order perturbative computations. We consider the theoretical uncertainties associated with both p TH and Phi(eta)* distributions. Unlike the transverse momentum distribution, the Phi(eta)* distribution is well predicted using the Higgs effective field theory in which the top quark is integrated out-even at large values of Phi(eta)*-thereby making this a better observable for extracting the parameters of the Higgs interaction. In contrast, the potential of the Phi(eta)* distribution as a probe of NP is rather limited, since although the overall rate is affected by the presence of additional heavy fields, the shape of the Phi(eta)* distribution is relatively insensitive to heavy particle thresholds.
Bonilla, J. et al, & Vos, M. (2022). Jets and Jet Substructure at Future Colliders. Front. Physics, 10, 897719–17pp.
Abstract: Even though jet substructure was not an original design consideration for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments, it has emerged as an essential tool for the current physics program. We examine the role of jet substructure on the motivation for and design of future energy Frontier colliders. In particular, we discuss the need for a vibrant theory and experimental research and development program to extend jet substructure physics into the new regimes probed by future colliders. Jet substructure has organically evolved with a close connection between theorists and experimentalists and has catalyzed exciting innovations in both communities. We expect such developments will play an important role in the future energy Frontier physics program.
Keywords: jets; jet substructure; collider; artificial intelligence; machine learning; snowmass; top quark; Higgs boson
Bordes, J., Hong-Mo, C., & Tsun, T. S. (2015). A first test of the framed standard model against experiment. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 30(11), 1550051–34pp.
Abstract: The framed standard model (FSM) is obtained from the standard model by incorporating, as field variables, the frame vectors (vielbeins) in internal symmetry space. It gives the standard Higgs boson and 3 generations of quarks and leptons as immediate consequences. It gives moreover a fermion mass matrix of the form: m = mT alpha alpha dagger, where alpha is a vector in generation space independent of the fermion species and rotating with changing scale, which has already been shown to lead, generically, to up-down mixing, neutrino oscillations and mass hierarchy. In this paper, pushing the FSM further, one first derives to 1-loop order the RGE for the rotation of alpha, and then applies it to fit mass and mixing data as a first test of the model. With 7 real adjustable parameters, 18 measured quantities are fitted, most (12) to within experimental error or to better than 0.5 percent, and the rest (6) not far off. (A summary of this fit can be found in Table 2 of this paper.) Two notable features, both generic to FSM, not just specific to the fit, are: (i) that a theta-angle of order unity in the instanton term in QCD would translate via rotation into a Kobayashi-Maskawa phase in the CKM matrix of about the observed magnitude (J similar to 10(-5)), (ii) that it would come out correctly that m(u) < m(d), despite the fact that m(t) >> m(b), m(c) >> m(s). Of the 18 quantities fitted, 12 are deemed independent in the usual formulation of the standard model. In fact, the fit gives a total of 17 independent parameters of the standard model, but 5 of these have not been measured by experiment.
Davidek, T., & Fiorini, L. (2020). Search for Lepton-Flavor-Violating Decays of Bosons With the ATLAS Detector. Front. Physics, 8, 149–13pp.
Abstract: The quest for lepton-flavor-violating processes at the LHC represents one of the key searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model. This review summarizes the direct searches for lepton-flavor-violating decays of heavy bosons with the ATLAS detector, using proton-proton collisions at the center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV.
Keywords: lepton-flavor-violating decays; Z boson; Higgs boson; ATLAS; LHC; particle physics
Vicente, A. (2019). Higgs Lepton Flavor Violating Decays in Two Higgs Doublet Models. Front. Physics, 7, 174–13pp.
Abstract: The discovery of a non-zero rate for a lepton flavor violating decay mode of the Higgs boson would definitely be an indication of New Physics. We review the prospects for such signal in Two Higgs Doublet Models, in particular for Higgs boson decays into tau μfinal states. We will show that this scenario contains all the necessary ingredients to provide large flavor violating rates and still be compatible with the stringent limits from direct searches and low-energy flavor experiments.