Barenboim, G., Turner, J., & Zhou, Y. L. (2021). Light neutrino masses from gravitational condensation: the Schwinger-Dyson approach. Eur. Phys. J. C, 81(6), 511–12pp.
Abstract: In this work we demonstrate that non-zero neutrino masses can be generated from gravitational interactions. We solve the Schwinger-Dyson equations to find a non-trivial vacuum thereby determining the neutrino condensate scale and the number of new particle degrees of freedom required for gravitationally induced dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. We show for minimal beyond the Standard Model particle content, the scale of the condensation occurs close to the Planck scale.
de Medeiros Varzielas, I., Neder, T., & Zhou, Y. L. (2018). Effective alignments as building blocks of flavor models. Phys. Rev. D, 97(11), 115033–21pp.
Abstract: Flavor models typically rely on flavons-scalars that break the family symmetry by acquiring vacuum expectation values in specific directions. We develop the idea of effective alignments, i.e., cases where the contractions of multiple flavons give rise to directions that are hard or impossible to obtain directly by breaking the family symmetry. Focusing on the example where the symmetry is S-4, we list the effective alignments that can be obtained from flavons vacuum expectation values that arise naturally from S-4. Using those effective alignments as building blocks, it is possible to construct flavor models, for example by using the effective alignments in constrained sequential dominance models. We illustrate how to obtain several of the mixing schemes in the literature, and explicitly construct renormalizable models for three viable cases, two of which lead to trimaximal mixing scenarios.