Afonso, V. I., Mora-Perez, G., Olmo, G. J., Orazi, E., & Rubiera-Garcia, D. (2022). An infinite class of exact rotating black hole metrics of modified gravity. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 03(3), 052–14pp.
Abstract: We build an infinite class of exact axisymmetric solutions of a metric-affine gravity theory, namely, Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity, coupled to an anisotropic fluid as a matter source. The solution-generating method employed is not unique of this theory but can be extended to other Ricci-Based Gravity theories (RBGs), a class of theories built out of contractions of the Ricci tensor with the metric. This method exploits a correspondence between the space of solutions of General Relativity and that of RBGs, and is independent of the symmetries of the problem. For the particular case in which the fluid is identified with non-linear electromagnetic fields we explicitly derive the corresponding axisymmetric solutions. Finally, we use this result to work out the counterpart of the Kerr-Newman black hole when Maxwell electrodynamics is set on the metric-affine side. Our results open up an exciting new avenue for testing new gravitational phenomenology in the fields of gravitational waves and shadows out of rotating black holes.
Guerrero, M., Mora-Perez, G., Olmo, G. J., Orazi, E., & Rubiera-Garcia, D. (2021). Charged BTZ-type solutions in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 11(11), 025–23pp.
Abstract: We construct an axially symmetric solution of Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity coupled to an electromagnetic field in 2 + 1 dimensions including a (negative) cosmological constant term. This is achieved by using a recently developed mapping procedure that allows to generate solutions in certain families of metric-affine gravity theories starting from a known seed solution of General Relativity, which in the present case corresponds to the electrically charged Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) solution. We discuss the main features of the new configurations, including the modifications to the ergospheres and horizons, the emergence of wormhole structures, and the consequences for the regularity (or not) of these space-times via geodesic completeness.
Guerrero, M., Mora-Perez, G., Olmo, G. J., Orazi, E., & Rubiera-Garcia, D. (2020). Rotating black holes in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity: an exact solution. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 07(7), 058–31pp.
Abstract: We find an exact, rotating charged black hole solution within Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity. To this end we employ a recently developed correspondence or mapping between modified gravity models built as scalars out of contractions of the metric with the Ricci tensor, and formulated in metric-affine spaces (Ricci-Based Gravity theories) and General Relativity. This way, starting from the Kerr-Newman solution, we show that this mapping bring us the axisymmetric solutions of Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity coupled to a certain model of non-linear electrodynamics. We discuss the most relevant physical features of the solutions obtained this way, both in the spherically symmetric limit and in the fully rotating regime. Moreover, we further elaborate on the potential impact of this important technical progress for bringing closer the predictions of modified gravity with the astrophysical observations of compact objects and gravitational wave astronomy.
Maluf, R. V., Mora-Perez, G., Olmo, G. J., & Rubiera-Garcia, D. (2024). Nonsingular, Lump-like, Scalar Compact Objects in (2+1)-Dimensional Einstein Gravity. Universe, 10(6), 258–13pp.
Abstract: We study the space-time geometry generated by coupling a free scalar field with a noncanonical kinetic term to general relativity in (2+1) dimensions. After identifying a family of scalar Lagrangians that yield exact analytical solutions in static and circularly symmetric scenarios, we classify the various types of solutions and focus on a branch that yields asymptotically flat geometries. We show that the solutions within such a branch can be divided in two types, namely naked singularities and nonsingular objects without a center. In the latter, the energy density is localized around a maximum and vanishes only at infinity and at an inner boundary. This boundary has vanishing curvatures and cannot be reached by any time-like or null geodesic in finite affine time. This allows us to consistently interpret such solutions as nonsingular, lump-like, static compact scalar objects whose eventual extension to the (3+1)-dimensional context could provide structures of astrophysical interest.
Mora-Perez, G., Olmo, G. J., Rubiera-Garcia, D., & Saez-Chillon Gomez, D. (2024). Boundary terms and on-shell action in Ricci-based gravity theories: The Hamiltonian formulation. Phys. Rev. D, 110(8), 084051–11pp.
Abstract: Considering the so-called Ricci-based gravity theories, a family of extensions of general relativity whose action is given by a nonlinear function of contractions and products of the (symmetric part of the) Ricci tensor of an independent connection, the Hamiltonian formulation of the theory is obtained. To do so, the independent connection is decomposed in two parts, one compatible with a metric tensor and the other one given by a 3-rank tensor. Subsequently, the Riemann tensor is expressed in terms of its projected components onto a hypersurface, allowing one to construct the 3 & thorn; 1 decomposition of the theory and the corresponding Gauss-Codazzi relations, where the boundary terms naturally arise in the gravitational action. Finally, the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner (ADM) decomposition is followed in order to construct the corresponding Hamiltonian and the ADM energy for any Ricci-based gravity theory. The formalism is applied to the simple case of Schwarzschild spacetime.