del Rio, A., Sanchis-Gual, N., Mewes, V., Agullo, I., Font, J. A., & Navarro-Salas, J. (2020). Spontaneous Creation of Circularly Polarized Photons in Chiral Astrophysical Systems. Phys. Rev. Lett., 124(21), 211301–6pp.
Abstract: This work establishes a relation between chiral anomalies in curved spacetimes and the radiative content of the gravitational field. In particular, we show that a flux of circularly polarized gravitational waves triggers the spontaneous creation of photons with net circular polarization from the quantum vacuum. Using waveform catalogs, we identify precessing binary black holes as astrophysical configurations that emit such gravitational radiation and then solve the fully nonlinear Einstein's equations with numerical relativity to evaluate the net effect. The quantum amplitude for a merger is comparable to the Hawking emission rate of the final black hole and small to be directly observed. However, the implications for the inspiral of binary neutron stars could be more prominent, as argued on symmetry grounds.
Sanchis-Lozano, M. A., Sarkisyan-Grinbaum, E. K., Domenech-Garret, J. L., & Sanchis-Gual, N. (2020). Cosmological analogies in the search for new physics in high-energy collisions. Phys. Rev. D, 102(3), 035013–7pp.
Abstract: In this paper, analogies between multiparticle production in high-energy collisions and the time evolution of the early Universe are discussed. A common explanation is put forward under the assumption of an unconventional early state: a rapidly expanding universe before recombination (last scattering surface), followed by the cosmic microwave background, later evolving up to present days, versus the formation of hidden/dark states in hadronic collisions followed by a conventional QCD parton shower yielding final-state particles. In particular, long-range angular correlations are considered pointing out deep connections between the two physical cases potentially useful for the discovery of new physics.
Maso-Ferrando, A., Sanchis-Gual, N., Font, J. A., & Olmo, G. J. (2021). Boson stars in Palatini f(R) gravity. Class. Quantum Gravity, 38(19), 194003–25pp.
Abstract: We explore equilibrium solutions of spherically symmetric boson stars in the Palatini formulation of f (R) gravity. We account for the modifications introduced in the gravitational sector by using a recently established correspondence between modified gravity with scalar matter and general relativity with modified scalar matter. We focus on the quadratic theory f (R) = R + xi R-2 and compare its solutions with those found in general relativity, exploring both positive and negative values of the coupling parameter xi. As matter source, a complex, massive scalar field with and without self-interaction terms is considered. Our results show that the existence curves of boson stars in Palatini f (R) gravity are fairly similar to those found in general relativity. Major differences are observed for negative values of the coupling parameter which results in a repulsive gravitational component for high enough scalar field density distributions. Adding self-interactions makes the degeneracy between f (R) and general relativity even more pronounced, leaving very little room for observational discrimination between the two theories.
Sanchis-Lozano, M. A., Melia, F., Lopez-Corredoira, M., & Sanchis-Gual, N. (2022). Missing large-angle correlations versus even-odd point-parity imbalance in the cosmic microwave background. Astron. Astrophys., 660, A121–10pp.
Abstract: Context. The existence of a maximum correlation angle (theta(max) & 60 greater than or similar to degrees) in the two-point angular temperature correlations of cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, measured by WMAP and Planck, stands in sharp contrast to the prediction of standard inflationary cosmology, in which the correlations should extend across the full sky (i.e., 180 degrees). The introduction of a hard lower cuto ff (k(min)) in the primordial power spectrum, however, leads naturally to the existence of theta(max). Among other cosmological anomalies detected in these data, an apparent dominance of odd-over-even parity multipoles has been seen in the angular power spectrum of the CMB. This feature, however, may simply be due to observational contamination in certain regions of the sky. Aims. In attempting to provide a more detailed assessment of whether this odd-over-even asymmetry is intrinsic to the CMB, we therefore proceed in this paper, first, to examine whether this odd-even parity imbalance also manifests itself in the angular correlation function and, second, to examine in detail the interplay between the presence of theta(max) and this observed anomaly. Methods. We employed several parity statistics and recalculated the angular correlation function for di fferent values of the cuto ff kmin in order to optimize the fit to the di fferent Planck 2018 data. Results. We find a phenomenological connection between these features in the data, concluding that both must be considered together in order to optimize the theoretical fit to the Planck 2018 data. Conclusions. This outcome is independent of whether the parity imbalance is intrinsic to the CMB, but if it is, the odd-over-even asymmetry would clearly point to the emergence of new physics.
Sanchis-Gual, N., & del Rio, A. (2023). Precessing binary black holes as engines of electromagnetic helicity. Phys. Rev. D, 108, 044052–11pp.
Abstract: We show that binary black hole mergers with precessing evolution can potentially excite photons from the quantum vacuum in such a way that total helicity is not preserved in the process. Helicity violation is allowed by quantum fluctuations that spoil the electric-magnetic duality symmetry of the classical Maxwell theory without charges. We show here that precessing binary black hole systems in astrophysics generate a flux of circularly polarized gravitational waves which, in turn, provides the required helical background that triggers this quantum effect. Solving the fully nonlinear Einstein’s equations with numerical relativity we explore the parameter space of binary systems and extract the detailed dependence of the quantum effect with the spins of the two black holes. We also introduce a set of diagrammatic techniques that allows us to predict when a binary black hole merger can or cannot emit circularly polarized gravitational radiation, based on mirror-symmetry considerations. This framework allows to understand and to interpret correctly the numerical results, and to predict the outcomes in potentially interesting astrophysical systems.
Maso-Ferrando, A., Sanchis-Gual, N., Font, J. A., & Olmo, G. J. (2023). Birth of baby universes from gravitational collapse in a modified-gravity scenario. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 06(6), 028–19pp.
Abstract: We consider equilibrium models of spherical boson stars in Palatini f (R) = R + CR2 gravity and study their collapse when perturbed. The Einstein-Klein-Gordon system is solved using a recently established correspondence in an Einstein frame representation. We find that, in that frame, the endpoint is a nonrotating black hole surrounded by a quasi -stationary cloud of scalar field. However, the dynamics in the f (R) frame is dramatically different. The innermost region of the collapsing object exhibits the formation of a finite -size, exponentially-expanding baby universe connected with the outer (parent) universe via a minimal area surface (a throat or umbilical cord). Our simulations indicate that this surface is at all times hidden inside a horizon, causally disconnecting the baby universe from observers above the horizon. The implications of our findings in other areas of gravitational physics are also discussed.
Maso-Ferrando, A., Sanchis-Gual, N., Font, J. A., & Olmo, G. J. (2024). Numerical evolutions of boson stars in Palatini f(R) gravity. Phys. Rev. D, 109(4), 044042–14pp.
Abstract: We investigate the time evolution of spherically symmetric boson stars in Palatini f(R) gravity through numerical relativity computations. Employing a novel approach that establishes a correspondence between modified gravity with scalar matter and general relativity with modified scalar matter, we are able to use the techniques of numerical relativity to simulate these systems. Specifically, we focus on the quadratic theory f(R) = R + xi R2 and compare the obtained solutions with those in general relativity, exploring both positive and negative values of the coupling parameter xi. Our findings reveal that boson stars in Palatini f(R) gravity exhibit both stable and unstable evolutions. The latter give rise to three distinct scenarios: migration toward a stable configuration, complete dispersion, and gravitational collapse leading to the formation of a baby universe structure.