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Xiao, C. W., & Oset, E. (2013). Three methods to detect the predicted D(D)over-bar scalar meson X(3700). Eur. Phys. J. A, 49(4), 52–6pp.
Abstract: In analogy to the f(0)(500), which appears as a pi pi resonance in chiral unitary theory, and the f(0)(980), which appears as a quasibound K (K) over bar state, the extension of this approach to the charm sector also predicts a quasibound D (D) over bar state with mass around 3720 MeV, named as X(3700), for which some experimental support is seen in the e(+)e(-) -> J/psi D (D) over bar reaction close to the D (D) over bar threshold. In the present work we propose three different experiments to observe it as a clear peak. The first one is the radiative decay of the psi(3770), psi(3770) -> gamma X(3700) -> gamma eta eta'. The second one proposes the analogous reaction psi(4040) -> gamma X(3700) -> gamma eta eta' and the third reaction is the e(+)e(-) -> J/psi X(3700) -> J/psi eta eta'. Neat peaks are predicted for all the reactions and the calculated rates are found within measurable range in present facilities.
Xiao, C. W., & Oset, E. (2013). Hidden beauty baryon states in the local hidden gauge approach with heavy quark spin symmetry. Eur. Phys. J. A, 49(11), 139–12pp.
Abstract: Using a coupled-channel unitary approach, combining the heavy quark spin symmetry and the dynamics of the local hidden gauge, we investigate the meson-baryon interaction with hidden beauty and obtain several new states of N around 11 GeV. We consider the basis of states eta (b) N, I'N, BI > (b) , BI pound (b) , B (*) I > (b) , B (*) I pound (b) , B (*) I pound (b) (*) and find four basic bound states which correspond to BI pound (b) , BI pound (b) (*) , B (*) I pound (b) and B (*) I pound (b) (*) , decaying mostly into eta (b) N and I'N and with a binding energy about 50-130 MeV with respect to the thresholds of the corresponding channel. All of them have isospin I = 1/2 , and we find no bound states or resonances in I = 3/2 . The BI pound (b) state appears in J = 1/2 , the BI pound (b) (*) in J = 3/2 , the B (*) I pound (b) appears nearly degenerate in J = 1/2 , 3/2 and the B (*) I pound (b) (*) appears nearly degenerate in J = 1/2 , 3/2, 5/2. These states have a width from 2-110 MeV, with conservative estimates of uncertainties, except for the one in J = 5/2 which has zero width since it cannot decay into any of the states of the basis chosen. We make generous estimates of the uncertainties and find that within very large margins these states appear bound.
Xiao, C. W., Nieves, J., & Oset, E. (2013). Combining heavy quark spin and local hidden gauge symmetries in the dynamical generation of hidden charm baryons. Phys. Rev. D, 88(5), 056012–20pp.
Abstract: We present a coupled channel unitary approach to obtain states dynamically generated from the meson-baryon interaction with hidden charm, using constraints of heavy quark spin symmetry. As a basis of states, we use (D) over barB, (D) over bar *B states, with B baryon charmed states belonging to the 20 representations of SU(4) with J(P) = 1/2(+), 3/2(+). In addition we also include the eta N-c and J/psi N states. The inclusion of these coupled channels is demanded by heavy quark spin symmetry, since in the large m(Q) limit the D and D* states are degenerate and are obtained from each other by means of a spin rotation, under which QCD is invariant. The novelty in the work is that we use dynamics from the extrapolation of the local hidden gauge model to SU(4), and we show that this dynamics fully respects the constraints of heavy quark spin symmetry. With the full space of states demanded by the heavy quark spin symmetry and the dynamics of the local hidden gauge, we look for states dynamically generated and find four basic states that are bound, corresponding to (D) over bar Sigma(c), (D) over bar Sigma(c)*, (D) over bar*Sigma(c) and (D) over bar*Sigma*(c) decaying mostly into eta N-c and J/psi N. All the states appear in isospin I = 1/2, and we find no bound states or resonances in I = 3/2. The (D) over bar Sigma(c) state appears in J = 1/2 and the (D) over bar Sigma*(c) in J = 3/2; the (D) over bar*Sigma(c) appears nearly degenerate in J = 1/2, 3/2 and the (D) over bar*Sigma*(c) appears nearly degenerate in J = 1/2, 3/2, 5/2, with the peculiarity that in J = 5/2 the state has zero width in the space of states chosen. All the states are bound with about 50 MeV with respect to the corresponding (D) over barB thresholds, and the width, except for the J = 5/2 state, is also of the same order of magnitude. Finally, we discuss the uncertainties stemming from the expected breaking of SU(4) and the heavy quark spin symmetry.
Xiao, C. W., Nieves, J., & Oset, E. (2019). Heavy quark spin symmetric molecular states from (D)over-bar(()*())Sigma(()(c)*()) and other coupled channels in the light of the recent LHCb pentaquarks. Phys. Rev. D, 100(1), 014021–6pp.
Abstract: We consider the (D) over bar (()*())Sigma(()(c)*()) states, together with J/psi N and other coupled channels, and take an interaction consistent with heavy quark spin symmetry, with the dynamical input obtained from an extension of the local hidden gauge approach. By fitting only one parameter to the recent three pentaquark states reported by the LHCb Collaboration, we can reproduce the three of them in base to the mass and the width, providing for them the quantum numbers and approximate molecular structure as 1/2(-) (D) over bar Sigma(c), 1/2(-) (D) over bar*Sigma(c), and 3/2(-) (D) over bar*Sigma(c), and the isospin I = 1/2. We find another state around 4374 MeV, of the 3/2(-) (D) over bar Sigma(c)* structure, for which indications appear in the experimental spectrum. Two other near degenerate states of a 1/2(-) (D) over bar*Sigma(c)* and 3/2(-) (D) over bar*Sigma(c)* nature are also found around 4520 MeV, which although less clear, are not incompatible with the observed spectrum. In addition, a 5/2(-) (D) over bar*Sigma(c)* state at the same energy appears, which however does not couple to J/psi p in an S wave, and hence, it is not expected to show up in the LHCb experiment.
Xiao, C. W., Nieves, J., & Oset, E. (2019). Prediction of hidden charm strange molecular baryon states with heavy quark spin symmetry. Phys. Lett. B, 799, 135051–10pp.
Abstract: We have studied the meson-baryon S-wave interaction in the isoscalar hidden-charm strange sector with the coupled-channels, eta(c)Lambda, J/psi Lambda, (D) over bar Xi(c), (D) over bar (s)Lambda(c), (D) over bar Xi(c)', (D) over bar*Lambda(c), (D) over bar*Xi(c)', (D) over bar*Xi*(c) in J(p) = 1/2(-), J/psi Lambda, (D) over bar*Xi(c), (D) over bar (s)*Lambda(c), (D) over bar*Xi(c)', (D) over bar Xi(c)*, (D) over bar*Xi(c)* in 3/2(-) and (D) over bar*Xi(c)* in 5/2(-). We impose constraints of heavy quark spin symmetry in the interaction and obtain the non vanishing matrix elements from an extension of the local hidden gauge approach to the charm sector. The ultraviolet divergences are renormalized using the same meson-baryon-loops regulator previously employed in the non-strange hidden charm sector, where a good reproduction of the properties of the newly discovered pentaquark states is obtained. We obtain five states of 1/2(-), four of 3/2(-) and one of 5/2(-), which could be compared in the near future with forthcoming LHCb experiments. The 5/2(-), three of the 3/2(-) and another three of the 1/2(-) resonances are originated from isoscalar (D) over bar (()*())Xi(c)' and (D) over bar (()*()) Xi(c)* interactions. They should be located just few MeV below the corresponding thresholds (4446, 4513, 4588 and 4655 MeV), and would be SU(3)-siblings of the isospin 1/2 (D) over bar (()*())Sigma(()(c)*()) quasi-bound states previously found, and that provided a robust theoretical description of the P-c(4440), P-c(4457) and P-c(4312) LHCb exotic states. The another two 1/2(-) and 3/2(-) states obtained in this work are result of the (D) over bar (()*())Xi(c)- D-s(()*()) Lambda(c) coupled-channels isoscalar interaction, are significantly broader than the others, with widths of the order of 15 MeV, being (D) over bar (()(s)*())Lambda(c) the dominant decay channel.
Xiao, C. W., Dias, J. M., Dai, L. R., Liang, W. H., & Oset, E. (2024). Triangle singularity in the J/ψ → ϕ π+ a−0(π−η) ,ϕ π− a+0(π+η) decays. Phys. Rev. D, 109(7), 074033–11pp.
Abstract: We study the J= psi -> phi pi + a 0 ( 980 ) – ( a – 0 -> pi – eta ) decay, evaluating the double mass distribution in terms of the pi – eta and pi + a – 0 invariant masses. We show that the pi – eta mass distribution exhibits the typical cusp structure of the a 0 ( 980 ) seen in recent high statistics experiments, and the pi + a – 0 spectrum shows clearly a peak around M inv ( pi + a – 0 ) = 1420 MeV, corresponding to a triangle singularity. When integrating over the two invariant masses we find a branching ratio for this decay of the order of 10 – 5 , which is easily accessible in present laboratories. We also call attention to the fact that the signal obtained is compatible with a bump experimentally observed in the eta pi + pi – mass distribution in the J= psi -> phi eta pi + pi – decay and encourage further analysis to extract from there the phi pi + a – 0 and phi pi – a + 0 decay modes.
Xiao, C. W., Bayar, M., & Oset, E. (2011). NDK, (K)over-barDN, and ND(K)over-bar molecules. Phys. Rev. D, 84(3), 034037–8pp.
Abstract: We investigate theoretically baryon systems made of three hadrons which contain one nucleon and one D meson, and in addition another meson, (D) over tilde, K, or (K) over tilde. The systems are studied using the fixed center approximation to the Faddeev equations. The study is made assuming scattering of a K or a (K) over tilde on a DN cluster, which is known to generate the Lambda(c)(2595), or the scattering of a nucleon on the D (D) over tilde cluster, which has been shown to generate a hidden charm resonance named X(3700). We also investigate the configuration of scattering of N on the KD cluster, which is known to generate the D*(s0)(2317). In all cases we find bound states, with the NDK system, of exotic nature, more bound than the (K) over tilde DN.
Xiao, C. W., Bayar, M., & Oset, E. (2012). Prediction of D*-multi-rho states. Phys. Rev. D, 86(9), 094019–10pp.
Abstract: We present a study of the many-body interaction between a D* and multi-rho. We use an extrapolation to SU(4) of the hidden gauge formalism, which produced dynamically the resonances f(2)(1270) in the rho rho interaction and D-2* (2460) in the rho D* interaction. We then let a third particle, rho, D*, or a resonance, collide with them, evaluating the scattering amplitudes in terms of the fixed center approximation of the Faddeev equations. We find several clear resonant structures above 2800 MeV in the multibody scattering amplitudes. They would correspond to new charmed resonances, D-3*, D-4*, D-5*, and D-6*, which are not yet listed in the Particle Data Group, which would be analogous to the rho(3)(1690), f(4)(2050), rho(5)(2350), f(6)(2510) and K-3*(1780), K-4*(2045), K-5*(2380) described before as multi-rho and K*-multi-rho states, respectively.
Xiao, C. W., Aceti, F., & Bayar, M. (2013). The small K pi component in the K* wave functions. Eur. Phys. J. A, 49(2), 22–5pp.
Abstract: We use a recently developed formalism which generalizes Weinberg's compositeness condition to partial waves higher than s-wave in order to determine the probability of having a K pi component in the K* wave function. A fit is made to the K pi phase shifts in p-wave, from where the coupling of K* to K pi and the K pi loop function are determined. These ingredients allow us to determine that the K* is a genuine state, different from a K pi component, in a proportion of about 80%.
Xiao, C. W. (2015). States generated in the K-multi-rho interactions. Phys. Rev. D, 92(5), 054011–16pp.
Abstract: In the present work, we use three-body interaction formalism to investigate the K-multi-rho interactions. First, we reproduce the resonances f(2)(1270) and K-1(1270) in the rho rho and rho K two-body interactions, respectively, as the clusters of the fixed-center approximation. Then, we study the three-body K-rho rho(f(2)) and rho-rho K(K-1) interactions with the fixed-center approximation of the Faddeev equations. Furthermore, we extrapolate the formalism to study the four-body, five-body, and six-body systems containing one K meson and multiple rho mesons. In our research, without introducing any free parameters, we generate the K-2(1770) state in the three-body interaction with the mass of 1707 MeV and a width about 113 MeV, which are consistent with the experiments. We also find a clear resonant structure in our results of the five-body interaction, with a mass 2505 MeV and a width about 32 MeV or more, which is associated with the K-4(2500) state, where we obtain consistent results with the experimental findings. Furthermore, we predict some new states in the other many-body interactions, K-3(2080), K-5(2670) (isospin I = 1/2), and K-4(2640) (isospin I = 3/2), with uncertainties.