Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A., Casas, J. A., Quilis, J., & Ruiz de Austri, R. (2020). Multilepton dark matter signals. J. High Energy Phys., 04(4), 069–24pp.
Abstract: The signatures of dark matter at the LHC commonly involve, in simplified scenarios, the production of a single particle plus large missing energy, from the undetected dark matter. However, in Z ' -portal scenarios anomaly cancellation requires the presence of extra dark leptons in the dark sector. We investigate the signatures of the minimal scenarios of this kind, which involve cascade decays of the extra Z ' boson into the dark leptons, identifying a four-lepton signal as the most promising one. We estimate the sensitivity to this signal at the LHC, the high-luminosity LHC upgrade, a possible high-energy upgrade, as well as a future circular collider. For Z ' couplings compatible with current dijet constraints the multilepton signals can reach the 5 sigma level already at Run 2 of the LHC. At future colliders, couplings two orders of magnitude smaller than the electroweak coupling can be probed with 5 sigma sensitivity.
Caron, S., Casas, J. A., Quilis, J., & Ruiz de Austri, R. (2018). Anomaly-free dark matter with harmless direct detection constraints. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 126–24pp.
Abstract: Dark matter (DM) interacting with the SM fields via a Z-boson (Z-portal') remains one of the most attractive WIMP scenarios, both from the theoretical and the phenomenological points of view. In order to avoid the strong constraints from direct detection and dilepton production, it is highly convenient that the Z has axial coupling to DM and leptophobic couplings to the SM particles, respectively. The latter implies that the associated U(1) coincides with baryon number in the SM sector. In this paper we completely classify the possible anomaly-free leptophobic Z with minimal dark sector, including the cases where the coupling to DM is axial. The resulting scenario is very predictive and perfectly viable from the present constraints from DM detection, EW observables and LHC data (di-lepton, di-jet and mono-jet production). We analyze all these constraints, obtaining the allowed areas in the parameter space, which generically prefer mZ less than or similar to 500 GeV, apart from resonant regions. The best chances to test these viable areas come from future LHC measurements.
Casas, J. A., Gomez Vargas, G. A., Moreno, J. M., Quilis, J., & Ruiz de Austri, R. (2018). Extended Higgs-portal dark matter and the Fermi-LAT Galactic Center Excess. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 06(6), 031–16pp.
Abstract: In the present work, we show that the Galactic Center Excess (GCE) emission, as recently updated by the Fermi-LAT Collaboration, could be explained by a mixture of Fermi bubbles-like emission plus dark matter (DM) annihilation, in the context of a scalar-singlet Higgs portal scenario (SHP). In fact, the standard SHP, where the DM particle, S, only has renormalizable interactions with the Higgs, is non-operational due to strong constraints, especially from DM direct detection limits. Thus we consider the most economical extension, called ESHP (for extended SHP), which consists solely in the addition of a second (more massive) scalar singlet in the dark sector. The second scalar can be integrated-out, leaving a standard SHP plus a dimension-6 operator. Mainly, this model has only two relevant parameters (the DM mass and the coupling of the dim-6 operator). DM annihilation occurs mainly into two Higgs bosons, SS -> hh. We demonstrate that, despite its economy, the ESHP model provides an excellent fit to the GCE (with p-value similar to 0.6-0.7) for very reasonable values of the parameters, in particular, ms similar or equal to 130 GeV. This agreement of the DM candidate to the GCE properties does not clash with other observables and keep the S – particle relic density at the accepted value for the DM content in the universe.