Cirigliano, V., Diaz-Calderon, D., Falkowski, A., Gonzalez-Alonso, M., & Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. (2022). Semileptonic tau decays beyond the Standard Model. J. High Energy Phys., 04(4), 152–61pp.
Abstract: Hadronic tau decays are studied as probe of new physics. We determine the dependence of several inclusive and exclusive tau observables on the Wilson coefficients of the low-energy effective theory describing charged-current interactions between light quarks and leptons. The analysis includes both strange and non-strange decay channels. The main result is the likelihood function for the Wilson coefficients in the tau sector, based on the up-to-date experimental measurements and state-of-the-art theoretical techniques. The likelihood can be readily combined with inputs from other low-energy precision observables. We discuss a combination with nuclear beta, baryon, pion, and kaon decay data. In particular, we provide a comprehensive and model-independent description of the new physics hints in the combined dataset, which are known under the name of the Cabibbo anomaly.
Cirigliano, V., Falkowski, A., Gonzalez-Alonso, M., & Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. (2019). Hadronic tau Decays as New Physics Probes in the LHC Era. Phys. Rev. Lett., 122(22), 221801–7pp.
Abstract: We analyze the sensitivity of hadronic tau decays to nonstandard interactions within the model-independent framework of the standard model effective field theory. Both exclusive and inclusive decays are studied, using the latest lattice data and QCD dispersion relations. We show that there are enough theoretically clean channels to disentangle all the effective couplings contributing to these decays, with the tau -> pi pi nu(tau) channel representing an unexpected powerful new physics probe. We find that the ratios of nonstandard couplings to the Fermi constant are bound at the subpercent level. These bounds are complementary to the ones from electroweak precision observables and pp -> tau nu(tau) measurements at the LHC. The combination of tau decay and LHC data puts tighter constraints on lepton universality violation in the gauge boson-lepton vertex corrections.
Cirigliano, V., Gisbert, H., Pich, A., & Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. (2020). Isospin-violating contributions to epsilon '/epsilon. J. High Energy Phys., 02(2), 032–44pp.
Abstract: The known isospin-breaking contributions to the K -> pi pi amplitudes are reanalyzed, taking into account our current understanding of the quark masses and the relevant non-perturbative inputs. We present a complete numerical reappraisal of the direct CP-violating ratio is an element of(')/is an element of, where these corrections play a quite significant role. We obtain the Standard Model prediction Re (is an element of(')/is an element of) = (14 +/- 5) <bold> </bold>10(-4), which is in very good agreement with the measured ratio. The uncertainty, which has been estimated conservatively, is dominated by our current ignorance about 1/N-C-suppressed contributions to some relevant chiral-perturbation-theory low-energy constants.
Davier, M., Diaz-Calderon, D., Malaescu, B., Pich, A., Rodriguez-Sanchez, A., & Zhang, Z. (2023). The Euclidean Adler function and its interplay with Delta alpha(had)(QED) and alpha(s). J. High Energy Phys., 04(4), 067–57pp.
Abstract: Three different approaches to precisely describe the Adler function in the Euclidean regime at around 2 GeVs are available: dispersion relations based on the hadronic production data in e(+)e(-) annihilation, lattice simulations and perturbative QCD (pQCD). We make a comprehensive study of the perturbative approach, supplemented with the leading power corrections in the operator product expansion. All known contributions are included, with a careful assessment of uncertainties. The pQCD predictions are compared with the Adler functions extracted from ?a( QED)(had)(Q(2)), using both the DHMZ compilation of e(+)e(-) data and published lattice results. Taking as input the FLAG value of a(s), the pQCD Adler function turns out to be in good agreement with the lattice data, while the dispersive results lie systematically below them. Finally, we explore the sensitivity to a(s) of the direct comparison between the data-driven, lattice and QCD Euclidean Adler functions. The precision with which the renormalisation group equation can be tested is also evaluated.
Falkowski, A., Gonzalez-Alonso, M., Palavric, A., & Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. (2024). Constraints on subleading interactions in beta decay Lagrangian. J. High Energy Phys., 02(2), 091–54pp.
Abstract: We discuss the effective field theory (EFT) for nuclear beta decay. The general quark-level EFT describing charged-current interactions between quarks and leptons is matched to the nucleon-level non-relativistic EFT at the OMeV momentum scale characteristic for beta transitions. The matching takes into account, for the first time, the effect of all possible beyond-the-Standard-Model interactions at the subleading order in the recoil momentum. We calculate the impact of all the Wilson coefficients of the leading and subleading EFT Lagrangian on the differential decay width in allowed beta transitions. As an example application, we show how the existing experimental data constrain the subleading Wilson coefficients corresponding to pseudoscalar, weak magnetism, and induced tensor interactions. The data display a 3.5 sigma evidence for nucleon weak magnetism, in agreement with the theory prediction based on isospin symmetry.
Gonzalez-Alonso, M., Pich, A., & Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. (2016). Updated determination of chiral couplings and vacuum condensates from hadronic tau decay data. Phys. Rev. D, 94(1), 014017–14pp.
Abstract: We analyze the lowest spectral moments of the left-right two-point correlation function, using all known short-distance constraints and the recently updated ALEPH V – A spectral function from tau decays. This information is used to determine the low-energy couplings L-10 and C-87 of chiral perturbation theory and the lowest-dimensional contributions to the operator product expansion of the left-right correlator. A detailed statistical analysis is implemented to assess the theoretical uncertainties, including violations of quark-hadron duality.
Pich, A., & Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. (2022). Violations of quark-hadron duality in low-energy determinations of alpha(s). J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 145–42pp.
Abstract: Using the spectral functions measured in tau decays, we investigate the actual numerical impact of duality violations on the extraction of the strong coupling. These effects are tiny in the standard alpha(s)(m(tau)(2)) determinations from integrated distributions of the hadronic spectrum with pinched weights, or from the total tau hadronic width. The pinched-weight factors suppress very efficiently the violations of duality, making their numerical effects negligible in comparison with the larger perturbative uncertainties. However, combined fits of alpha(s) and duality-violation parameters, performed with non-protected weights, are subject to large systematic errors associated with the assumed modelling of duality-violation effects. These uncertainties have not been taken into account in the published analyses, based on specific models of quark-hadron duality.
Pich, A., & Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. (2021). SU(3) analysis of four-quark operators: K -> pi pi and vacuum matrix elements. J. High Energy Phys., 06(6), 005–43pp.
Abstract: Hadronic matrix elements of local four-quark operators play a central role in non-leptonic kaon decays, while vacuum matrix elements involving the same kind of operators appear in inclusive dispersion relations, such as those relevant in tau -decay analyses. Using an SU(3)(L) circle times SU(3)(R) decomposition of the operators, we derive generic relations between these matrix elements, extending well-known results that link observables in the two different sectors. Two relevant phenomenological applications are presented. First, we determine the electroweak-penguin contribution to the kaon CP-violating ratio epsilon '/epsilon, using the measured hadronic spectral functions in tau decay. Second, we fit our SU(3) dynamical parameters to the most recent lattice data on K -> pi pi matrix elements. The comparison of this numerical fit with results from previous analytical approaches provides an interesting anatomy of the Delta I = 1/2 enhancement, confirming old suggestions about its underlying dynamical origin.
Pich, A., & Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. (2016). Updated determination of alpha(s)(m(tau)(2)) from tau decays. Mod. Phys. Lett. A, 31(30), 1630032–15pp.
Abstract: Using the most recent release of the ALEPH tau decay data, we present a very detailed phenomenological update of the alpha(s)(m(tau)(2)) determination. We have exploited the sensitivity to the strong coupling in many different ways, exploring several complementary methodologies. All determinations turn out to be in excellent agreement, allowing us to extract a very reliable value of the strong coupling. We find alpha((nf =3))(s)(m(tau)(2)) = 0.328 +/- 0.012 which implies alpha((nf=5))(s)(M-Z(2)) = 0.1197 +/- 0.0014. We critically revise previous work, and point out the problems flawing some recent analyses which claim slightly smaller values.
Pich, A., & Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. (2016). Determination of the QCD coupling from ALEPH tau decay data. Phys. Rev. D, 94(3), 034027–26pp.
Abstract: We present a comprehensive study of the determination of the strong coupling from tau decay, using the most recent release of the experimental ALEPH data. We critically review all theoretical strategies used in previous works and put forward various novel approaches which allow one to study complementary aspects of the problem. We investigate the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods, trying to uncover their potential hidden weaknesses and test the stability of the obtained results under slight variations of the assumed inputs. We perform several determinations, using different methodologies, and find a very consistent set of results. All determinations are in excellent agreement, and allow us to extract a very reliable value for alpha(s)(m(tau)(2)). The main uncertainty originates in the pure perturbative error from unknown higher orders. Taking into account the systematic differences between the results obtained with the contour-improved perturbation theory and fixed-order perturbation theory prescriptions, we find alpha((nf=3))(s) (m(tau)(2)) = 0.328 +/- 0.013 which implies alpha((nf=5))(s) (M-Z(2)) = 0.1197 +/- 0.0015.