Terol-Calvo, J., Tortola, M., & Vicente, A. (2020). High-energy constraints from low-energy neutrino nonstandard interactions. Phys. Rev. D, 101(9), 095010–14pp.
Abstract: Many scenarios of new physics predict the existence of neutrino nonstandard interactions, new vector contact interactions between neutrinos, and first generation fermions beyond the Standard Model. We obtain model-independent constraints on the Standard Model effective field theory at high energies from bounds on neutrino nonstandard interactions derived at low energies. Our analysis explores a large set of new physics scenarios and includes full one-loop running effects below and above the electroweak scale. Our results show that neutrino nonstandard interactions already push the scale of new physics beyond the TeV. We also conclude that bounds derived by other experimental probes, in particular by low-energy precision measurements and by charged lepton flavor violation searches, are generally more stringent. Our study constitutes a first step toward the systematization of phenomenological analyses to evaluate the impact of neutrino nonstandard interactions for new physics scenarios at high energies.
Escribano, P., Terol-Calvo, J., & Vicente, A. (2021). (g-2)(e,mu) in an extended inverse type-III seesaw model. Phys. Rev. D, 103(11), 115018–17pp.
Abstract: There has been a longstanding discrepancy between the experimental measurements of the electron and muon anomalous magnetic moments and their predicted values in the Standard Model. This is particularly relevant in the case of the muon g – 2, which has attracted a remarkable interest in the community after the long-awaited announcement of the first results by the Muon g – 2 collaboration at Fermilab, which confirms a previous measurement by the E821 experiment at Brookhaven and enlarges the statistical significance of the discrepancy, now at 4.2 sigma. In this paper we consider an extension of the inverse type-III seesaw with a pair of vectorlike leptons that induces masses for neutrinos at the electroweak scale and show that one can accommodate the electron and muon anomalous magnetic moments, while being compatible with all relevant experimental constraints.
De Romeri, V., Nava, J., Puerta, M., & Vicente, A. (2023). Dark matter in the scotogenic model with spontaneous lepton number violation. Phys. Rev. D, 107(9), 095019–11pp.
Abstract: Scotogenic models constitute an appealing solution to the generation of neutrino masses and to the dark matter mystery. In this work we consider a version of the scotogenic model that breaks the lepton number spontaneously. At this scope, we extend the particle content of the scotogenic model with an additional singlet scalar which acquires a nonzero vacuum expectation value and breaks a global lepton number symmetry. As a consequence, a massless Goldstone boson, the majoron, appears in the particle spectrum. We discuss how the presence of the majoron modifies the phenomenology, both in flavor and dark matter observables. We focus on the fermionic dark matter candidate and analyze its relic abundance and prospects for both direct and indirect detection.
Cepedello, R., Escribano, P., & Vicente, A. (2023). Neutrino masses, flavor anomalies, and muon g-2 from dark loops. Phys. Rev. D, 107(3), 035034–6pp.
Abstract: The lepton sector of the Standard Model is at present haunted by several intriguing anomalies, including an emerging pattern of deviations in b ? sll processes, with hints of lepton flavor universality violation, and a discrepancy in the muon anomalous magnetic moment. More importantly, it cannot explain neutrino oscillation data, which necessarily imply the existence of nonzero neutrino masses and lepton mixings. We propose a model that accommodates all the aforementioned anomalies, induces neutrino masses and provides a testable dark matter candidate. This is achieved by introducing a dark sector contributing to the observables of interest at the 1-loop level. Our setup provides a very economical explanation to all these open questions in particle physics and is compatible with the current experimental constraints.
Escribano, P., Martin Lozano, V., & Vicente, A. (2023). Scotogenic explanation for the 95 GeV excesses. Phys. Rev. D, 108(11), 115001–13pp.
Abstract: Several hints of the presence of a new state at about 95 GeV have been observed recently. The CMS and ATLAS Collaborations have reported excesses in the diphoton channel at about this diphoton invariant mass with local statistical significances of 2.9 sigma and 1.7 sigma, respectively. Furthermore, a 2 sigma excess in the bb over bar final state was also observed at LEP, again pointing at a similar mass value. We interpret these intriguing hints of new physics in a variant of the Scotogenic model, an economical scenario that induces Majorana neutrino masses at the loop level and includes a viable dark matter candidate. We show that our model can explain the 95 GeV excesses while respecting the relevant collider, Higgs, and electroweak precision bounds and discuss other phenomenological features of our scenario.
Boucenna, S. M., Valle, J. W. F., & Vicente, A. (2015). Are the B decay anomalies related to neutrino oscillations? Phys. Lett. B, 750, 367–371.
Abstract: Neutrino oscillations are solidly established, with a hint of CP violation just emerging. Similarly, there are hints of lepton universality violation in b -> s transitions at the level of 2.6 sigma. By assuming that the unitary transformation between weak and mass charged leptons equals the leptonic mixing matrix measured in neutrino oscillation experiments, we predict several lepton flavor violating (LFV) B meson decays. We are led to the tantalizing possibility that some LFV branching ratios for B decays correlate with the leptonic CP phase delta characterizing neutrino oscillations. Moreover, we also consider implications for l(i) -> l(j)l(k)l(k) decays.
Boucenna, S. M., Celis, A., Fuentes-Martin, J., Vicente, A., & Virto, J. (2016). Non-abelian gauge extensions for B-decay anomalies. Phys. Lett. B, 760, 214–219.
Abstract: We study the generic features of minimal gauge extensions of the Standard Model in view of recent hints of lepton-flavor non-universality in semi-leptonic b -> sl(+)l(-) and b -> cl nu decays. We classify the possible models according to the symmetry-breaking pattern and the source of flavor non-universality. We find that in viable models the SU(2)(L) factor is embedded non-trivially in the extended gauge group, and that gauge couplings should be universal, hinting to the presence of new degrees of freedom sourcing non-universality. Finally, we provide an explicit model that can explain the B-decay anomalies in a coherent way and confront it with the relevant phenomenological constraints.
Escribano, P., & Vicente, A. (2021). An ultraviolet completion for the Scotogenic model. Phys. Lett. B, 823, 136717–7pp.
Abstract: The Scotogenic model is an economical scenario that generates neutrino masses at the 1-loop level and includes a dark matter candidate. This is achieved by means of an ad hoc Z(2) symmetry, which forbids the tree-level generation of neutrino masses and stabilizes the lightest Z(2)-odd state. Neutrino masses are also suppressed by a quartic coupling, usually denoted by lambda(5). While the smallness of this parameter is natural, it is not explained in the context of the Scotogenic model. We construct an ultraviolet completion of the Scotogenic model that provides a natural explanation for the smallness of the lambda(5) parameter and induces the Z(2) parity as the low-energy remnant of a global U(1) symmetry at high energies. The low-energy spectrum contains, besides the usual Scotogenic states, a massive scalar and a massless Goldstone boson, hence leading to novel phenomenological predictions in flavor observables, dark matter physics and colliders.