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Garcia-Recio, C., Nieves, J., & Tolos, L. (2010). D mesic nuclei. Phys. Lett. B, 690(4), 369–375.
Abstract: The energies and widths of several D-0 meson bound states for different nuclei are obtained using a D-meson selfenergy in the nuclear medium, which is evaluated in a selfconsistent manner using techniques of unitarized coupled-channel theory. The kernel of the meson-baryon interaction is based on a model that treats heavy pseudoscalar and heavy vector mesons on equal footing, as required by heavy quark symmetry. We find D-0 bound states in all studied nuclei, from C-12 up to Pb-208. The inclusion of vector mesons is the keystone for obtaining an attractive D-nucleus interaction that leads to the existence of D-0-nucleus bound states, as compared to previous studies based on SU(4) flavor symmetry. In some cases, the half widths are smaller than the separation of the levels, what makes possible their experimental observation by means of a nuclear reaction. This can be of particular interest for the future PANDA@FAIR physics program. We also find a D+ bound state in C-12, but it is too broad and will have a significant overlap with the energies of the continuum.
Keywords: Charm; Mesic nuclei; Heavy quark symmetry
Nieves, J., Feijoo, A., Albaladejo, M., & Du, M. L. (2024). Lowest-lying 1/2- and 3/2- ΛQ resonances: From the strange to the bottom sectors. Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys., 137, 104118–23pp.
Abstract: We present a detailed study of the lowest-lying 1/2(-) and 3/2(-) Lambda Q resonances both in the heavy 2 2 quark (bottom and charm) and the strange sectors. We have paid special attention to the interplay between the constituent quark-model and chiral baryon-meson degrees of freedom, which are coupled using a unitarized scheme consistent with leading-order heavy quark symmetries. We show that the Lambda(b)(5912) [J(P) = 1/2(-)], Lambda(b)(5920) [J(P) = 3/2(-)] and the Lambda(c)(2625) [J(P) = 3/2-], and the Lambda(1520) [J(P) = 3/2(-)] admitting larger breaking corrections, are heavyquark spin-flavor siblings. They can be seen as dressed quark-model states with Sigma Q(()*()) pi molecular components of the order of 30%. The J(P)=1(-) Lambda(2595) has, however, a higher molecular 2 probability of at least 50%, and even values greater than 70% can be easily accommodated. This is because it is located almost on top of the threshold of the Sigma(c)pi pair, which largely influences its properties. Although the light degrees of freedom in this resonance would be coupled to spin-parity 1(-) as in the Lambda(b)(5912), Lambda(b)(5920) and Lambda(c)(2625), the Lambda(c)(2595) should not be considered as a heavy-quark spin-flavor partner of the former ones. We also show that the Lambda(1405) chiral two-pole pattern does not have analogs in the 1 – charmed and bottomed sectors, because the 2 N D-(*()) and N (B) over bar (()*()) channels do not play for heavy quarks the decisive role that the N (K) over bar does in the strange sector, and the notable influence of the bare quark-model states for the charm and bottom resonances. Finally, we predict the existence of two Lambda(b)(6070) and two Lambda(c)(2765) heavy-quark spin and flavor sibling odd parity states.
Keywords: Heavy quark symmetry; Constituent quark-model; Molecule; Charmed; Bottomed