Binosi, D., Chang, L., Ding, M. H., Gao, F., Papavassiliou, J., & Roberts, C. D. (2019). Distribution amplitudes of heavy-light mesons. Phys. Lett. B, 790, 257–262.
Abstract: A symmetry-preserving approach to the continuum bound-state problem in quantum field theory is used to calculate the masses, leptonic decay constants and light-front distribution amplitudes of empirically accessible heavy-light mesons. The inverse moment of the B-meson distribution is particularly important in treatments of exclusive B-decays using effective field theory and the factorisation formalism; and its value is therefore computed: lambda(B) = (zeta = 2GeV) = 0.54(3) GeV. As an example and in anticipation of precision measurements at new-generation B-factories, the branching fraction for the rare B -> gamma (E-gamma)l nu(l) radiative decay is also calculated, retaining 1/m(B)(2), and 1/E-gamma(2) corrections to the differential decay width, with the result Gamma(B -> gamma l nu l) /Gamma(B) = 0.47 (15) on E-gamma > 1.5 GeV.