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Agarwalla, S. K., Prakash, S., Raut, S. K., & Sankar, S. U. (2012). Potential of optimized NOvA for large theta(13) and combined performance with a LArTPC & T2K. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 075–21pp.
Abstract: NO nu A experiment has reoptimized its event selection criteria in light of the recently measured moderately large value of theta(13). We study the improvement in the sensitivity to the neutrino mass hierarchy and to leptonic CP violation due to these new features. For favourable values of delta(CP), NO nu A sensitivity to mass hierarchy and leptonic CP violation is increased by 20%. Addition of 5 years of neutrino data from T2K to NO nu A more than doubles the range of delta(CP) for which the leptonic CP violation can be discovered,compared to stand alone NO nu A. But for unfavourable values of delta(CP), the combination of NO nu A and T2K are not enough to provide even a 90% C.L. hint of hierarchy discovery. Therefore,we further explore the improvement in the hierarchy and CP violation sensitivities due to the addition of a 10 kt liquid argon detector placed close to NO nu A site. The capabilities of such a detector are equivalent to those of NO nu A in all respects. We find that combined data from 10 kt liquid argon detector (3 years of nu + 3 years of (nu) over bar run), NO nu A (6 years of nu + 6 years of nu run) and T2K (5 years of nu run) can give a close to 2 sigma hint of hierarchy discovery for all values of delta(CP). With this combined data,we can achieve CP violation discovery at 95% C.L. for roughly 60% values of delta(CP).
Keywords: Neutrino Physics; CP violation
Agarwalla, S. K., Prakash, S., & Sankar, S. U. (2013). Resolving the octant of theta(23) with T2K and NOvA. J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 131–24pp.
Abstract: Preliminary results of MINOS experiment indicate that theta(23) is not maximal. Global fits to world neutrino data suggest two nearly degenerate solutions for theta(23): one in the lower octant (LO: theta(23) < 45 degrees) and the other in the higher octant (HO: theta(23) > 45 degrees). v(mu) -> v(e) oscillations in superbeam experiments are sensitive to the octant and are capable of resolving this degeneracy. We study the prospects of this resolution by the current T2K and upcoming NOvA experiments. Because of the hierarchy-delta(CP) degeneracy and the octant delta(CP) degeneracy, the impact of hierarchy on octant resolution has to be taken into account. As in the case of hierarchy determination, there exist favorable (unfavorable) values of delta(CP) for which octant resolution is easy (challenging). However, for octant resolution the unfavorable delta(CP) values of the neutrino data are favorable for the anti-neutrino data and vice-verse. This is in contrast to the case of hierarchy determination. In this paper, we compute the combined sensitivity of T2K and NOvA to resolve the octant ambiguity. If sin(2)theta(23) – 0.41, then NOvA can rule out all the values of theta(23) in HO at 2 sigma C.L., irrespective of the hierarchy and delta(CP). Addition of T2K data improves the octant sensitivity. If T2K were to have equal neutrino and anti-neutrino runs of 2.5 years each, a 2 sigma resolution of the octant becomes possible provided sin(2) theta(23) <= 0.43 or >= 0.58 for any value of delta(CP).
Keywords: Neutrino Physics; CP violation; Beyond Standard Model