Sakai, S., Roca, L., & Oset, E. (2017). Charm-beauty meson bound states from B (B*)D(D*) and interaction B (B*)(D)over-bar((D)over-bar*). Phys. Rev. D, 96(5), 054023–9pp.
Abstract: We evaluate the s-wave interaction of pseudoscalar and vector mesons with both charm and beauty to investigate the possible existence of molecular BD, B* D, BD*, B* D*, B (D) over bar, B* (D) over bar, B (D) over bar*, or B* (D) over bar* meson states. The scattering amplitude is obtained implementing unitarity starting from a tree level potential accounting for the dominant vector meson exchange. The diagrams are evaluated using suitable extensions to the heavy flavor sector of the hidden gauge symmetry Lagrangians involving vector and pseudoscalar mesons, respecting heavy quark spin symmetry. We obtain bound states at energies above 7 GeV for BD (J(P) = 0(+)), B* D (1(+)), BD* (1(+)), and B* D* (0(+), 1(+,) 2(+)), all in isospin 0. For B (D) over bar (0(+)), B* (D) over bar (1(+)), B (D) over bar* (1(+)), and B* (D) over bar* (0(+), 1(+), 2(+)) we also find similar bound states in I = 0, but much less bound, which would correspond to exotic meson states with _ (b) over bar and (c) over bar quarks, and for the I = 1 we find a repulsive interaction. We also evaluate the scattering lengths in all cases, which can be tested in current investigations of lattice QCD.
Dias, J. M., Debastiani, V. R., Roca, L., Sakai, S., & Oset, E. (2017). Binding of the BD(D)over-bar and BDD systems. Phys. Rev. D, 96(9), 094007–6pp.
Abstract: We study theoretically the BD (D) over bar and BDD systems to see if they allow for possible bound or resonant states. The three-body interaction is evaluated implementing the fixed center approximation to the Faddeev equations which considers the interaction of a D or (D) over bar particle with the components of a BD cluster, previously proved to form a bound state. We find an I(J(P)) = 1/2(0(-)) bound state for the BD (D) over bar system at an energy around 8925-8985 MeV within uncertainties, which would correspond to a bottom hidden-charm meson. In contrast, for the BDD system, which would be bottom double-charm and hence manifestly exotic, we have found hints of a bound state in the energy region 8935-8985 MeV, but the results are not stable under the uncertainties of the model, and we cannot assure, nor rule out, the possibility of a BDD three-body state.
Roca, L., & Oset, E. (2017). Role of a triangle singularity in the pi Delta decay of N(1700)(3/2(-)). Phys. Rev. C, 95(6), 065211–8pp.
Abstract: We show the important role played by the pi Delta(1232) channel in the build up of the N(1700)(3/2(-)) resonance due to the nontrivial enhancement produced by a singularity of a triangular loop. The N(1700) is one of the dynamically generated resonances produced by the coupled-channel vector-baryon interaction. The pi Delta channel was neglected in previous works but we show that it has to be incorporated into the coupled-channel formalism due to an enhancement produced by a singularity in the triangular loop with., nucleon, and p as internal loop lines and pi and Delta as external ones. The enhancement is of nonresonant origin but it contributes to the dynamical generation of the N(1700) resonance due to the nonlinear dynamics involved in the coupled-channel mechanisms. We obtain an important increase of the total width of the N(1700) resonance when the pi Delta channel is included and provide predictions for the partial widths of the N(1700) decays into VB and pi Delta.
Roca, L., Nieves, J., & Oset, E. (2015). LHCb pentaquark as a (D)over-bar*Sigma(c) – (D)over-bar*Sigma(c)* molecular state. Phys. Rev. D, 92(9), 094003–6pp.
Abstract: We perform a theoretical analysis of the Lambda(b) -> J/psi K(-)p reaction from where a recent LHCb experiment extracts a Lambda(1405) contribution in the K(-)p spectrum close to threshold and two baryon states of hidden charm in the J/psi p spectrum. We recall that baryon states of this type have been theoretically predicted matching the mass, width and J(P) of the experiment; concretely some states built up from the J/psi N, (D) over bar*Lambda(c), (D) over bar*Sigma(c), (D) over bar Sigma(c)* and (D) over bar*Sigma(c)* coupled channels. We assume that the observed narrow state around 4450 MeV has this nature and we are able to describe simultaneously the shapes and relative strength of the the K(-)p mass distribution close to threshold and the peak of the J/psi p distribution, with values of the J/psi p coupling to the resonance in line with the theoretical ones. The nontrivial matching of many properties gives support to a J(P) = 3/2(-) assignment to this state and to its nature as a molecular state mostly made of (D) over bar*Sigma(c) and (D) over bar*Sigma(c)*.
Aceti, F., Oset, E., & Roca, L. (2014). Composite nature of the Lambda (1520) resonance. Phys. Rev. C, 90(2), 025208–8pp.
Abstract: Recently, the Weinberg compositeness condition of a bound state was generalized to account for resonant states and higher partial waves. We apply this extension to the case of the Lambda (1520) resonance and quantify the weight of the meson-baryon components in contrast to other possible genuine building blocks. This resonance was theoretically obtained from a coupled channels analysis using the s-wave pi Sigma* and K Xi* and the d-wave (K) over bar N and pi Sigma channels, applying the techniques of the chiral unitary approach. We obtain the result that this resonance is essentially dynamically generated from these meson-baryon channels, leaving room for only 15% weight of other kinds of components in its wave function.
Roca, L., & Oset, E. (2013). Isospin 0 and 1 resonances from pi Sigma photoproduction data. Phys. Rev. C, 88(5), 055206–7pp.
Abstract: Recently we presented a successful strategy to extract the position of the two Lambda ( 1405) poles from experimental photoproduction data on the gamma p -> K+pi(0)Sigma(0) reaction at Jefferson Lab. Following a similar strategy, we extend the previous method to incorporate also the isospin 1 component which allows us to consider in addition the experimental data on gamma p -> K+pi(+/-)Sigma(-/+). The idea is based on considering a production mechanism as model independent as possible and implementing the final state interaction of the final meson-baryon pair based on small modifications of the unitary chiral perturbation theory amplitudes. Good fits to the data are obtained with this procedure, by means of which we can also predict the cross sections for the K- p -> (K) over barN, pi Sigma, and pi Lambda reactions for the different charge channels. Besides the two poles found for the Lambda(1405) resonance, we discuss the possible existence of an isospin 1 resonance in the vicinity of the (K) over barN threshold.
Roca, L., & Oset, E. (2013). Lambda(1405) poles obtained from pi(0)Sigma(0) photoproduction data. Phys. Rev. C, 87(5), 055201–8pp.
Abstract: We present a strategy to extract the position of the two Lambda(1405) poles from experimental photoproduction data measured recently at different energies in the gamma p -> K+pi(0)Sigma(0) reaction at Jefferson Laboratory. By means of a chiral dynamics motivated potential with free parameters, we solve the Bethe-Salpeter equation in the coupled channels (K) over barN and pi Sigma in isospin I = 0 and parametrize the amplitude for the photonuclear reaction in terms of a linear combination of the pi Sigma -> pi Sigma and (K) over barN -> pi Sigma scattering amplitudes in I = 0, with a different linear combination for each energy. Good fits to the data are obtained with some sets of parameters, by means of which one can also predict the cross section for the K- p -> pi(0)Sigma(0) reaction. These later results help us decide among the possible solutions. The result is that the different solutions lead to two poles similar to those found in the chiral unitary approach. With the best result we find the two Lambda(1405) poles at 1385 – 68i MeV and 1419 – 22i MeV.
Roca, L., & Oset, E. (2012). Scattering of unstable particles in a finite volume: The case of pi rho scattering and the a(1)(1260) resonance. Phys. Rev. D, 85(5), 054507–13pp.
Abstract: We present a way to evaluate the scattering of unstable particles quantized in a finite volume with the aim of extracting physical observables for infinite volume from lattice data. We illustrate the method with the pi rho scattering which generates dynamically the axial-vector a(1)(1260) resonance. Energy levels in a finite box are evaluated both considering the rho as a stable and unstable resonance and we find significant differences between both cases. We discuss how to solve the problem to get the physical scattering amplitudes in the infinite volume, and hence phase shifts, from possible lattice results on energy levels quantized inside a finite box.
Song, J., Duan, M. Y., Roca, L., & Oset, E. (2024). Pentaquark molecular states with hidden bottom and double strangeness. Eur. Phys. J. C, 84(10), 1055–8pp.
Abstract: We investigate the meson-baryon interaction in coupled channels with the quantum numbers of the pentaquarks Pbss and Pbsss. The interaction is derived from an extension of the local hidden gauge approach to the heavy quark sector, which has demonstrated accurate results compared to experiments involving Ωb, Ξb states, and pentaquarks Pc and Pcs. In our study, we identify several molecular states with small decay widths within the chosen set of coupled channels. The spin-parity (JP) of these states is as follows: JP=12− for pseudoscalar-baryon (12+) coupled channels, JP=32− for pseudoscalar-baryon (32+) coupled channels, JP=12− and 32− for vector-baryon (12+) coupled channels, and JP=12−, 32−, 52− for vector-baryon (32+) coupled channels. We search for the poles of these states and evaluate their couplings to the different channels.
Yamagata-Sekihara, J., Roca, L., & Oset, E. (2010). Nature of the K-2*(1430), K-3*(1780), K-4*(2045), K-5*(2380), and K-6* as K*-multi-rho states. Phys. Rev. D, 82(9), 094017–8pp.
Abstract: We show that the K-2*(1430), K-3*(1780), K-4*(2045), K-5*(2380), and a not-yet-discovered K-6* resonance are basically molecules made of an increasing number of rho(770) and one K*(892) mesons. The idea relies on the fact that the vector-vector interaction in the s wave with spins aligned is very strong for both rho rho and K*rho. We extend a recent work, where several resonances showed up as multi-rho(770) molecules, to the strange sector including the K*(892) into the system. The resonant structures show up in the multibody scattering amplitudes, which are evaluated in terms of the unitary two-body vector-vector scattering amplitudes by using the fixed center approximation to the Faddeev equations.