De Romeri, V., Nava, J., Puerta, M., & Vicente, A. (2023). Dark matter in the scotogenic model with spontaneous lepton number violation. Phys. Rev. D, 107(9), 095019–11pp.
Abstract: Scotogenic models constitute an appealing solution to the generation of neutrino masses and to the dark matter mystery. In this work we consider a version of the scotogenic model that breaks the lepton number spontaneously. At this scope, we extend the particle content of the scotogenic model with an additional singlet scalar which acquires a nonzero vacuum expectation value and breaks a global lepton number symmetry. As a consequence, a massless Goldstone boson, the majoron, appears in the particle spectrum. We discuss how the presence of the majoron modifies the phenomenology, both in flavor and dark matter observables. We focus on the fermionic dark matter candidate and analyze its relic abundance and prospects for both direct and indirect detection.
Aristizabal Sierra, D., Herrero-Garcia, J., Restrepo, D., & Vicente, A. (2016). Diboson anomaly: Heavy Higgs resonance and QCD vectorlike exotics. Phys. Rev. D, 93(1), 015012–12pp.
Abstract: The ATLAS Collaboration (and also CMS) has recently reported an excess over Standard Model expectations for gauge boson pair production in the invariant mass region 1.8-2.2 TeV. In light of these results, we argue that such a signal might be the first manifestation of the production and further decay of a heavy CP-even Higgs resulting from a type-I two Higgs doublet model. We demonstrate that in the presence of colored vectorlike fermions, its gluon fusion production cross section is strongly enhanced, with the enhancement depending on the color representation of the new fermion states. Our findings show that barring the color triplet case, any QCD “exotic” representation can fit the ATLAS result in fairly large portions of the parameter space. We have found that if the diboson excess is confirmed and this mechanism is indeed responsible for it, then the LHC Run-2 should find (i) a CP-odd scalar with mass below similar to 2.3 TeV, (ii) new colored states with masses below similar to 2 TeV, (iii) no statistically significant diboson events in the W(+/-)Z channel, (iv) events in the triboson channels W(+/-)W(-/+)Z and ZZZ with invariant mass amounting to the mass of the CP-odd scalar.
Fuentes-Martin, J., Ruiz-Femenia, P., Vicente, A., & Virto, J. (2021). DsixTools 2.0: the effective field theory toolkit. Eur. Phys. J. C, 81(2), 167–30pp.
Abstract: DsixTools is a Mathematica package for the handling of the standard model effective field theory (SMEFT) and the low-energy effective field theory (LEFT) with operators up to dimension six, both at the algebraic and numerical level. DsixTools contains a visually accessible and operationally convenient repository of all operators and parameters of the SMEFT and the LEFT. This repository also provides information concerning symmetry categories and number of degrees of freedom, and routines that allow to implement this information on global expressions (such as decay amplitudes and cross-sections). DsixTools also performs weak basis transformations, and implements the full one-loop Renormalization Group Evolution in both EFTs (with SM beta functions up to five loops in QCD), and the full one-loop SMEFT-LEFT matching at the electroweak scale.
Celis, A., Fuentes-Martin, J., Vicente, A., & Virto, J. (2017). DsixTools: the standard model effective field theory toolkit. Eur. Phys. J. C, 77(6), 405–40pp.
Abstract: We present DsixTools, a Mathematica package for the handling of the dimension-six standard model effective field theory. Among other features, DsixTools allows the user to perform the full one-loop renormalization group evolution of the Wilson coefficients in the Warsaw basis. This is achieved thanks to the SMEFTrunner module, which implements the full one-loop anomalous dimension matrix previously derived in the literature. In addition, DsixTools also contains modules devoted to the matching to the Delta B = Delta S = 1, 2 and Delta B = Delta C = 1 operators of the Weak Effective Theory at the electroweak scale, and their QCD and QED Renormalization group evolution below the electroweak scale.
Hirsch, M., Staub, F., & Vicente, A. (2012). Enhancing l(i) -> 3l(j) with the Z(0)-penguin. Phys. Rev. D, 85(11), 113013–5pp.
Abstract: Lepton flavor violation has been observed in neutrino oscillations. For charged lepton flavor violation decays only upper limits are known, but sizable branching ratios are expected in many neutrino mass models. High-scale models, such as the classical supersymmetric seesaw, usually predict that decays l(i) -> 3l(j) are roughly a factor alpha smaller than the corresponding decays l(i) -> l(j)gamma. Here we demonstrate that the Z(0)-penguin diagram can give an enhancement for decays l(i) -> 3l(j) in many extensions of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). We first discuss why the Z(0)-penguin is not dominant in the MSSM with seesaw and show that much larger contributions from the Z(0)-penguin are expected in general. We then demonstrate the effect numerically in two example models, namely, the supersymmetric inverse seesaw and R-parity violating supersymmetry.
Cai, Y., Herrero-Garcia, J., Schmidt, M. A., Vicente, A., & Volkas, R. R. (2017). From the Trees to the Forest: A Review of Radiative Neutrino Mass Models. Front. Physics, 5, 63–56pp.
Abstract: A plausible explanation for the lightness of neutrino masses is that neutrinos are massless at tree level, with their mass (typically Majorana) being generated radiatively at one or more loops. The new couplings, together with the suppression coming from the loop factors, imply that the new degrees of freedom cannot be too heavy (they are typically at the TeV scale). Therefore, in these models there are no large mass hierarchies and they can be tested using different searches, making their detailed phenomenological study very appealing. In particular, the new particles can be searched for at colliders and generically induce signals in lepton-flavor and lepton-number violating processes (in the case of Majorana neutrinos), which are not independent from reproducing correctly the neutrino masses and mixings. The main focus of the review is on Majorana neutrinos. We order the allowed theory space from three different perspectives: (i) using an effective operator approach to lepton number violation, (ii) by the number of loops at which the Weinberg operator is generated, (iii) within a given loop order, by the possible irreducible topologies. We also discuss in more detail some popular radiative models which involve qualitatively different features, revisiting their most important phenomenological implications. Finally, we list some promising avenues to pursue.
Celis, A., Fuentes-Martin, J., Vicente, A., & Virto, J. (2017). Gauge-invariant implications of the LHCb measurements on lepton-flavor nonuniversality. Phys. Rev. D, 96(3), 035026–8pp.
Abstract: We study the implications of the recent measurements of R-K and R-K* by the LHCb Collaboration. We do that by adopting a model-independent approach based on the Standard Model effective field theory (SMEFT), with the dominant new physics (NP) effects encoded in the coefficients of dimension-6 operators respecting the full Standard Model (SM) gauge symmetry. After providing simplified expressions for R-K and R-K*, we determine the implications of the recent LHCb results for these observables on the coefficients of the SMEFT operators at low and high energies. We also take into account all b -> sll data, which combined lead to effective NP scenarios with SM pulls in excess of 5 sigma. Thus, the operators discussed in this paper would be the first dimension-6 terms in the SM Lagrangian to be detected experimentally. Indirect constraints on these operators are also discussed. The results of this paper transcend the singularity of the present situation and set a standard for future analyses in b -> s transitions when the NP is assumed to lie above the electroweak scale.
Cordero-Carrion, I., Hirsch, M., & Vicente, A. (2020). General parametrization of Majorana neutrino mass models. Phys. Rev. D, 101(7), 075032–25pp.
Abstract: We discuss a general formula which allows to automatically reproduce experimental data for Majorana neutrino mass models, while keeping the complete set of the remaining model parameters free for general scans, as necessary in order to provide reliable predictions for observables outside the neutrino sector. We provide a proof of this master parametrization and show how to apply it for several well-known neutrino mass models from the literature. We also discuss a list of special cases, in which the Yukawa couplings have to fulfill some particular additional conditions.
Escribano, P., Reig, M., & Vicente, A. (2020). Generalizing the Scotogenic model. J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 097–25pp.
Abstract: The Scotogenic model is an economical setup that induces Majorana neutrino masses at the 1-loop level and includes a dark matter candidate. We discuss a generalization of the original Scotogenic model with arbitrary numbers of generations of singlet fermion and inert doublet scalar fields. First, the full form of the light neutrino mass matrix is presented, with some comments on its derivation and with special attention to some particular cases. The behavior of the theory at high energies is explored by solving the Renormalization Group Equations.
Vicente, A. (2019). Higgs Lepton Flavor Violating Decays in Two Higgs Doublet Models. Front. Physics, 7, 174–13pp.
Abstract: The discovery of a non-zero rate for a lepton flavor violating decay mode of the Higgs boson would definitely be an indication of New Physics. We review the prospects for such signal in Two Higgs Doublet Models, in particular for Higgs boson decays into tau μfinal states. We will show that this scenario contains all the necessary ingredients to provide large flavor violating rates and still be compatible with the stringent limits from direct searches and low-energy flavor experiments.