Tarifeño-Saldivia, A., Calvino, F., De Blas, A., Brusasco, B., Casanovas-Hoste, A., Cives, A. M., et al. (2024). Ambient dosimetry in pulsed neutron fields with LINrem detectors. Radiat. Phys. Chem., 224, 112101–7pp.
Abstract: The status of the LINrem project is presented, focusing on the development of innovative neutron dosimeters with enhanced energy sensitivity, time resolution, and portability. Designed to meet the technical demands of radiation protection in modern particle and nuclear facilities, these dosimeters are discussed in detail. Results from experimental campaigns showcasing their efficacy in pulsed fields generated by fusion plasmas and high-intensity pulsed lasers are presented. Additionally, prospects and future plans for the LINrem project are outlined.
Pavez, C., Pedreros, J., Tarifeño-Saldivia, A., & Soto, L. (2015). Observation of plasma jets in a table top plasma focus discharge. Phys. Plasmas, 22(4), 040705–5pp.
Abstract: In the last years, medium size Z-pinch experiments operating at tens of kJ are being used to create supersonic plasma jets. Those experiments are produced with wire arrays and radial foils, and they are conducted in generators based on water-filled transmission lines. Also plasma jets have been observed in small X-pinch experiments operating at 1 kJ. In this work, observations of plasma jets produced in a table top plasma focus device by means of optical and digital interferometry are shown. The device was operated at only similar to 70J, achieving 50 kA in 150 ns. The plasma jets were observed after the pinch, in the region close and on the anode, along the axis. The electron density measured from the jets is in the range 10(24)-10(25) m(-3). From two consecutive plasma images separated 18 ns, the axial jet velocity was measured in the order of 4 x 10(4) m/s.