Bhattacharya, S., Mondal, N., Roshan, R., & Vatsyayan, D. (2024). Leptogenesis, dark matter and gravitational waves from discrete symmetry breaking. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 06(6), 029–25pp.
Abstract: We analyse a model that connects the neutrino sector and the dark sector of the universe via a mediator 41., stabilised by a discrete Z4 symmetry that breaks to a remnant Z2 upon 41. acquiring a non -zero vacuum expectation value (v phi). The model accounts for the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe via additional contributions to the canonical Type -I leptogenesis. The Z4 symmetry breaking scale (v phi) in the model not only establishes a connection between the neutrino sector and the dark sector, but could also lead to gravitational wave signals that are within the reach of current and future experimental sensitivities.
Giarnetti, A., Herrero-Garcia, J., Marciano, S., Meloni, D., & Vatsyayan, D. (2024). Neutrino masses from new seesaw models: low-scale variants and phenomenological implications. Eur. Phys. J. C, 84(8), 803–19pp.
Abstract: With just the Standard Model Higgs doublet, there are only three types of seesaw models that generate light Majorana neutrino masses at tree level after electroweak spontaneous symmetry breaking. However, if there exist additional TeV scalars acquiring vacuum expectation values, coupled with heavier fermionic multiplets, several new seesaw models become possible. These new seesaws are the primary focus of this study and correspond to the tree-level ultraviolet completions of the effective operators studied in a companion publication. We are interested in the genuine cases, in which the standard seesaw contributions are absent. In addition to the tree-level generation of neutrino masses, we also consider the one-loop contributions. Furthermore, we construct low-energy versions that exhibit a very rich phenomenology. Specifically, we scrutinise the generation of dimension-6 operators and explore their implications, including non-unitarity of the leptonic mixing matrix, non-universal Z-boson interactions, and lepton flavor violation. Finally, we provide (Generalised) Scotogenic-like variants that incorporate viable dark matter candidates.
Giarnetti, A., Herrero-Garcia, J., Marciano, S., Meloni, D., & Vatsyayan, D. (2024). Neutrino masses from new Weinberg-like operators: phenomenology of TeV scalar multiplets. J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 055–37pp.
Abstract: The unique dimension-5 effective operator, LLHH, known as the Weinberg operator, generates tiny Majorana masses for neutrinos after electroweak spontaneous symmetry breaking. If there are new scalar multiplets that take vacuum expectation values (VEVs), they should not be far from the electroweak scale. Consequently, they may generate new dimension-5 Weinberg-like operators which in turn also contribute to Majorana neutrino masses. In this study, we consider scenarios with one or two new scalars up to quintuplet SU(2) representations. We analyse the scalar potentials, studying whether the new VEVs can be induced and therefore are naturally suppressed, as well as the potential existence of pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons. Additionally, we also obtain general limits on the new scalar multiplets from direct searches at colliders, loop corrections to electroweak precision tests and the W-boson mass.
Herrero-Garcia, J., Landini, G., & Vatsyayan, D. (2023). Asymmetries in extended dark sectors: a cogenesis scenario. J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 049–41pp.
Abstract: The observed dark matter relic abundance may be explained by different mechanisms, such as thermal freeze-out/freeze-in, with one or more symmetric/asymmetric components. In this work we investigate the role played by asymmetries in determining the yield and nature of dark matter in non-minimal scenarios with more than one dark matter particle. In particular, we show that the energy density of a particle may come from an asymmetry, even if the particle is asymptotically symmetric by nature. To illustrate the different effects of asymmetries, we adopt a model with two dark matter components. We embed it in a multi-component cogenesis scenario that is also able to reproduce neutrino masses and the baryon asymmetry. In some cases, the model predicts an interesting monochromatic neutrino line that may be searched for at neutrino telescopes.
Vatsyayan, D., & Goswami, S. (2023). Lowering the scale of fermion triplet leptogenesis with two Higgs doublets. Phys. Rev. D, 107(3), 035014–9pp.
Abstract: In this paper, we consider the possibility of generating the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe via leptogenesis in the context of a triplet fermion-mediated type-III seesaw model of neutrino mass. With a hierarchical spectrum of the additional fermions, the lower bound on the lightest triplet mass is similar to 1010 GeV for successful leptogenesis, a couple of orders higher than that of the type-I case. We investigate the possibility of lowering this bound in the framework of two-Higgs-doublet models. We find that the bounds can be lowered down to 107 GeV for a hierarchical spectrum. If we include the flavor effects, then a further lowering by one order of magnitude is possible. We also discuss if such lowering can be compatible with the naturalness bounds on the triplet mass.
Bas i Beneito, A., Herrero-Garcia, J., & Vatsyayan, D. (2022). Multi-component dark sectors: symmetries, asymmetries and conversions. J. High Energy Phys., 10(10), 075–31pp.
Abstract: We study the relic abundance of several stable particles from a generic dark sector, including the possible presence of dark asymmetries. After discussing the different possibilities for stabilising multi-component dark matter, we analyse the final relic abundance of the symmetric and asymmetric dark matter components, paying special attention to the role of the unavoidable conversions between dark matter states. We find an exponential dependence of the asymmetries of the heavier components on annihilations and conversions. We conclude that having similar symmetric and asymmetric components is a natural outcome in many scenarios of multi-component dark matter. This has novel phenomenological implications, which we briefly discuss.
Bhattacharya, S., Sil, A., Roshan, R., & Vatsyayan, D. (2022). Symmetry origin of baryon asymmetry, dark matter, and neutrino mass. Phys. Rev. D, 106(7), 075005–10pp.
Abstract: We propose a minimal model based on lepton number symmetry (and violation), to address a common origin of baryon asymmetry, dark matter and neutrino mass generation. The model consists of a vectorlike fermion to constitute the dark sector, three right-handed neutrinos (RHNs) to dictate leptogenesis and neutrino mass, while an additional complex scalar is assumed to be present in the early Universe the decay of which produces both dark matter and RHNs via lepton number violating and lepton number conserving interactions respectively. Interestingly, the presence of the same scalar helps in making the electroweak vacuum stable until the Planck scale. The unnatural largeness and smallness of the parameters required to describe correct experimental limits are attributed to lepton number violation. The allowed parameter space of the model is illustrated via a numerical scan.