Babak, S., Caprini, C., Figueroa, D. G., Karnesis, N., Marcoccia, P., Nardini, G., et al. (2023). Stochastic gravitational wave background from stellar origin binary black holes in LISA. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 08(8), 034–40pp.
Abstract: We use the latest constraints on the population of stellar origin binary black holes (SOBBH) from LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA (LVK) observations, to estimate the stochastic gravi-tational wave background (SGWB) they generate in the frequency band of LISA. In order to account for the faint and distant binaries, which contribute the most to the SGWB, we extend the merger rate at high redshift assuming that it tracks the star formation rate. We adopt different methods to compute the SGWB signal: we perform an analytical evaluation, we use Monte Carlo sums over the SOBBH population realisations, and we account for the role of the detector by simulating LISA data and iteratively removing the resolvable signals until only the confusion noise is left. The last method allows the extraction of both the expected SGWB and the number of resolvable SOBBHs. Since the latter are few for signal-to-noise ratio thresholds larger than five, we confirm that the spectral shape of the SGWB in the LISA band agrees with the analytical prediction of a single power law. We infer the probability dis-tribution of the SGWB amplitude from the LVK GWTC-3 posterior of the binary population model: at the reference frequency of 0.003 Hz it has an interquartile range of h(2 Omega)GW(f = 3 x 10(-3) Hz) is an element of [5.65, 11.5] x 10(-13), in agreement with most previous estimates. We then perform a MC analysis to assess LISA's capability to detect and characterise this signal. Ac-counting for both the instrumental noise and the galactic binaries foreground, with four years of data, LISA will be able to detect the SOBBH SGWB with percent accuracy, narrowing down the uncertainty on the amplitude by one order of magnitude with respect to the range of possible amplitudes inferred from the population model. A measurement of this signal by LISA will help to break the degeneracy among some of the population parameters, and pro-vide interesting constraints, in particular on the redshift evolution of the SOBBH merger rate.
Chala, M., Delgado, A., Nardini, G., & Quiros, M. (2017). A light sneutrino rescues the light stop. J. High Energy Phys., 04(4), 097–22pp.
Abstract: Stop searches in supersymmetric frameworks with R-parity conservation usually assume the lightest neutralino to be the lightest supersymmetric particle. In this paper we consider an alternative scenario in which the left-handed tau sneutrino is lighter than neutralinos and stable at collider scales, but possibly unstable at cosmological scales. Moreover the (mostly right-handed) stop (t) over tilde is lighter than all electroweakinos, and heavier than the scalars of the third generation lepton doublet, whose charged component, (T) over tilde, is heavier than the neutral one, (v) over tilde. The remaining supersymmetric particles are decoupled from the stop phenomenology. In most of the parameter space, the relevant stop decays are only into t (T) over tildeT, t (v) over tildev and b (v) over tildeT via off-shell electroweakinos. We constrain the branching ratios of these decays by recasting the most sensitive stop searches. Due to the “double invisible” kinematics of the (t) over tilde -> t (v) over tildev process, and the low efficiency in tagging the t (T) over tildeT decay products, light stops are generically allowed. In the minimal supersymmetric standard model with similar to 100 GeV sneutrinos, stops with masses as small as similar to 350 GeV turn out to be allowed at 95% CL.
Chala, M., Krause, C., & Nardini, G. (2018). Signals of the electroweak phase transition at colliders and gravitational wave observatories. J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 062–29pp.
Abstract: If the electroweak phase transition (EWPT) is of strongly first order due to higher dimensional operators, the scale of new physics generating them is at the TeV scale or below. In this case the effective-field theory (EFT) neglecting operators of dimension higher than six may overlook terms that are relevant for the EWPT analysis. In this article we study the EWPT in the EFT to dimension eight. We estimate the reach of the future gravitational wave observatory LISA for probing the region in which the EWPT is strongly first order and compare it with the capabilities of the Higgs measurements via double-Higgs production at current and future colliders. We also match different UV models to the previously mentioned dimension-eight EFT and demonstrate that, from the top-down point of view, the double-Higgs production is not the best signal to explore these scenarios.