Beltran-Palau, P., Ferreiro, A., Navarro-Salas, J., & Pla, S. (2019). Breaking of adiabatic invariance in the creation of particles by electromagnetic backgrounds. Phys. Rev. D, 100(8), 085014–12pp.
Abstract: Particles are spontaneously created from the vacuum by time-varying gravitational or electromagnetic backgrounds. It has been proven that the particle number operator in an expanding universe is an adiabatic invariant. In this paper we show that, in some special cases, the expected adiabatic invariance of the particle number fails in presence of electromagnetic backgrounds. In order to do this, we consider as a prototype a Sauter-type electric pulse. Furthermore, we also show a close relation between the breaking of the adiabatic invariance and the emergence of the axial anomaly.
Beltran-Palau, P., Navarro-Salas, J., & Pla, S. (2020). Adiabatic regularization for Dirac fields in time-varying electric backgrounds. Phys. Rev. D, 101(10), 105014–15pp.
Abstract: The adiabatic regularization method was originally proposed by Parker and Fulling to renormalize the energy-momentum tensor of scalar fields in expanding universes. It can be extended to renormalize the electric current induced by quantized scalar fields in a time-varying electric background. This can be done in a way consistent with gravity if the vector potential is considered as a variable of adiabatic order one. Assuming this, we further extend the method to deal with Dirac fields in four space-time dimensions. This requires a self-consistent ansatz for the adiabatic expansion, in presence of a prescribed time-dependent electric field, which is different from the conventional expansion used for scalar fields. Our proposal is consistent, in the massless limit, with the conformal anomaly. We also provide evidence that our proposed adiabatic expansion for the fermionic modes parallels the Schwinger-DeWitt adiabatic expansion of the two-point function. We give the renormalized expression of the electric current and analyze, using numerical and analytical tools, the pair production induced by a Sauter-type electric pulse. We also analyze the scaling properties of the current for a large field strength.
Beltran-Palau, P., Navarro-Salas, J., & Pla, S. (2019). Translational anomaly of chiral fermions in two dimensions. Phys. Rev. D, 99(10), 105008–5pp.
Abstract: It is well known that a quantized two-dimensional Weyl fermion coupled to gravity spoils general covariance and breaks the covariant conservation of the energy-momentum tensor. In this brief article, we point out that the quantum conservation of the momentum can also fail in flat spacetime, provided the Weyl fermion is coupled to a time-varying homogeneous electric field. This signals a quantum anomaly of the space-translation symmetry, which has not been highlighted in the literature so far.
Ferreiro, A., Navarro-Salas, J., & Pla, S. (2020). R-summed form of adiabatic expansions in curved spacetime. Phys. Rev. D, 101(10), 105011–12pp.
Abstract: The Feynman propagator in curved spacetime admits an asymptotic (Schwinger-DeWitt) series expansion in derivatives of the metric. Remarkably, all terms in the series containing the Ricci scalar R can be summed exactly. We show that this (nonperturbative) property of the Schwinger-DeWitt series has a natural and equivalent counterpart in the adiabatic (Parker-Fulling) series expansion of the scalar modes in an homogeneous cosmological spacetime. The equivalence between both R-summed adiabatic expansions can be further extended when a background scalar field is also present.
Ferreiro, A., Navarro-Salas, J., & Pla, S. (2018). Role of gravity in the pair creation induced by electric fields. Phys. Rev. D, 98(4), 045015–6pp.
Abstract: We analyze the pair production induced by homogenous, time-dependent electric fields in an expanding space-time background. We point out that, in obtaining the semiclassical Maxwell equations, two distinct notions of adiabatic renormalization are possible. In Minkowski space, the two recipes turn out to be equivalent. However, in the presence of gravity, only the recipe requiring an adiabatic hierarchy between the gravitational and the gauge field is consistent with the conservation of the energy-momentum tensor.
Ferreiro, A., & Pla, S. (2022). Adiabatic regularization and preferred vacuum state for the lambda phi^4 field theory in cosmological spacetimes. Phys. Rev. D, 106(6), 065015–12pp.
Abstract: We extend the method of adiabatic regularization by introducing an arbitrary parameter μfor a scalar field with quartic self-coupling in a Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker spacetime at one-loop order. The subtraction terms constructed from this extended version allow us to define a preferred vacuum state at a fixed time ri 1/4 ri0 for this theory. We compute this vacuum state for two commonly used background fields in cosmology, specially in the context of preheating. We also give a possible prescription for an adequate value for mu.
Nadal-Gisbert, S., Navarro-Salas, J., & Pla, S. (2023). Low-energy states and CPT invariance at the big bang. Phys. Rev. D, 107(8), 085018–16pp.
Abstract: In this paper, we analyze the quantum vacuum in a radiation-dominated and CPT -invariant universe by further imposing the quantum states to be ultraviolet regular i.e., satisfying the Hadamard/adiabatic condition. For scalar fields, this is enforced by constructing the vacuum via the states of low-energy proposal. For spin -12 fields, we extend this proposal for a FLRW spacetime and apply it for the radiation-dominated and CPT -invariant universe. We focus on minimizing the smeared energy density around the big bang and give strong evidence that the resulting states satisfy the Hadamard/adiabatic condition. These states are then self -consistent candidates as effective big bang quantum vacuum from the field theory perspective.
Navarro-Salas, J., & Pla, S. (2022). Particle Creation and the Schwinger Model. Symmetry-Basel, 14(11), 2435–9pp.
Abstract: We study the particle creation process in the Schwinger model coupled with an external classical source. One can approach the problem by taking advantage of the fact that the full quantized model is solvable and equivalent to a (massive) gauge field with a non-local effective action. Alternatively, one can also face the problem by following the standard semiclassical route. This means quantizing the massless Dirac field and considering the electromagnetic field as a classical background. We evaluate the energy created by a generic, homogeneous, and time-dependent source. The results match exactly in both approaches. This proves in a very direct and economical way the validity of the semiclassical approach for the (massless) Schwinger model, in agreement with a previous analysis based on the linear response equation. Our discussion suggests that a similar analysis for the massive Schwinger model could be used as a non-trivial laboratory to confront a fully quantized solvable model with its semiclassical approximation, therefore mimicking the long-standing confrontation of quantum gravity with quantum field theory in curved spacetime.
Navarro-Salas, J., & Pla, S. (2021). (F, G)-summed form of the QED effective action. Phys. Rev. D, 103(8), L081702–7pp.
Abstract: We conjecture that the proper-time series expansion of the one-loop effective Lagrangian of quantum electrodynamics can be summed in all terms containing the field-strength invariants F = 1/4F F-mu nu(mu nu) (x), G = 1/4 (F) over tilde F-mu nu(mu nu) (x), including those also possessing derivatives of the electromagnetic field strength. This partial resummation is exactly encapsulated in a factor with the same form as the Heisenberg-Euler Lagrangian density, except that now the electric and magnetic fields can depend arbitrarily on spacetime coordinates. We provide strong evidence for this conjecture, which is proved to sixth order in the proper time. Furthermore, and as a byproduct, we generate some solvable electromagnetic backgrounds. We also discuss the implications for a generalization of the Schwinger formula for pair production induced by nonconstant electric fields. Finally, we briefly outline the extension of these results in the presence of gravity.
Pla, S., Newsome, I. M., Link, R. S., Anderson, P. R., & Navarro-Salas, J. (2021). Pair production due to an electric field in 1+1 dimensions and the validity of the semiclassical approximation. Phys. Rev. D, 103(10), 105003–23pp.
Abstract: Solutions to the backreaction equation in 1 + 1-dimensional semiclassical electrodynamics are obtained and analyzed when considering a time-varying homogeneous electric field initially generated by a classical electric current, coupled to either a quantized scalar field or a quantized spin-1/2 field. Particle production by way of the Schwinger effect leads to backreaction effects that modulate the electric field strength. Details of the particle production process are investigated along with the transfer of energy between the electric field and the particles. The validity of the semiclassical approximation is also investigated using a criterion previously implemented for chaotic inflation and, in an earlier form, semiclassical gravity. The criterion states that the semiclassical approximation will break down if any linearized gauge-invariant quantity constructed from solutions to the linear response equation, with finite nonsingular data, grows rapidly for some period of time. Approximations to homogeneous solutions of the linear response equation are computed and it is found that the criterion is violated when the maximum value, E-max, obtained by the electric field is of the order of the critical scale for the Schwinger effect, E-max similar to E-crit m(2)/q, where m is the mass of the quantized field and q is its electric charge. For these approximate solutions the criterion appears to be satisfied in the extreme limits qE(max)/m(2) << 1 and qE(max)/m(2) >> 1.