Esteves, J. N., Romao, J. C., Hirsch, M., Vicente, A., Porod, W., & Staub, F. (2010). LHC and lepton flavour violation phenomenology of a left-right extension of the MSSM. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 077–44pp.
Abstract: We study the phenomenology of a supersymmetric left-right model, assuming minimal supergravity boundary conditions. Both left-right and (B-L) symmetries are broken at an energy scale close to, but significantly below the GUT scale. Neutrino data is explained via a seesaw mechanism. We calculate the RGEs for superpotential and soft parameters complete at 2-loop order. At low energies lepton flavour violation (LFV) and small, but potentially measurable mass splittings in the charged scalar lepton sector appear, due to the RGE running. Different from the supersymmetric “pure seesaw” models, both, LFV and slepton mass splittings, occur not only in the left-but also in the right slepton sector. Especially, ratios of LFV slepton decays, such as Br((tau) over bar (R) -> μchi(0)(1))/Br((tau) over bar (L) -> μchi(0)(1)) are sensitive to the ratio of (B-L) and left-right symmetry breaking scales. Also the model predicts a polarization asymmetry of the outgoing positrons in the decay mu(+) -> e(+)gamma, A similar to [0, 1], which differs from the pure seesaw “prediction” A = 1. Observation of any of these signals allows to distinguish this model from any of the three standard, pure (mSugra) seesaw setups.
Fernandez Navarro, M., King, S. F., & Vicente, A. (2024). Tri-unification: a separate SU(5) for each fermion family. J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 130–32pp.
Abstract: In this paper we discuss SU(5)3 with cyclic symmetry as a possible grand unified theory (GUT). The basic idea of such a tri-unification is that there is a separate SU(5) for each fermion family, with the light Higgs doublet(s) arising from the third family SU(5), providing a basis for charged fermion mass hierarchies. SU(5)3 tri-unification reconciles the idea of gauge non-universality with the idea of gauge coupling unification, opening the possibility to build consistent non-universal descriptions of Nature that are valid all the way up to the scale of grand unification. As a concrete example, we propose a grand unified embedding of the tri-hypercharge model \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\text{U}}{\left(1\right)}_{Y}<^>{3}$$\end{document} based on an SU(5)3 framework with cyclic symmetry. We discuss a minimal tri-hypercharge example which can account for all the quark and lepton (including neutrino) masses and mixing parameters. We show that it is possible to unify the many gauge couplings into a single gauge coupling associated with the cyclic SU(5)3 gauge group, by assuming minimal multiplet splitting, together with a set of relatively light colour octet scalars. We also study proton decay in this example, and present the predictions for the proton lifetime in the dominant e+pi 0 channel.
Fuentes-Martin, J., Reig, M., & Vicente, A. (2019). Strong CP problem with low-energy emergent QCD: The 4321 case. Phys. Rev. D, 100(11), 115028–7pp.
Abstract: We analyze the strong CP problem and the implications for axion physics in the context of U-1 vector leptoquark models, recently put forward as an elegant solution to the hints of lepton flavor universality violation in B-meson decays. It is shown that in minimal gauge models containing the U-1 as a gauge boson, the Peccei-Quinn solution of the strong CP problem requires the introduction of two axions. Characteristic predictions for the associated axions can be deduced from the model parameter space hinted by B-physics, allowing the new axion sector to account for the dark matter of the Universe. We also provide a specific ultraviolet completion of the axion sector that connects the Peccei-Quinn mechanism to the generation of neutrino masses.
Fuentes-Martin, J., Ruiz-Femenia, P., Vicente, A., & Virto, J. (2021). DsixTools 2.0: the effective field theory toolkit. Eur. Phys. J. C, 81(2), 167–30pp.
Abstract: DsixTools is a Mathematica package for the handling of the standard model effective field theory (SMEFT) and the low-energy effective field theory (LEFT) with operators up to dimension six, both at the algebraic and numerical level. DsixTools contains a visually accessible and operationally convenient repository of all operators and parameters of the SMEFT and the LEFT. This repository also provides information concerning symmetry categories and number of degrees of freedom, and routines that allow to implement this information on global expressions (such as decay amplitudes and cross-sections). DsixTools also performs weak basis transformations, and implements the full one-loop Renormalization Group Evolution in both EFTs (with SM beta functions up to five loops in QCD), and the full one-loop SMEFT-LEFT matching at the electroweak scale.
Herrero-Brocal, A., & Vicente, A. (2024). The majoron coupling to charged leptons. J. High Energy Phys., 01(1), 078–33pp.
Abstract: The particle spectrum of all Majorana neutrino mass models with spontaneous violation of global lepton number include a Goldstone boson, the so-called majoron. The presence of this massless pseudoscalar changes the phenomenology dramatically. In this work we derive general analytical expressions for the 1-loop coupling of the majoron to charged leptons. These can be applied to any model featuring a majoron that have a clear hierarchy of energy scales, required for an expansion in powers of the low-energy scale to be valid. We show how to use our general results by applying them to some example models, finding full agreement with previous results in several popular scenarios and deriving novel ones in other setups.
Hirsch, M., Joaquim, F. R., & Vicente, A. (2012). Constrained SUSY seesaws with a 125 GeV Higgs. J. High Energy Phys., 11(11), 105–33pp.
Abstract: Motivated by the ATLAS and CMS discovery of a Higgs-like boson with a mass around 125 GeV, and by the need of explaining neutrino masses, we analyse the three canonical SUSY versions of the seesaw mechanism (type I, II and III) with CMSSM boundary conditions. In type II and III cases, SUSY particles are lighter than in the CMSSM (or the constrained type I seesaw), for the same set of input parameters at the universality scale. Thus, to explain m(h0) similar or equal to 125 GeV at low energies, one is forced into regions of parameter space with very large values of m(0), M-1/2 or A(0). We compare the squark and gluino masses allowed by the ATLAS and CMS ranges for m(h0) (extracted from the 2011-2012 data), and discuss the possibility of distinguishing seesaw models in view of future results on SUSY searches. In particular, we briefly comment on the discovery potential of LHC upgrades, for squark/gluino mass ranges required by present Higgs mass constraints. A discrimination between different seesaw models cannot rely on the Higgs mass data alone, therefore we also take into account the MEG upper limit on BR(mu -> e gamma) and show that, in some cases, this may help to restrict the SUSY parameter space, as well as to set complementary limits on the seesaw scale.
Hirsch, M., Staub, F., & Vicente, A. (2012). Enhancing l(i) -> 3l(j) with the Z(0)-penguin. Phys. Rev. D, 85(11), 113013–5pp.
Abstract: Lepton flavor violation has been observed in neutrino oscillations. For charged lepton flavor violation decays only upper limits are known, but sizable branching ratios are expected in many neutrino mass models. High-scale models, such as the classical supersymmetric seesaw, usually predict that decays l(i) -> 3l(j) are roughly a factor alpha smaller than the corresponding decays l(i) -> l(j)gamma. Here we demonstrate that the Z(0)-penguin diagram can give an enhancement for decays l(i) -> 3l(j) in many extensions of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). We first discuss why the Z(0)-penguin is not dominant in the MSSM with seesaw and show that much larger contributions from the Z(0)-penguin are expected in general. We then demonstrate the effect numerically in two example models, namely, the supersymmetric inverse seesaw and R-parity violating supersymmetry.
Kim, C. S., Lopez-Castro, G., Tostado, S. L., & Vicente, A. (2017). Remarks on the Standard Model predictions for R(D) and R(D*). Phys. Rev. D, 95(1), 013003–7pp.
Abstract: Semileptonic b -> c transitions, and in particular the ratios R(D-(*())) = Gamma(B -> D-(*())tau nu)/Gamma(B -> D-(*())l nu), can be used to test the universality of the weak interactions. In light of the recent discrepancies between the experimental measurements of these observables by the BABAR, Belle, and LHCb collaborations and the Standard Model predicted values, we study the robustness of the latter. Our analysis reveals that R(D) might be enhanced by lepton mass effects associated to the mostly unknown scalar form factor. In contrast, the Standard Model prediction for R(D*) is found to be more robust, because possible pollutions from B* contributions turn out to be negligibly small; this indicates that R(D) is a promising observable for searches of new physics.
Merle, A., Platscher, M., Rojas, N., Valle, J. W. F., & Vicente, A. (2016). Consistency of WIMP Dark Matter as radiative neutrino mass messenger. J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 013–17pp.
Abstract: The scotogenic scenario provides an attractive approach to both Dark Matter and neutrino mass generation, in which the same symmetry that stabilises Dark Matter also ensures the radiative seesaw origin of neutrino mass. However the simplest scenario may suffer from inconsistencies arising from the spontaneous breaking of the underlying Z(2) symmetry. Here we show that the singlet-triplet extension of the simplest model naturally avoids this problem due to the presence of scalar triplets neutral under the Z(2) which affect the evolution of the couplings in the scalar sector. The scenario offers good prospects for direct WIMP Dark Matter detection through the nuclear recoil method.
Peinado, E., & Vicente, A. (2012). Neutrino masses from R-parity violation with a Z(3) symmetry. Phys. Rev. D, 86(9), 093024–9pp.
Abstract: We consider a supersymmetric model where the neutrino mass matrix arises from bilinear and trilinear R-parity violation, both restricted by a Z(3) flavor symmetry. Assuming flavor-blind soft supersymmetry breaking conditions, corrected at low energies due to running effects, we obtain a neutrino mass matrix in agreement with oscillation data. In particular, a large theta(13) angle can be easily accommodated. We also find a correlation between the reactor and atmospheric mixing angles. This leads in some scenarios to a clear deviation from theta(23) = pi/4. The lightest supersymmetric particle decay, dominated by the trilinear couplings, provides a direct way to test the model at colliders.