Senes, E., Argyropoulos, T., Tecker, F., & Wuensch, W. (2018). Beam-loading effect on breakdown rate in high-gradient accelerating cavities: An experiment at the Compact Linear Collider Test Facility at CERN. Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams, 21(10), 102001–8pp.
Abstract: Radio frequency breakdown rate is a crucial performance parameter that ensures that the design luminosity is achieved in the CLIC linear collider. The required low breakdown rate for CLIC, of the order of 10(-7) breakdown pulse(-1) m(-1), has been demonstrated in a number of 12 GHz CLIC prototype structures at gradients in excess of the design 100 MV/m accelerating gradient, however without the presence of the accelerated beam and associated beam loading. The beam loading induced by the approximately 1 A CLIC main beam significantly modifies the field distribution inside the structures, and the effect on breakdown rate is potentially significant so needs to be determined. A dedicated experiment has been carried out in the CLIC Test Facility CTF3 to measure this effect, and the results are presented.