Maiezza, A., Nemevsek, M., & Nesti, F. (2015). Lepton Number Violation in Higgs Decay at LHC. Phys. Rev. Lett., 115(8), 081802–7pp.
Abstract: We show that within the left-right symmetric model, lepton number violating decays of the Higgs boson can be discovered at the LHC. The process is due to the mixing of the Higgs boson with the triplet that breaks parity. As a result, the Higgs boson can act as a gateway to the origin of the heavy Majorana neutrino mass. To assess the LHC reach, a detailed collider study of the same-sign dileptons plus jets channel is provided. This process is complementary to the existing nuclear and collider searches for lepton number violation and can probe the scale of parity restoration even beyond other direct searches.
Maiezza, A., & Nemevsek, M. (2014). Strong P invariance, neutron electric dipole moment, and minimal left-right parity at LHC. Phys. Rev. D, 90(9), 095002–10pp.
Abstract: In the minimal left-right model the choice of left-right symmetry is twofold: either generalized parity P or charge conjugation C. In the minimal model with spontaneously broken strict P, a large tree-level contribution to strong CP violation can be computed in terms of the spontaneous phase alpha. Searches for the neutron electric dipole moments then constrain the size of alpha. Following the latest update on indirect CP violation in the kaon sector, a bound on W-R mass at 20 TeV is set. Possible ways out of this bound require a further hypothesis, either a relaxation mechanism or explicit breaking of P. To this end, the chiral loop of the neutron electric dipole moment at next-to-leading order is recomputed and provides an estimate of the weak contribution. Combining this constraint with other CP-violating observables in the kaon sector allows for M-WR greater than or similar to 3 TeV. On the other hand, C symmetry is free from such constraints, leaving the right-handed scale within the experimental reach.
Maiezza, A., Nemevsek, M., & Nesti, F. (2016). Perturbativity and mass scales in the minimal left-right symmetric model. Phys. Rev. D, 94(3), 035008–11pp.
Abstract: The scalar sector of the minimal left-right model at TeV scale is revisited in light of the large quartic coupling needed for a heavy flavor-changing scalar. The stability and perturbativity of the effective potential is discussed and merged with constraints from low-energy processes. Thus, the perturbative level of the left-right scale is sharpened. Lower limits on the triplet scalars are also derived: The left-handed triplet is bounded by oblique parameters, while the doubly charged right-handed component is limited by the h -> gamma gamma, Z gamma decays. Current constraints disfavor their detection as long as W-R is within the reach of the LHC.