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Aristizabal Sierra, D., Herrero-Garcia, J., Restrepo, D., & Vicente, A. (2016). Diboson anomaly: Heavy Higgs resonance and QCD vectorlike exotics. Phys. Rev. D, 93(1), 015012–12pp.
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Fuentes-Martin, J., Ruiz-Femenia, P., Vicente, A., & Virto, J. (2021). DsixTools 2.0: the effective field theory toolkit. Eur. Phys. J. C, 81(2), 167–30pp.
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Celis, A., Fuentes-Martin, J., Vicente, A., & Virto, J. (2017). DsixTools: the standard model effective field theory toolkit. Eur. Phys. J. C, 77(6), 405–40pp.
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Hirsch, M., Staub, F., & Vicente, A. (2012). Enhancing l(i) -> 3l(j) with the Z(0)-penguin. Phys. Rev. D, 85(11), 113013–5pp.
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Cai, Y., Herrero-Garcia, J., Schmidt, M. A., Vicente, A., & Volkas, R. R. (2017). From the Trees to the Forest: A Review of Radiative Neutrino Mass Models. Front. Physics, 5, 63–56pp.
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Celis, A., Fuentes-Martin, J., Vicente, A., & Virto, J. (2017). Gauge-invariant implications of the LHCb measurements on lepton-flavor nonuniversality. Phys. Rev. D, 96(3), 035026–8pp.
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Cordero-Carrion, I., Hirsch, M., & Vicente, A. (2020). General parametrization of Majorana neutrino mass models. Phys. Rev. D, 101(7), 075032–25pp.
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Escribano, P., Reig, M., & Vicente, A. (2020). Generalizing the Scotogenic model. J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 097–25pp.
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Vicente, A. (2019). Higgs Lepton Flavor Violating Decays in Two Higgs Doublet Models. Front. Physics, 7, 174–13pp.
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