Particle Data Group(Workman, R. L. et al), Hernandez-Rey, J. J., & Pich, A. (2022). Review of Particle Physics. Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys., 2022(8), 083C01–2270pp.
Abstract: The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous editions, plus 2,143 new measurements from 709 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discovered Higgs boson, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as supersymmetric particles, heavy bosons, axions, dark photons, etc. Particle properties and search limits are listed in Summary Tables. We give numerous tables, figures, formulae, and reviews of topics such as Higgs Boson Physics, Supersymmetry, Grand Unified Theories, Neutrino Mixing, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Cosmology, Particle Detectors, Colliders, Probability and Statistics. Among the 120 reviews are many that are new or heavily revised, including a new review on Machine Learning, and one on Spectroscopy of Light Meson Resonances. The Review is divided into two volumes. Volume 1 includes the Summary Tables and 97 review articles. Volume 2 consists of the Particle Listings and contains also 23 reviews that address specific aspects of the data presented in the Listings. The complete Review (both volumes) is published online on the website of the Particle Data Group (pdg.lbl.gov) and in a journal. Volume 1 is available in print as the PDG Book. A Particle Physics Booklet with the Summary Tables and essential tables, figures, and equations from selected review articles is available in print, as a web version optimized for use on phones, and as an Android app.
Particle Data Group(Zyla, P. A. et al), Hernandez-Rey, J. J., & Pich, A. (2020). Review of Particle Physics. Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys., 2020(8), 083C01–2093pp.
Abstract: The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous editions, plus 3,324 new measurements from 878 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discovered Higgs boson, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as supersymmetric particles, heavy bosons, axions, dark photons, etc. Particle properties and search limits are listed in Summary Tables. We give numerous tables, figures, formulae, and reviews of topics such as Higgs Boson Physics, Supersymmetry, Grand Unified Theories, Neutrino Mixing, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Cosmology, Particle Detectors, Colliders, Probability and Statistics. Among the 120 reviews are many that are new or heavily revised, including a new review on High Energy Soft QCD and Diffraction and one on the Determination of CKM Angles from B Hadrons. The Review is divided into two volumes. Volume 1 includes the Summary Tables and 98 review articles. Volume 2 consists of the Particle Listings and contains also 22 reviews that address specific aspects of the data presented in the Listings. The complete Review (both volumes) is published online on the website of the Particle Data Group (pdg.lbl.gov) and in a journal. Volume 1 is available in print as the PDG Book. A Particle Physics Booklet with the Summary Tables and essential tables, figures, and equations from selected review articles is available in print and as a web version optimized for use on phones as well as an Android app.
Peñuelas, A., & Pich, A. (2017). Flavour alignment in multi-Higgs-doublet models. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 084–34pp.
Abstract: Extended electroweak scalar sectors containing several doublet multiplets require flavour-aligned Yukawa matrices to prevent the appearance at tree level of unwanted flavour-changing neutral-current transitions. We analyse the misalignment induced by one-loop quantum corrections and explore possible generalizations of the alignment condition and their compatibility with current experimental constraints. The hypothesis of flavour alignment at a high scale turns out to be consistent with all known phenomenological tests.
Pich, A. (2024). Tau physics opportunities at the super tau-charm facility. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 39(26n27), 2442002–15pp.
Abstract: The super tau-charm facility will provide excellent conditions to perform a high-precision investigation of the tau-lepton properties: very high statistics, controllable systematics and low backgrounds. An overview of the broad physics program that could be addressed at this facility is presented.
Pich, A. (2021). Challenges for tau physics at the TeraZ. Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 136(11), 1117–8pp.
Abstract: The very high statistics, low backgrounds and clean back-to-back kinematics of a TeraZ facility would provide an optimal laboratory for precision measurements of the tau properties. A few important topics in tau physics where very relevant contributions could be made are highlighted.
Pich, A. (2021). Precision physics with inclusive QCD processes. Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys., 117, 103846–41pp.
Abstract: The inclusive production of hadrons through electroweak currents can be rigorously analysed with short-distance theoretical tools. The associated observables are insensitive to the involved infrared behaviour of the strong interaction, allowing for very precise tests of Quantum Chromodynamics. The theoretical predictions for sigma(e(+)e(-) -> hadrons) and the hadronic decay widths of the tau lepton and the Z, W and Higgs bosons have reached an impressive accuracy of O(alpha(4)(s)). Precise experimental measurements of the Z and tau hadronic widths have made possible the accurate determination of the strong coupling at two very different energy scales, providing a highly significant experimental verification of asymptotic freedom. A detailed discussion of the theoretical description of these processes and their current phenomenological status is presented. The most precise determinations of alpha(s) from other sources are also briefly reviewed and compared with the fully-inclusive results.
Pich, A. (2014). Precision tau physics. Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys., 75, 41–85.
Abstract: Precise measurements of the lepton properties provide stringent tests of the Standard Model and accurate determinations of its parameters. We overview the present status of tau physics, highlighting the most recent developments, and discuss the prospects for future improvements. The leptonic decays of the tau lepton probe the structure of the weak currents and the universality of their couplings to the W boson. The universality of the leptonic Z couplings has also been tested through Z -> l(+)l(-) decays. The hadronic tau decay modes constitute an ideal tool for studying low-energy effects of the strong interaction in very clean conditions. Accurate determinations of the QCD coupling and the Cabibbo mixing V-us have been obtained with tau data. The large mass of the tau opens the possibility to study many kinematically-allowed exclusive decay modes and extract relevant dynamical information. Violations of flavour and CP conservation laws can also be searched for with tau decays. Related subjects such as μdecays, the electron and muon anomalous magnetic moments, neutrino mixing and B-meson decays into tau leptons are briefly covered. Being one the fermions most strongly coupled to the scalar sector, the tau lepton is playing now a very important role at the LHC as a tool to test the Higgs properties and search for new physics at higher scales.
Pich, A., Platschorre, A., & Reig, M. (2023). Electroweak mass difference of mesons. Phys. Rev. D, 108(9), 094044–6pp.
Abstract: We consider electroweak gauge boson corrections to the masses of pseudoscalar mesons to next to leading order in alpha s and 1/NC. The pion mass shift induced by the Z boson is shown to be m pi +/- – m pi 0 = -0.00201(12) MeV. While being small compared to the electromagnetic mass shift, the prediction lies about a factor of similar to 4 above the precision of the current experimental measurement and a factor O(10) below the precision of current lattice calculations. This motivates future implementations of these electroweak gauge boson effects on the lattice. Finally, we consider beyond standard model contributions to the pion mass difference.
Pich, A., & Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. (2022). Violations of quark-hadron duality in low-energy determinations of alpha(s). J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 145–42pp.
Abstract: Using the spectral functions measured in tau decays, we investigate the actual numerical impact of duality violations on the extraction of the strong coupling. These effects are tiny in the standard alpha(s)(m(tau)(2)) determinations from integrated distributions of the hadronic spectrum with pinched weights, or from the total tau hadronic width. The pinched-weight factors suppress very efficiently the violations of duality, making their numerical effects negligible in comparison with the larger perturbative uncertainties. However, combined fits of alpha(s) and duality-violation parameters, performed with non-protected weights, are subject to large systematic errors associated with the assumed modelling of duality-violation effects. These uncertainties have not been taken into account in the published analyses, based on specific models of quark-hadron duality.
Pich, A., & Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. (2021). SU(3) analysis of four-quark operators: K -> pi pi and vacuum matrix elements. J. High Energy Phys., 06(6), 005–43pp.
Abstract: Hadronic matrix elements of local four-quark operators play a central role in non-leptonic kaon decays, while vacuum matrix elements involving the same kind of operators appear in inclusive dispersion relations, such as those relevant in tau -decay analyses. Using an SU(3)(L) circle times SU(3)(R) decomposition of the operators, we derive generic relations between these matrix elements, extending well-known results that link observables in the two different sectors. Two relevant phenomenological applications are presented. First, we determine the electroweak-penguin contribution to the kaon CP-violating ratio epsilon '/epsilon, using the measured hadronic spectral functions in tau decay. Second, we fit our SU(3) dynamical parameters to the most recent lattice data on K -> pi pi matrix elements. The comparison of this numerical fit with results from previous analytical approaches provides an interesting anatomy of the Delta I = 1/2 enhancement, confirming old suggestions about its underlying dynamical origin.