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Hara, K. et al, Escobar, C., Garcia, C., Lacasta, C., Miñano, M., & Soldevila, U. (2020). Charge collection study with the ATLAS ITk prototype silicon strip sensors ATLAS17LS. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 983, 164422–6pp.
Abstract: The inner tracker of the ATLAS detector is scheduled to be replaced by a completely new silicon-based inner tracker (ITk) for the Phase-II of the CERN LHC (HL-LHC). The silicon strip detector covers the volume 40 < R < 100 cm in the radial and vertical bar z vertical bar <300 cm in the longitudinal directions. The silicon sensors for the detector will be fabricated using the n(+)-on-p 6-inch wafer technology, for a total of 22,000 wafers. Intensive studies were carried out on the final prototype sensors ATLAS17LS fabricated by Hamamatsu Photonics (HPK). The charge collection properties were examined using penetrating Sr-90 beta-rays and the ALIBAVA fast readout system for the miniature sensors of 1 cm xl cm in area. The samples were irradiated by protons in the 27 MeV Birmingham Cyclotron, the 70 MeV CYRIC at Tohoku University, and the 24 GeV CERN-PS, and by neutrons at Ljubljana TAIGA reactor for fluence values up to 2 x 10(15) n(eq)/cm(2). The change in the charge collection with fluence was found to be similar to the previous prototype ATLAS12, and acceptable for the ITk. Sensors with two active thicknesses, 300 μm (standard) and 240 μm (thin), were compared and the difference in the charge collection was observed to be small for bias voltages up to 500 V. Some samples were also irradiated with gamma radiation up to 2 MGy, and the full depletion voltage was found to decrease with the dose. This was caused by the Compton electrons due to the( 60)Co gamma radiation. To summarize, the design of the ATLAS17LS and technology for its fabrication have been verified for implementation in the ITk. We are in the stage of sensor pre-production with the first sensors already delivered in January of 2020.
Keywords: ATLAS ITk; Microstrip sensor; Charge collection; Radiation damage
Latonova, V. et al, Bernabeu, J., Lacasta, C., Solaz, C., & Soldevila, U. (2023). Characterization of the polysilicon resistor in silicon strip sensors for ATLAS inner tracker as a function of temperature, pre- and post-irradiation. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 1050, 168119–5pp.
Abstract: The high luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider, foreseen for 2029, requires the replacement of the ATLAS Inner Detector with a new all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk). The expected ultimate total integrated luminosity of 4000 fb(-1) means that the strip part of the ITk detector will be exposed to the total particle fluences and ionizing doses reaching the values of 1.6 center dot 10(15) MeVn(eq)/cm(2) and 0.66MGy, respectively, including a safety factor of 1.5. Radiation hard n(+)-in-p micro-strip sensors were developed by the ATLAS ITk strip collaboration and are produced by Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. The active area of each ITk strip sensor is delimited by the n-implant bias ring, which is connected to each individual n(+) implant strip by a polysilicon bias resistor. The total resistance of the polysilicon bias resistor should be within a specified range to keep all the strips at the same potential, prevent the signal discharge through the grounded bias ring and avoid the readout noise increase. While the polysilicon is a ubiquitous semiconductor material, the fluence and temperature dependence of its resistance is not easily predictable, especially for the tracking detector with the operational temperature significantly below the values typical for commercial microelectronics. Dependence of the resistance of polysilicon bias resistor on the temperature, as well as on the total delivered fluence and ionizing dose, was studied on the specially-designed test structures called ATLAS Testchips, both before and after their irradiation by protons, neutrons, and gammas to the maximal expected fluence and ionizing dose. The resistance has an atypical negative temperature dependence. It is different from silicon, which shows that the grain boundary has a significant contribution to the resistance. We discuss the contributions by parameterizing the activation energy of the polysilicon resistance as a function of the temperature for unirradiated and irradiated ATLAS Testchips.