Achilli, A., Srivastava, Y., Godbole, R., Grau, A., Pancheri, G., & Shekhovtsova, O. (2011). Total and inelastic cross sections at LHC at root s=7 TeV and beyond. Phys. Rev. D, 84(9), 094009–14pp.
Abstract: We discuss expectations for the total and inelastic cross sections at LHC CM energies root s = 7 TeV and 14 TeV obtained in an eikonal minijet model augmented by soft gluon k(t)-resummation, which we describe in some detail. We present a band of predictions which encompass recent LHC data and suggest that the inelastic cross section described by two-channel eikonal models include only uncorrelated processes. We show that this interpretation of the model is supported by the LHC data.
Czyz, H., Ivashyn, S., Korchin, A., & Shekhovtsova, O. (2012). Two-photon form factors of the pi(0), eta, and eta ' mesons in the chiral theory with resonances. Phys. Rev. D, 85(9), 094010–10pp.
Abstract: We have developed a phenomenological approach which describes very well the pi(0), eta and eta' meson production in the two-photon interactions. The simultaneous description of the pi(0), eta and eta' meson two-photon form factors is consistent with data in the spacelike region, with the exception of the pi(0) BABAR data. The obtained form factors are implemented in the event generator EKHARA and the simulated cross sections are presented. Uncertainties in the measured form factors coming from the model dependence in Monte Carlo simulations are studied. The model predictions for the form factor slopes at the origin are given and the high-Q(2) limit is also discussed.
Shekhovtsova, O., Przedzinski, T., Roig, P., & Was, Z. (2012). Resonance chiral Lagrangian currents and tau decay Monte Carlo. Phys. Rev. D, 86(11), 113008–32pp.
Abstract: In the present paper we describe the set of form factors for hadronic tau decays based on Resonance Chiral Theory. The technical implementation of the form factors in FORTRAN code is also explained. It is shown how it can be installed into the TAUOLA Monte Carlo program. Then it is rather easy to implement into software environments of not only Belle and BABAR collaborations but also for FORTRAN and C ++ applications of LHC. The description of the current for each tau decay mode is complemented with technical numerical tests. The set is ready for fits, paramxers to be used in fits are explained. Arrangements to work with the experimental data not requiring unfolding are prepared. Hadronic currents, ready for confrontation with the tau decay data, but not yet ready for the general use, cover more than 88% of hadronic tau decay width.
Dai, L. Y., Portoles, J., & Shekhovtsova, O. (2013). Three pseudoscalar meson production in e(+)e(-) annihilation. Phys. Rev. D, 88(5), 056001–23pp.
Abstract: We study-at leading order in the large number of colors expansion and within the resonance chiral theory framework-the odd-intrinsic-parity e(+)e(-) -> pi(+)pi(-) (pi(0); eta) cross sections in the energy regime populated by hadron resonances, namely 3m(pi) less than or similar to E less than or similar to 2 GeV. In addition, we implement our results in the Monte Carlo generator PHOKHARA 7.0 and we simulate hadron production through the radiative return method.