Roca, L., Liang, W. H., & Oset, E. (2022). Inconsistency of the data on the K-1(1270) -> pi K-0*(1430) decay width. Phys. Lett. B, 824, 136827–3pp.
Abstract: We show, using the same Lagrangian for the K-1(1270) -> pi K-0*(1430) and K-0*(1430) -> K-1 (1270)pi decays, that the present PDG data on the partial decay width of K-1 (1270) -> pi K-0*(1430) implies a width for K-0*(1430) -> K-1 (1270)pi decay which is about one order of magnitude larger than the total K-0*(1430) width. A discussion on this inconsistency is done, stressing its relationship to the existence of two K-1(1270) states obtained with the chiral unitary theory, which are not considered in the experimental analyses of K pi pi data.
Oset, E., Martinez Torres, A., Khemchandani, K. P., Roca, L., & Yamagata-Sekihara, J. (2012). Two, three, many body systems involving mesons. Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys., 67(2), 455–460.
Abstract: In this talk we show recent developments on few body systems involving mesons. We report on an approach to Faddeev equations using chiral unitary dynamics, where an explicit cancellation of the two body off shell amplitude with three body forces stemming from the same chiral Lagrangians takes place. This removal of the unphysical off shell part of the amplitudes is most welcome and renders the approach unambiguous, showing that only on shell two body amplitudes need to be used. Within this approach, systems of two mesons and one baryon are studied, reproducing properties of the low lying 1/2(+) states. On the other hand we also report on multirho and K* multirho states which can be associated to known meson resonances of high spin.