Xiao, C. W. (2015). States generated in the K-multi-rho interactions. Phys. Rev. D, 92(5), 054011–16pp.
Abstract: In the present work, we use three-body interaction formalism to investigate the K-multi-rho interactions. First, we reproduce the resonances f(2)(1270) and K-1(1270) in the rho rho and rho K two-body interactions, respectively, as the clusters of the fixed-center approximation. Then, we study the three-body K-rho rho(f(2)) and rho-rho K(K-1) interactions with the fixed-center approximation of the Faddeev equations. Furthermore, we extrapolate the formalism to study the four-body, five-body, and six-body systems containing one K meson and multiple rho mesons. In our research, without introducing any free parameters, we generate the K-2(1770) state in the three-body interaction with the mass of 1707 MeV and a width about 113 MeV, which are consistent with the experiments. We also find a clear resonant structure in our results of the five-body interaction, with a mass 2505 MeV and a width about 32 MeV or more, which is associated with the K-4(2500) state, where we obtain consistent results with the experimental findings. Furthermore, we predict some new states in the other many-body interactions, K-3(2080), K-5(2670) (isospin I = 1/2), and K-4(2640) (isospin I = 3/2), with uncertainties.
Liang, W. H., Xiao, C. W., & Oset, E. (2013). Study of eta K(K)over-bar and eta ' K(K)over-bar with the fixed center approximation to Faddeev equations. Phys. Rev. D, 88(11), 114024–10pp.
Abstract: In the present work we investigate the three-body systems of eta K (K) over bar and eta'K (K) over bar, by taking the fixed center approximation to Faddeev equations. We find a clear and stable resonance structure around 1490 MeV in the squared eta K (K) over bar scattering amplitude, which is not sensitive to the renormalization parameters. Conversely, we get only an enhancement effect of the threshold in the eta'K (K) over bar amplitude that indicates the difficulty to bind the eta'K (K) over bar system as a consequence of the eta'K interaction being weaker than the eta K one. We associate the eta K (K) over bar state found to the eta(1475).
Song, J., Liang, W. H., Xiao, C. W., Dias, J. M., & Oset, E. (2024). Testing the molecular nature of the Ω (2012) with the ψ (3770) → (Ω)over-bar(K)over-barΞ and ψ (3770) → (Ω)over-bar(K)over-barΞ* (1530) ((Ω)over-bar(K)over-barπΞ) reactions. Eur. Phys. J. C, 84(12), 1311–7pp.
Abstract: We report on the reactions psi(3770) -> (Omega) over bar+(K) over bar Xi and psi(3770) -> (Omega) over bar (+)(K) over bar Xi*(1530) (Xi* (1530) -> pi Xi), and calculate the mass distributions d Gamma/dM(inv)((K) over bar Xi) and d Gamma/dM(inv)(K Xi*), respectively. We obtain clear peaks corresponding to the Omega(2012). From the decay of psi(3770) -> (Omega) over bar (+)(K) over bar Xi*, we also get a second, broader, peak around 2035MeV, which comes from the Omega(2012) decay to (K) over bar Xi*. This second peak is closely tied to the molecular picture of the Omega(2012) with the (K) over bar Xi* (1530) and eta Omega components. Its observation would provide a boost to the molecular picture of the Omega (2012).
Xiao, C. W., Aceti, F., & Bayar, M. (2013). The small K pi component in the K* wave functions. Eur. Phys. J. A, 49(2), 22–5pp.
Abstract: We use a recently developed formalism which generalizes Weinberg's compositeness condition to partial waves higher than s-wave in order to determine the probability of having a K pi component in the K* wave function. A fit is made to the K pi phase shifts in p-wave, from where the coupling of K* to K pi and the K pi loop function are determined. These ingredients allow us to determine that the K* is a genuine state, different from a K pi component, in a proportion of about 80%.
Xiao, C. W., & Oset, E. (2013). Three methods to detect the predicted D(D)over-bar scalar meson X(3700). Eur. Phys. J. A, 49(4), 52–6pp.
Abstract: In analogy to the f(0)(500), which appears as a pi pi resonance in chiral unitary theory, and the f(0)(980), which appears as a quasibound K (K) over bar state, the extension of this approach to the charm sector also predicts a quasibound D (D) over bar state with mass around 3720 MeV, named as X(3700), for which some experimental support is seen in the e(+)e(-) -> J/psi D (D) over bar reaction close to the D (D) over bar threshold. In the present work we propose three different experiments to observe it as a clear peak. The first one is the radiative decay of the psi(3770), psi(3770) -> gamma X(3700) -> gamma eta eta'. The second one proposes the analogous reaction psi(4040) -> gamma X(3700) -> gamma eta eta' and the third reaction is the e(+)e(-) -> J/psi X(3700) -> J/psi eta eta'. Neat peaks are predicted for all the reactions and the calculated rates are found within measurable range in present facilities.
Holz, S., Plenter, J., Xiao, C. W., Dato, T., Hanhart, C., Kubis, B., et al. (2021). Towards an improved understanding of eta -> gamma*gamma *. Eur. Phys. J. C, 81(11), 1002–15pp.
Abstract: We argue that high-quality data on the reaction e(+)e(-) -> pi(+) pi(-) eta will allow one to determine the doubly-virtual form factor eta -> gamma*gamma* in a model-independent way with controlled accuracy. This is an important step towards a reliable evaluation of the hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of themuon. When analyzing the existing data for e(+) e(-) -> pi(+) pi(-) eta for total energies squared k(2) > 1GeV(2), we demonstrate that the effect of the a(2) meson provides a natural breaking mechanism for the commonly employed factorization ansatz in the doubly-virtual form factor F-eta gamma*gamma* (q(2), k(2)). However, better data are needed to draw firm conclusions.
Xiao, C. W., Dias, J. M., Dai, L. R., Liang, W. H., & Oset, E. (2024). Triangle singularity in the J/ψ → ϕ π+ a−0(π−η) ,ϕ π− a+0(π+η) decays. Phys. Rev. D, 109(7), 074033–11pp.
Abstract: We study the J= psi -> phi pi + a 0 ( 980 ) – ( a – 0 -> pi – eta ) decay, evaluating the double mass distribution in terms of the pi – eta and pi + a – 0 invariant masses. We show that the pi – eta mass distribution exhibits the typical cusp structure of the a 0 ( 980 ) seen in recent high statistics experiments, and the pi + a – 0 spectrum shows clearly a peak around M inv ( pi + a – 0 ) = 1420 MeV, corresponding to a triangle singularity. When integrating over the two invariant masses we find a branching ratio for this decay of the order of 10 – 5 , which is easily accessible in present laboratories. We also call attention to the fact that the signal obtained is compatible with a bump experimentally observed in the eta pi + pi – mass distribution in the J= psi -> phi eta pi + pi – decay and encourage further analysis to extract from there the phi pi + a – 0 and phi pi – a + 0 decay modes.
Molina, R., Liang, W. H., Xiao, C. W., Sun, Z. F., & Oset, E. (2024). Two states for the Ξ(1820) resonance. Phys. Lett. B, 856, 138872–4pp.
Abstract: We recall that the chiral unitary approach for the interaction of pseudoscalar mesons with the baryons of the decuplet predicts two states for the Xi(1820) resonance, one with a narrow width and the other one with a large width. We contrast this fact with the recent BESIII measurement of the K- Lambda mass distribution in the psi(3686) decay to K- Lambda Xi(+), which demands a width much larger than the average of the PDG, and show how the consideration of the two Xi(1820) states provides a natural explanation to the experimental data.
Oset, E., Bayar, M., Dote, A., Hyodo, T., Khemchandani, K. P., Liang, W. H., et al. (2016). Two-, Three-, Many-body Systems Involving Mesons. Multimeson Condensates. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 47(2), 357–365.
Abstract: In this paper, we review results from studies with unconventional many-hadron systems containing mesons: systems with two mesons and one baryon, three mesons, some novel systems with two baryons and one meson, and finally, systems with many vector mesons, up to six, with their spins aligned forming states of increasing spin. We show that in many cases, one has experimental counterparts for the states found, while in some other cases, they remain as predictions, which we suggest to be searched in BESIII, Belle, LHCb, FAIR and other facilities.