Fischer, O. et al, & Pich, A. (2022). Unveiling hidden physics at the LHC. Eur. Phys. J. C, 82(8), 665–58pp.
Abstract: The field of particle physics is at the crossroads. The discovery of a Higgs-like boson completed the Standard Model (SM), but the lacking observation of convincing resonances Beyond the SM (BSM) offers no guidance for the future of particle physics. On the other hand, the motivation for New Physics has not diminished and is, in fact, reinforced by several striking anomalous results in many experiments. Here we summarise the status of the most significant anomalies, including the most recent results for the flavour anomalies, the multi-lepton anomalies at the LHC, the Higgs-like excess at around 96 GeV, and anomalies in neutrino physics, astrophysics, cosmology, and cosmic rays. While the LHC promises up to 4 ab(-1) of integrated luminosity and far-reaching physics programmes to unveil BSM physics, we consider the possibility that the latter could be tested with present data, but that systemic shortcomings of the experiments and their search strategies may preclude their discovery for several reasons, including: final states consisting in soft particles only, associated production processes, QCD-like final states, close-by SM resonances, and SUSY scenarios where no missing energy is produced. New search strategies could help to unveil the hidden BSM signatures, devised by making use of the CERN open data as a new testing ground. We discuss the CERN open data with its policies, challenges, and potential usefulness for the community. We showcase the example of the CMS collaboration, which is the only collaboration regularly releasing some of its data. We find it important to stress that individuals using public data for their own research does not imply competition with experimental efforts, but rather provides unique opportunities to give guidance for further BSM searches by the collaborations. Wide access to open data is paramount to fully exploit the LHCs potential.
Particle Data Group(Workman, R. L. et al), Hernandez-Rey, J. J., & Pich, A. (2022). Review of Particle Physics. Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys., 2022(8), 083C01–2270pp.
Abstract: The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous editions, plus 2,143 new measurements from 709 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discovered Higgs boson, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as supersymmetric particles, heavy bosons, axions, dark photons, etc. Particle properties and search limits are listed in Summary Tables. We give numerous tables, figures, formulae, and reviews of topics such as Higgs Boson Physics, Supersymmetry, Grand Unified Theories, Neutrino Mixing, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Cosmology, Particle Detectors, Colliders, Probability and Statistics. Among the 120 reviews are many that are new or heavily revised, including a new review on Machine Learning, and one on Spectroscopy of Light Meson Resonances. The Review is divided into two volumes. Volume 1 includes the Summary Tables and 97 review articles. Volume 2 consists of the Particle Listings and contains also 23 reviews that address specific aspects of the data presented in the Listings. The complete Review (both volumes) is published online on the website of the Particle Data Group (pdg.lbl.gov) and in a journal. Volume 1 is available in print as the PDG Book. A Particle Physics Booklet with the Summary Tables and essential tables, figures, and equations from selected review articles is available in print, as a web version optimized for use on phones, and as an Android app.
Davier, M., Diaz-Calderon, D., Malaescu, B., Pich, A., Rodriguez-Sanchez, A., & Zhang, Z. (2023). The Euclidean Adler function and its interplay with Delta alpha(had)(QED) and alpha(s). J. High Energy Phys., 04(4), 067–57pp.
Abstract: Three different approaches to precisely describe the Adler function in the Euclidean regime at around 2 GeVs are available: dispersion relations based on the hadronic production data in e(+)e(-) annihilation, lattice simulations and perturbative QCD (pQCD). We make a comprehensive study of the perturbative approach, supplemented with the leading power corrections in the operator product expansion. All known contributions are included, with a careful assessment of uncertainties. The pQCD predictions are compared with the Adler functions extracted from ?a( QED)(had)(Q(2)), using both the DHMZ compilation of e(+)e(-) data and published lattice results. Taking as input the FLAG value of a(s), the pQCD Adler function turns out to be in good agreement with the lattice data, while the dispersive results lie systematically below them. Finally, we explore the sensitivity to a(s) of the direct comparison between the data-driven, lattice and QCD Euclidean Adler functions. The precision with which the renormalisation group equation can be tested is also evaluated.
Pich, A., Platschorre, A., & Reig, M. (2023). Electroweak mass difference of mesons. Phys. Rev. D, 108(9), 094044–6pp.
Abstract: We consider electroweak gauge boson corrections to the masses of pseudoscalar mesons to next to leading order in alpha s and 1/NC. The pion mass shift induced by the Z boson is shown to be m pi +/- – m pi 0 = -0.00201(12) MeV. While being small compared to the electromagnetic mass shift, the prediction lies about a factor of similar to 4 above the precision of the current experimental measurement and a factor O(10) below the precision of current lattice calculations. This motivates future implementations of these electroweak gauge boson effects on the lattice. Finally, we consider beyond standard model contributions to the pion mass difference.
Pich, A., Solomonidi, E., & Vale Silva, L. (2023). Final-state interactions in the CP asymmetries of charm-meson two-body decays. Phys. Rev. D, 108, 036026–25pp.
Abstract: Urgent theoretical progress is needed in order to provide an estimate in the Standard Model of the recent measurement by LHCb of direct CP violation in charm-meson two-body decays. Rescattering effects must be taken into account for a meaningful theoretical description of the amplitudes involved in such category of observables, as signaled by the presence of large strong phases. We discuss the computation of the latter effects based on a two-channel coupled dispersion relation, which exploits isospin-zero phase shifts and inelasticity parametrizations of data coming from the rescattering processes ππ→ππ, πK→πK, and ππ→K¯K. The determination of the subtraction constants of the dispersive integrals relies on the leading contributions to the transition amplitudes from the 1/NC counting, where NC is the number of QCD colors. Furthermore, we use the measured values of the branching ratios to help in selecting the nonperturbative inputs in the isospin limit, from which we predict values for the CP asymmetries. We find that the predicted level of CP violation is much below the experimental value.
Ferrando Solera, S., Pich, A., & Vale Silva, L. (2024). Direct bounds on Left-Right gauge boson masses at LHC Run 2. J. High Energy Phys., 02(2), 027–39pp.
Abstract: While the third run of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is ongoing, the underlying theory that extends the Standard Model remains so far unknown. Left-Right Models (LRMs) introduce a new gauge sector, and can restore parity symmetry at high enough energies. If LRMs are indeed realized in nature, the mediators of the new weak force can be searched for in colliders via their direct production. We recast existing experimental limits from the LHC Run 2 and derive generic bounds on the masses of the heavy LRM gauge bosons. As a novelty, we discuss the dependence of the WR and ZR total width on the LRM scalar content, obtaining model-independent bounds within the specific realizations of the LRM scalar sectors analysed here. These bounds avoid the need to detail the spectrum of the scalar sector, and apply in the general case where no discrete symmetry is enforced. Moreover, we emphasize the impact on the WR production at LHC of general textures of the right-handed quark mixing matrix without manifest left-right symmetry. We find that the WR and ZR masses are constrained to lie above 2 TeV and 4 TeV, respectively.
Karan, A., Miralles, V., & Pich, A. (2024). Updated global fit of the aligned two-Higgs-doublet model with heavy scalars. Phys. Rev. D, 109(3), 035012–29pp.
Abstract: An updated global fit on the parameter-space of the aligned two-Higgs-doublet model is performed with the help of the open-source package HEPfit, assuming the Standard-Model Higgs to be the lightest scalar. No new sources of CP violation, other than the phase in the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix of the Standard Model, are considered. A similar global fit was previously performed by O. Eberhardt et al. [Global fits in the aligned two-Higgs-doublet model, J. High Energy Phys. 05 (2021) 005] with a slightly different set of parameters. Our updated fit incorporates improved analyses of the theoretical constraints required for the perturbative unitarity and boundedness of the scalar potential from below, additional flavor observables and updated data on direct searches for heavy scalars at the LHC, Higgs signal strengths, and electroweak precision observables. Although not included in the main fit, the implications of the CDF measurement of the W +/- mass are also discussed.
Anzivino, G. et al, Gonzalez-Alonso, M., Passemar, E., & Pich, A. (2024). Workshop summary: Kaons@CERN 2023. Eur. Phys. J. C, 84(4), 377–34pp.
Abstract: Kaon physics is at a turning point – while the rare-kaon experiments NA62 and KOTO are in full swing, the end of their lifetime is approaching and the future experimental landscape needs to be defined. With HIKE, KOTO-II and LHCb-Phase-II on the table and under scrutiny, it is a very good moment in time to take stock and contemplate about the opportunities these experiments and theoretical developments provide for particle physics in the coming decade and beyond. This paper provides a compact summary of talks and discussions from the Kaons@CERN 2023 workshop, held in September 2023 at CERN.
Vale Silva, L., Pich, A., & Solomonidi, E. (2024). Final-state interactions in the CP asymmetry of D meson two-body decays. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 39(26n27), 2442003–8pp.
Abstract: Urgent theoretical progress is needed in order to provide an estimate in the Standard Model of the recent measurement by LHCb of direct CP violation in charm-meson two-body decays. Rescattering effects must be taken into account for a meaningful theoretical description of the amplitudes involved in such category of observables, as signaled by the presence of large strong phases. We discuss the computation of the latter effects based on a two-channel coupled dispersion relation, which exploits isospin-zero phase shifts and inelasticity parameterizations of data coming from the rescattering processes pi pi ->pi pi, pi K ->pi K, and pi pi -> KK<overline>. The determination of the subtraction constants of the dispersive integrals relies on the leading contributions to the transition amplitudes from the 1/NC counting, where NC is the number of QCD colors. Furthermore, we use the measured values of the branching ratios to help in selecting the non-perturbative inputs in the isospin limit, from which we predict values for the CP asymmetries. We find that the predicted level of CP violation is much below the experimental value.
Pich, A. (2024). Tau physics opportunities at the super tau-charm facility. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 39(26n27), 2442002–15pp.
Abstract: The super tau-charm facility will provide excellent conditions to perform a high-precision investigation of the tau-lepton properties: very high statistics, controllable systematics and low backgrounds. An overview of the broad physics program that could be addressed at this facility is presented.