Babeluk, M. et al, Lacasta, C., Marinas, C., Mazorra de Cos, J., & Vobbilisetti, V. (2024). The OBELIX chip for the Belle II VTX upgrade. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 1067, 169659–3pp.
Abstract: The OBELIX depleted monolithic active CMOS pixel sensor (DMAPS) is currently developed for the upgrade of the vertex detector of the Belle II experiment located at Tsukuba/Japan. The pixel matrix of OBELIX is inherited from the TJ-Monopix2 chip, but the periphery includes additional features to improve performance and allow the integration into a larger detector system. The new features include a trigger unit to process trigger signals, a precision timing module and a possibility to transmit low granularity hit information with low latency to contribute to the Belle II trigger. Additionally, low dropout voltage regulators and an ADC to monitor power consumption and substrate temperature is developed. This paper will focus on the trigger contribution capabilities of the OBELIX chip.
Belle II VTX Collaboration(Babeluk, M. et al)., Marinas, C., & Mazorra de Cos, J. (2024). The DMAPS upgrade of the Belle II vertex detector. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 1064, 169428–5pp.
Abstract: The Belle II experiment at KEK in Japan considers an upgrade for the vertex detector system in line with the accelerator upgrade for higher luminosity at long shutdown 2 planned for 2028. One proposal for the upgrade of the vertex detector called VTX aims to improve background robustness and reduce occupancy using small and fast pixels. VTX accommodates the OBELIX depleted monolithic active CMOS pixel sensor (DMAPS) on all five proposed layers. OBELIX is specifically developed for the VTX application and based on the TJ-Monopix2 chip initially developed to meet the requirements of the outer layers of the ATLAS inner tracker (ITk). This paper will review recent tests of the TJ-Monopix2 chip as well as various design aspects of the OBELIX-1 chip currently under development.
DEPFET collaboration(Alonso, O. et al), Boronat, M., Esperante-Pereira, D., Fuster, J., Garcia, I. G., Lacasta, C., et al. (2013). DEPFET Active Pixel Detectors for a Future Linear e(+)e(-) Collider. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 60(2), 1457–1465.
Abstract: The DEPFET collaboration develops highly granular, ultra-transparent active pixel detectors for high-performance vertex reconstruction at future collider experiments. The characterization of detector prototypes has proven that the key principle, the integration of a first amplification stage in a detector-grade sensor material, can provide a comfortable signal to noise ratio of over 40 for a sensor thickness of 50-75 μm. ASICs have been designed and produced to operate a DEPFET pixel detector with the required read-out speed. A complete detector concept is being developed, including solutions for mechanical support, cooling, and services. In this paper, the status of the DEPFET R & D project is reviewed in the light of the requirements of the vertex detector at a future linear e(+)e(-) collider.