Pavao, R., Gubler, P., Fernandez-Soler, P., Nieves, J., Oka, M., & Takahashi, T. T. (2021). The negative-parity spin-1/2 A baryon spectrum from lattice QCD and effective theory. Phys. Lett. B, 820, 136473–8pp.
Abstract: The spectrum of the negative-parity spin-1/2 Lambda baryons is studied using lattice QCD and hadronic effective theory in a unitarized coupled-channel framework. A direct comparison between the two approaches is possible by considering the hadronic effective theory in a finite volume and with hadron masses and mesonic decay constants that correspond to the situation studied on the lattice. Comparing the energy level spectrum and SU(3) flavor decompositions of the individual states, it is found that the lowest two states extracted from lattice QCD can be associated with one of the two Lambda(1405)-poles and the Lambda(1670) resonance. The quark mass dependences of these two lattice QCD levels are in good agreement with their effective theory counterparts. However, as current lattice QCD studies still rely on three-quark operators to generate the physical states, clear signals corresponding to the meson-baryon scattering states, that appear in the finite volume effective theory calculation, are not yet seen.
Bayar, M., Xiao, C. W., Hyodo, T., Dote, A., Oka, M., & Oset, E. (2012). Energy and width of a narrow I=1/2 DNN quasibound state. Phys. Rev. C, 86(4), 044004–16pp.
Abstract: The energies and widths of DNN quasibound states with isospin I = 1/2 are evaluated in two methods, the fixed center approximation to the Faddeev equation and the variational method approach to the effective one-channel Hamiltonian. The DN interactions are constructed so they dynamically generate the Lambda(c)(2595) (I = 0, J(pi) = 1/2(-)) resonance state. We find that the system is bound by about 250 MeV from the DNN threshold, root s similar to 3500 MeV. Its width, including both the mesonic decay and the D absorption, is estimated to be about 20-40 MeV. The I = 0 DN pair in the DNN system is found to form a cluster that is similar to the Lambda(c)(2595).
Miyahara, K., Hyodo, T., Oka, M., Nieves, J., & Oset, E. (2017). Theoretical study of the Xi(1620) and Xi(1690) resonances in Xi(c)-> pi(+) MB decays. Phys. Rev. C, 95(3), 035212–12pp.
Abstract: Nonleptonic weak decays of Xi(c) into pi(+) and a meson (M)-baryon (B) final state, MB, are analyzed from the viewpoint of probing S = -2 baryon resonances, i.e., Xi(1620) and Xi(1690), of which spin-parity and other properties are not well known. We argue that the weak decay of Xi(c) is dominated by a single quark-line diagram, preferred by the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa coefficient, color recombination factor, the diquark correlation, and the kinematical condition. The decay process has an advantage of being free from meson resonances in the p+ M invariantmass distribution. The invariant mass distribution of the meson-baryon final state is calculated with three different chiral unitary approaches, assuming that the Xi(1620) and Xi(1690) resonances have J(P) = 1/2(-). It is found that a clear peak for the Xi(1690) is seen in the pi Xi and K Lambda spectra. We also suggest that the ratios of the pi Xi, K Lambda, and K Sigma final states are useful to distinguish whether the peak is originated from the Xi(1690) resonance or it is a K Sigma threshold effect.
Dote, A., Bayar, M., Xiao, C. W., Hyodo, T., Oka, M., & Oset, E. (2013). A narrow quasi-bound state of the DNN system. Nucl. Phys. A, 914, 499–504.
Abstract: We have investigated a charmed system of DNN (composed of two nucleons and a D meson) by a complementary study with a variational calculation and a Faddeev calculation with fixed-center approximation (Faddeev-FCA). In the present study, we employ a DN potential based on a vector-meson exchange picture in which a resonant A(c)(2595) is dynamically generated as a DN quasi-bound state, similarly to the A(1405) as a (K) over barN one in the strange sector. As a result of the study of variational calculation with an effective DN potential and three kinds of NN potentials, the DNN(J(pi) =0(-), I = 1/2) is found to be a narrow quasi-bound state below A(c)(2595)N threshold: total binding energy similar to 225 MeV and mesonic decay width similar to 25 MeV. On the other hand, the J(pi) =1(-) state is considered to be a scattering state of A(c)(2595) and a nucleon. These results are essentially supported by the Faddeev-FCA calculation. By the analysis of the variational wave function, we have found a unique structure in the DNN(J(pi) = 0, I = 1/2) such that the D meson stays around the center of the total system due to the heaviness of the D meson.
Oset, E., Bayar, M., Dote, A., Hyodo, T., Khemchandani, K. P., Liang, W. H., et al. (2016). Two-, Three-, Many-body Systems Involving Mesons. Multimeson Condensates. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 47(2), 357–365.
Abstract: In this paper, we review results from studies with unconventional many-hadron systems containing mesons: systems with two mesons and one baryon, three mesons, some novel systems with two baryons and one meson, and finally, systems with many vector mesons, up to six, with their spins aligned forming states of increasing spin. We show that in many cases, one has experimental counterparts for the states found, while in some other cases, they remain as predictions, which we suggest to be searched in BESIII, Belle, LHCb, FAIR and other facilities.