Terol-Calvo, J., Tortola, M., & Vicente, A. (2020). High-energy constraints from low-energy neutrino nonstandard interactions. Phys. Rev. D, 101(9), 095010–14pp.
Abstract: Many scenarios of new physics predict the existence of neutrino nonstandard interactions, new vector contact interactions between neutrinos, and first generation fermions beyond the Standard Model. We obtain model-independent constraints on the Standard Model effective field theory at high energies from bounds on neutrino nonstandard interactions derived at low energies. Our analysis explores a large set of new physics scenarios and includes full one-loop running effects below and above the electroweak scale. Our results show that neutrino nonstandard interactions already push the scale of new physics beyond the TeV. We also conclude that bounds derived by other experimental probes, in particular by low-energy precision measurements and by charged lepton flavor violation searches, are generally more stringent. Our study constitutes a first step toward the systematization of phenomenological analyses to evaluate the impact of neutrino nonstandard interactions for new physics scenarios at high energies.
Aristizabal Sierra, D., Tortola, M., Valle, J. W. F., & Vicente, A. (2014). Leptogenesis with a dynamical seesaw scale. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 07(7), 052–20pp.
Abstract: In the simplest type-I seesaw leptogenesis scenario right-handed neutrino annihilation processes are absent. However, in the presence of new interactions these processes are possible and can affect the resulting B – L asymmetry in an important way. A prominent example is provided by models with spontaneous lepton number violation, where the existence of new dynamical degrees of freedom can play a crucial role. In this context, we provide a model-independent discussion of the effects of right-handed neutrino annihilations. We show that in the weak washout regime, as long as the scattering processes remain slow compared with the Hubble expansion rate throughout the relevant temperature range, the efficiency can be largely enhanced, reaching in some cases maximal values. Moreover, the B – L asymmetry yield turns out to be independent upon initial conditions, in contrast to the “standard” case. On the other hand, when the annihilation processes are fast, the right-handed neutrino distribution tends to a thermal one down to low temperatures, implying a drastic suppression of the efficiency which in some cases can render the B – L generation mechanism inoperative.
Vicente, A. (2015). Lepton Flavor Violation beyond the MSSM. Adv. High. Energy Phys., 2015, 686572–22pp.
Abstract: Most extensions of the Standard Model lepton sector predict large lepton flavor violating rates. Given the promising experimental perspectives for lepton flavor violation in the next few years, this generic expectation might offer a powerful indirect probe to look for new physics. In this review we will cover several aspects of lepton flavor violation in supersymmetric models beyond the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. In particular, we will concentrate on three different scenarios: high-scale and low-scale seesaw models as well as models with R-parity violation. We will see that in some cases the LFV phenomenology can have characteristic features for specific scenarios, implying that dedicated studies must be performed in order to correctly understand the phenomenology in nonminimal supersymmetric models.
Rocha-Moran, P., & Vicente, A. (2019). Lepton flavor violation in a Z ' model for the b -> s anomalies. Phys. Rev. D, 99(3), 035016–10pp.
Abstract: In recent years, several observables associated to semileptonic b -> s processes have been found to depart from their predicted values in the Standard Model, including a few tantalizing hints of lepton flavor universality violation. In this work, we consider an existing model with a massive Z' boson that addresses the anomalies in b -> s transitions and extend it with a nontrivial embedding of neutrino masses. We analyze lepton flavor-violating effects, induced by the nonuniversal interaction associated to the b -> s anomalies and by the new physics associated to the neutrino mass generation, and determine the expected ranges for the most relevant observables.
Rocha-Moran, P., & Vicente, A. (2016). Lepton Flavor Violation in the singlet-triplet scotogenic model. J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 078–25pp.
Abstract: We investigate lepton flavor violation (LFV) in the the singlet-triplet scotogenic model in which neutrinos acquire non-zero masses at the 1-loop level. In contrast to the most popular variant of this setup, the singlet scotogenic model, this version includes a triplet fermion as well as a triplet scalar, leading to a scenario with a richer dark matter phenomenology. Taking into account results from neutrino oscillation experiments, we explore some aspects of the LFV phenomenology of the model. In particular, we study the relative weight of the dipole operators with respect to other contributions to the LFV amplitudes and determine the most constraining observables. We show that in large portions of the parameter space, the most promising experimental perspectives are found for LFV 3-body decays and for coherent mu-e conversion in nuclei.
Esteves, J. N., Romao, J. C., Hirsch, M., Vicente, A., Porod, W., & Staub, F. (2010). LHC and lepton flavour violation phenomenology of a left-right extension of the MSSM. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 077–44pp.
Abstract: We study the phenomenology of a supersymmetric left-right model, assuming minimal supergravity boundary conditions. Both left-right and (B-L) symmetries are broken at an energy scale close to, but significantly below the GUT scale. Neutrino data is explained via a seesaw mechanism. We calculate the RGEs for superpotential and soft parameters complete at 2-loop order. At low energies lepton flavour violation (LFV) and small, but potentially measurable mass splittings in the charged scalar lepton sector appear, due to the RGE running. Different from the supersymmetric “pure seesaw” models, both, LFV and slepton mass splittings, occur not only in the left-but also in the right slepton sector. Especially, ratios of LFV slepton decays, such as Br((tau) over bar (R) -> μchi(0)(1))/Br((tau) over bar (L) -> μchi(0)(1)) are sensitive to the ratio of (B-L) and left-right symmetry breaking scales. Also the model predicts a polarization asymmetry of the outgoing positrons in the decay mu(+) -> e(+)gamma, A similar to [0, 1], which differs from the pure seesaw “prediction” A = 1. Observation of any of these signals allows to distinguish this model from any of the three standard, pure (mSugra) seesaw setups.
Boucenna, S. M., Morisi, S., & Vicente, A. (2016). LHC diphoton resonance from gauge symmetry. Phys. Rev. D, 93(11), 115008–8pp.
Abstract: Motivated by what is possibly the first sign of new physics seen at the LHC, the diphoton excess at 750 GeV in ATLAS and CMS, we present a model that provides naturally the necessary ingredients to explain the resonance. The simplest phenomenological explanation for the diphoton excess requires a new scalar state, X(750), as well as additional vectorlike (VL) fermions introduced in an ad-hoc way in order to enhance its decays into a pair of photons and/or increase its production cross section. We show that the necessary VL quarks and their couplings can emerge naturally from a complete framework based on the SU(3)(L) circle times U(1)(X) gauge symmetry.
Cordero-Carrion, I., Hirsch, M., & Vicente, A. (2019). Master Majorana neutrino mass parametrization. Phys. Rev. D, 99(7), 075019–6pp.
Abstract: After introducing a master formula for the Majorana neutrino mass matrix, we present a master parametrization for the Yukawa matrices automatically in agreement with neutrino oscillation data. This parametrization can be used for any model that induces Majorana neutrino masses. The application of the master parametrization is also illustrated in an example model, with special focus on its lepton flavor violating phenomenology.
Cepedello, R., Hirsch, M., Rocha-Moran, P., & Vicente, A. (2020). Minimal 3-loop neutrino mass models and charged lepton flavor violation. J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 067–37pp.
Abstract: We study charged lepton flavor violation for the three most popular 3-loop Majorana neutrino mass models. We call these models “minimal” since their particle content correspond to the minimal sets for which genuine 3-loop models can be constructed. In all the three minimal models the neutrino mass matrix is proportional to some powers of Standard Model lepton masses, providing additional suppression factors on top of the expected loop suppression. To correctly explain neutrino masses, therefore large Yukawa couplings are needed in these models. We calculate charged lepton flavor violating observables and find that the three minimal models survive the current constraints only in very narrow regions of their parameter spaces.
Fernandez Navarro, M., King, S. F., & Vicente, A. (2024). Minimal complete tri-hypercharge theories of flavour. J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 147–36pp.
Abstract: The tri-hypercharge proposal introduces a separate gauged weak hypercharge assigned to each fermion family as the origin of flavour. This is arguably one of the simplest setups for building “gauge non-universal theories of flavour” or “flavour deconstructed theories”. In this paper we propose and study two minimal but ultraviolet complete and renormalisable tri-hypercharge models. We show that both models, which differ only by the heavy messengers that complete the effective theory, are able to explain the observed patterns of fermion masses and mixings (including neutrinos) with all fundamental coefficients being of O(1). In fact, both models translate the complicated flavour structure of the Standard Model into three simple physical scales above electroweak symmetry breaking, completely correlated with each other, that carry meaningful phenomenology. In particular, the heavy messenger sector determines the origin and size of fermion mixing, which controls the size and nature of the flavour-violating currents mediated by the two heavy Z ' gauge bosons of the theory. The phenomenological implications of the two minimal models are compared. In both models the lightest Z ' remains discoverable in dilepton searches at the LHC Run 3.