Delhom, A., Olmo, G. J., & Singh, P. (2023). A diffeomorphism invariant family of metric-affine actions for loop cosmologies. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 06(6), 059–21pp.
Abstract: In loop quantum cosmology (LQC) the big bang singularity is generically resolved by a big bounce. This feature holds even when modified quantization prescriptions of the Hamiltonian constraint are used such as in mLQC-I and mLQC-II. While the later describes an effective description qualitatively similar to that of standard LQC, the former describes an asymmetric evolution with an emergent Planckian de-Sitter pre-bounce phase even in the absence of a potential. We consider the potential relation of these canonically quantized non-singular models with effective actions based on a geometric description. We find a 3-parameter family of metric-affine f (R) theories which accurately approximate the effective dynamics of LQC and mLQC-II in all regimes and mLQC-I in the post-bounce phase. Two of the parameters are fixed by enforcing equivalence at the bounce, and the background evolution of the relevant observables can be fitted with only one free parameter. It is seen that the non-perturbative effects of these loop cosmologies are universally encoded by a logarithmic correction that only depends on the bounce curvature of the model. In addition, we find that the best fit value of the free parameter can be very approximately written in terms of fundamental parameters of the underlying quantum description for the three models. The values of the best fits can be written in terms of the bounce density in a simple manner, and the values for each model are related to one another by a proportionality relation involving only the Barbero-Immirzi parameter.
Delhom, A., Lobo, I. P., Olmo, G. J., & Romero, C. (2019). A generalized Weyl structure with arbitrary non-metricity. Eur. Phys. J. C, 79(10), 878–9pp.
Abstract: A Weyl structure is usually defined by an equivalence class of pairs (g, omega) related by Weyl transformations, which preserve the relation del g = omega circle times g, where g and omega denote the metric tensor and a 1-form field. An equivalent way of defining such a structure is as an equivalence class of conformally related metrics with a unique affine connection Gamma((omega)), which is invariant under Weyl transformations. In a standard Weyl structure, this unique connection is assumed to be torsion-free and have vectorial non-metricity. This second view allows us to present two different generalizations of standard Weyl structures. The first one relies on conformal symmetry while allowing for a general non-metricity tensor, and the other comes from extending the symmetry to arbitrary (disformal) transformations of the metric.
Delhom, A., Macedo, C. F. B., Olmo, G. J., & Crispino, L. C. B. (2019). Absorption by black hole remnants in metric-affine gravity. Phys. Rev. D, 100(2), 024016–12pp.
Abstract: Using numerical methods, we investigate the absorption properties of a family of nonsingular solutions which arise in different metric-affine theories, such as quadratic and Born-Infeld gravity. These solutions continuously interpolate between Schwarzschild black holes and naked solitons with wormhole topology. The resulting spectrum is characterized by a series of quasibound states excitations, associated with the existence of a stable photonsphere.
Olmo, G. J., Rubiera-Garcia, D., & Sanchez-Puente, A. (2018). Accelerated observers and the notion of singular spacetime. Class. Quantum Gravity, 35(5), 055010–18pp.
Abstract: Geodesic completeness is typically regarded as a basic criterion to determine whether a given spacetime is regular or singular. However, the principle of general covariance does not privilege any family of observers over the others and, therefore, observers with arbitrary motions should be able to provide a complete physical description of the world. This suggests that in a regular spacetime, all physically acceptable observers should have complete paths. In this work we explore this idea by studying the motion of accelerated observers in spherically symmetric spacetimes and illustrate it by considering two geodesically complete black hole spacetimes recently described in the literature. We show that for bound and locally unbound accelerations, the paths of accelerated test particles are complete, providing further support to the regularity of such spacetimes.
Agullo, I., Navarro-Salas, J., Olmo, G. J., & Parker, L. (2010). Acceleration radiation, transition probabilities and trans-Planckian physics. New J. Phys., 12, 095017–18pp.
Abstract: An important question in the derivation of the acceleration radiation, which also arises in Hawking's derivation of black hole radiance, is the need to invoke trans-Planckian physics in describing the creation of quanta. We point out that this issue can be further clarified by reconsidering the analysis in terms of particle detectors, transition probabilities and local two-point functions. By writing down separate expressions for the spontaneous-and induced-transition probabilities of a uniformly accelerated detector, we show that the bulk of the effect comes from the natural (non-trans-Planckian) scale of the problem, which largely diminishes the importance of the trans-Planckian sector. This is so, at least, when trans-Planckian physics is defined in a Lorentz-invariant way. This analysis also suggests how one can define and estimate the role of trans-Planckian physics in the Hawking effect itself.
Afonso, V. I., Mora-Perez, G., Olmo, G. J., Orazi, E., & Rubiera-Garcia, D. (2022). An infinite class of exact rotating black hole metrics of modified gravity. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 03(3), 052–14pp.
Abstract: We build an infinite class of exact axisymmetric solutions of a metric-affine gravity theory, namely, Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity, coupled to an anisotropic fluid as a matter source. The solution-generating method employed is not unique of this theory but can be extended to other Ricci-Based Gravity theories (RBGs), a class of theories built out of contractions of the Ricci tensor with the metric. This method exploits a correspondence between the space of solutions of General Relativity and that of RBGs, and is independent of the symmetries of the problem. For the particular case in which the fluid is identified with non-linear electromagnetic fields we explicitly derive the corresponding axisymmetric solutions. Finally, we use this result to work out the counterpart of the Kerr-Newman black hole when Maxwell electrodynamics is set on the metric-affine side. Our results open up an exciting new avenue for testing new gravitational phenomenology in the fields of gravitational waves and shadows out of rotating black holes.
Andrade, I., Bazeia, D., Marques, M. A., Menezes, R., & Olmo, G. J. (2025). Analytical solutions for Maxwell-scalar system on radially symmetric spacetimes. Eur. Phys. J. C, 85(1), 27–15pp.
Abstract: We investigate Maxwell-scalar models on radially symmetric spacetimes in which the gauge and scalar fields are coupled via the electric permittivity. We find the conditions that allow for the presence of minimum energy configurations. In this formalism, the charge density must be written exclusively in terms of the components of the metric tensor and the scalar field is governed by first-order equations. We also find a manner to map the aforementioned equation into the corresponding one associated to kinks in (1, 1) spacetime dimensions, so we get analytical solutions for three specific spacetimes. We then calculate the energy density and show that the energy is finite. The stability of the solutions against contractions and dilations, following Derrick's argument, and around small fluctuations in the fields is also investigated. In this direction, we show that the solutions obeying the first-order framework are stable.
Mendoza, S., & Olmo, G. J. (2015). Astrophysical constraints and insights on extended relativistic gravity. Astrophys. Space Sci., 357(2), 133–6pp.
Abstract: We give precise details to support that observations of gravitational lensing at scales of individual, groups and clusters of galaxies can be understood in terms of nonNewtonian gravitational interactions with a relativistic structure compatible with the Einstein Equivalence Principle. This result is derived on very general grounds without knowing the underlying structure of the gravitational field equations. As such, any developed gravitational theory built to deal with these astrophysical scales needs to reproduce the obtained results of this article.
Magalhaes, R. B., Maso-Ferrando, A., Olmo, G. J., & Crispino, L. C. B. (2023). Asymmetric wormholes in Palatini f (R) gravity: Energy conditions, absorption, and quasibound states. Phys. Rev. D, 108(2), 024063–20pp.
Abstract: We investigate the scalar absorption spectrum of wormhole solutions constructed via the recently developed thin-shell formalism for Palatini f(R) gravity. Such wormholes come from the matching of two Reissner-Nordstrom spacetimes at a timelike hypersurface (shell), which, according to the junction conditions in Palatini f(R), can be stable and have either positive or negative energy density. In particular, we identified a new physically interesting configuration made out of two overcharged Reissner-Nordstrom spacetimes, whose absorption profile departs from that of black holes and other previously considered wormholes in the whole range of frequencies. Unlike in symmetric wormhole solutions, the asymmetry of the effective potential causes the dilution of the resonances associated to the quasibound states for the high -frequency regime. Therefore, slight asymmetries in wormhole space-times could have a dramatic impact on the observable features associated to resonant states.
Bombacigno, F., Boudet, S., Olmo, G. J., & Montani, G. (2021). Big bounce and future time singularity resolution in Bianchi I cosmologies: The projective invariant Nieh-Yan case. Phys. Rev. D, 103(12), 124031.
Abstract: We extend the notion of the Nieh-Yan invariant to generic metric-affine geometries, where both torsion and nonmetricity are taken into account. Notably, we show that the properties of projective invariance and topologicity can be independently accommodated by a suitable choice of the parameters featuring this new Nieh-Yan term. We then consider a special class of modified theories of gravity able to promote the Immirzi parameter to a dynamical scalar field coupled to the Nieh-Yan form, and we discuss in more detail the dynamics of the effective scalar tensor theory stemming from such a revised theoretical framework. We focus, in particular, on cosmological Bianchi I models and we derive classical solutions where the initial singularity is safely removed in favor of a big bounce, which is ultimately driven by the nonminimal coupling with the Immirzi field. These solutions, moreover, turn out to be characterized by finite time singularities, but we show that such critical points do not spoil the geodesic completeness and wave regularity of these spacetimes.