Garcia Martin, L. M., Jashal, B. K., Martinez-Vidal, F., Oyanguren, A., Roy, S., Sain, R., et al. (2019). Radiative b-baryon decays to measure the photon and b-baryon polarization. Eur. Phys. J. C, 79(7), 634–10pp.
Abstract: The radiative decays of b-baryons facilitate the direct measurement of photon helicity in b -> s gamma transitions thus serving as an important test of physics beyond the Standard Model. In this paper we analyze the complete angular distribution of ground state b-baryon radiative decays to multibody final states assuming an initially polarized b-baryon sample. Our sensitivity study suggests that the photon polarization asymmetry can be extracted to a good accuracy along with a simultaneous measurement of the initial b-baryon polarization. With higher yields of b-baryons, achievable in subsequent runs of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), we find that the photon polarization measurement can play a pivotal role in constraining different new physics scenarios.
Karan, A., Sinha, R., & Mandal, R. (2019). Testing WW gamma vertex in radiative muon decay. Phys. Rev. D, 99(3), 033006–9pp.
Abstract: Large numbers of muons will be produced at facilities developed to probe the lepton-flavor-violating process μ-> e gamma. We show that by constructing a suitable asymmetry, radiative muon decay μ-> e gamma nu(mu)(nu) over bar (e) can also be used to test the WW gamma vertex at such facilities. The process has two missing neutrinos in the final state, and upon integrating their momenta the partial differential decay rate shows no radiation-amplitude zero. However, we establish that an easily separable part of the normalized differential decay rate that is odd under the exchange of photon and electron energies does have a zero in the case of the standard model (SM). This new type of zero has hitherto not been studied in the literature. A suitably constructed asymmetry using this fact enables a sensitive probe for the WW gamma vertex beyond the SM. With a simplistic analysis, we find that the C- and P-conserving dimension-four WW gamma vertex can be probed at O(10(-2)) with a satisfactory significance level.