Bayar, M., Martinez Torres, A., Khemchandani, K. P., Molina, R., & Oset, E. (2023). Exotic states with triple charm. Eur. Phys. J. C, 83(1), 46–9pp.
Abstract: In this work we investigate the possibility of the formation of states from the dynamics involved in the D* D* D* system by considering that two D*'s generate a JP = 1+ bound state, with isospin 0, which has been predicted in an earlier theoretical work. We solve the Faddeev equations for this system within the fixed center approximation and find the existence of J(P) = 0(-), 1(-) and 2(-) states with charm 3, isospin 1/2, masses similar to 6000 MeV, which are manifestly exotic hadrons, i.e., with a multiquark inner structure.
Molina, R., Liu, Z. W., Geng, L. S., & Oset, E. (2024). Correlation function for the a0(980). Eur. Phys. J. C, 84(3), 328–8pp.
Abstract: We have conducted a model independent analysis of the (K+K0) pair correlation function obtained from ultra high energy pp collisions, with the aim of extracting the information encoded in it related to the KK interaction and the coupled channel pi(+)eta. With the present large errors at small relative (K+K0) momenta, we find that the information obtained about the scattering matrix suffers from large uncertainties. Even then, we are able to show that the data imply the existence of the a(0) resonance, a(0)(980), showing as a strong cusp close to the KK threshold. We also mention that the measurement of the pi(+)eta correlation function will be essential in order to constrain more the information on KK dynamics that can be obtained from correlation functions.
Li, H. P., Song, J., Liang, W. H., Molina, R., & Oset, E. (2024). Contrasting observables related to the N*(1535) from the molecular or a genuine structure. Eur. Phys. J. C, 84(7), 656–8pp.
Abstract: In this work we compare the predictions for the scattering length and effective range of the channels K-0 Sigma(+), K+Sigma(0), K+ Lambda and eta p, assuming the N*(1535) state as a molecular state of these channels, or an original genuine state, made for instance from three quarks. Looking at very different scenarios, what we conclude is that the predictions of these two pictures are drastically different, to the point that we advise the measurement of these magnitudes, accessible for instance by measuring correlation functions, in order to gain much valuable information concerning the nature of this state.
Oset, E., Ramos, A., Garzon, E. J., Molina, R., Tolos, L., Xiao, C. W., et al. (2012). Interaction of vector mesons with baryons and nuclei. Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 21(11), 1230011–18pp.
Abstract: After some short introductory remarks on particular issues on the vector mesons in nuclei, in this paper, we present a short review of recent developments concerning the interaction of vector mesons with baryons and with nuclei from a modern perspective using the local hidden gauge formalism for the interaction of vector mesons. We present results for the vector-baryon interaction and in particular for the resonances which appear as composite states, dynamically generated from the interaction of vector mesons with baryons, taking also the mixing of these states with pseudoscalars and baryons into account. We then venture into the charm sector, reporting on hidden charm baryon states around 4400 MeV, generated from the interaction of vector mesons and baryons with charm, which have a strong repercussion on the properties of the J/Psi N interaction. We also address the interaction of K* with nuclei and make suggestions to measure the predicted huge width in the medium by means of transparency ratio. The formalism is extended to study the phenomenon of J/psi suppression in nuclei via J/psi photo-production reactions.
Molina, R., & Ruiz de Elvira, J. (2020). Light- and strange-quark mass dependence of the rho(770) meson revisited. J. High Energy Phys., 11(11), 017–74pp.
Abstract: Recent lattice data on pi pi -scattering phase shifts in the vector-isovector channel, pseudoscalar meson masses and decay constants for strange-quark masses smaller or equal to the physical value allow us to study the strangeness dependence of these observables for the first time. We perform a global analysis on two kind of lattice trajectories depending on whether the sum of quark masses or the strange-quark mass is kept fixed to the physical point. The quark mass dependence of these observables is extracted from unitarized coupled-channel one-loop Chiral Perturbation Theory. This analysis guides new predictions on the rho (770) meson properties over trajectories where the strange-quark mass is lighter than the physical mass, as well as on the SU(3) symmetric line. As a result, the light- and strange-quark mass dependence of the rho (770) meson parameters are discussed and precise values of the Low Energy Constants present in unitarized one-loop Chiral Perturbation Theory are given. Finally, the current discrepancy between two- and three-flavor lattice results for the rho (770) meson is studied.
Tolos, L., Cabrera, D., Garcia-Recio, C., Molina, R., Nieves, J., Oset, E., et al. (2013). Strangeness and charm in nuclear matter. Nucl. Phys. A, 914, 461–471.
Abstract: The properties of strange (K, (K) over bar and (K) over bar*) and open-charm (D, (D) over bar and D*) mesons in dense matter are studied using a unitary approach in coupled channels for meson-baryon scattering. In the strangeness sector, the interaction with nucleons always comes through vector-meson exchange, which is evaluated by chiral and hidden gauge Lagrangians. For the interaction of charmed mesons with nucleons we extend the SU(3) Weinberg-Tomozawa Lagrangian to incorporate spin-flavor symmetry and implement a suitable flavor symmetry breaking. The in-medium solution for the scattering amplitude accounts for Pauli blocking effects and meson self-energies. On one hand, we obtain the K, (K) over bar and (K) over bar* spectral functions in the nuclear medium and study their behaviour at finite density, temperature and momentum. We also make an estimate of the transparency ratio of the gamma A -> K+ K*(-) A' reaction, which we propose as a tool to detect in-medium modifications of the (K) over bar* meson. On the other hand, in the charm sector, several resonances with negative parity are generated dynamically by the s-wave interaction between pseudoscalar and vector meson multiplets with 1/2(+) and 3/2(+) baryons. The properties of these states in matter are analyzed and their influence on the open-charm meson spectral functions is studied. We finally discuss the possible formation of D-mesic nuclei at FAIR energies.
Tolos, L., Molina, R., Oset, E., & Ramos, A. (2010). (K)over-bar* mesons in dense matter. Phys. Rev. C, 82(4), 045210–12pp.
Abstract: We study the properties of (K) over bar* mesons in nuclear matter using a unitary approach in coupled channels within the framework of the local hidden gauge formalism and incorporating the (K) over bar pi decay channel in matter. The in-medium (K) over bar *N interaction accounts for Pauli blocking effects and incorporates the (K) over bar* self-energy in a self-consistent manner. We also obtain the (K) over bar* (off-shell) spectral function and analyze its behavior at finite density and momentum. At a normal nuclear matter density, the (K) over bar* meson feels a moderately attractive potential, while the (K) over bar* width becomes five times larger than in free space. We estimate the transparency ratio of the gamma A -> K+K*(-) A` reaction, which we propose as a feasible scenario at the present facilities to detect changes in the properties of the (K) over bar* meson in nuclear medium.
Wu, J. J., Molina, R., Oset, E., & Zou, B. S. (2011). Dynamically generated N* and Lambda* resonances in the hidden charm sector around 4.3 GeV. Phys. Rev. C, 84(1), 015202–15pp.
Abstract: The interactions of (D) over bar Sigma(c)-(D) over bar Lambda(c), (D) over bar*Sigma(c)-(D) over bar*Lambda(c), and related strangeness channels, are studied within the framework of the coupled-channel unitary approach with the local hidden gauge formalism. A series of meson-baryon dynamically generated relatively narrow N* and Lambda* resonances are predicted around 4.3 GeV in the hidden charm sector. We make estimates of production cross sections of these predicted resonances in (p) over barp collisions for the experiment of antiproton annihilation at Darmstadt (PANDA) at the forthcoming GSI Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) facility.
Molina, R., Xiao, C. W., & Oset, E. (2012). J/psi reaction mechanisms and suppression in the nuclear medium. Phys. Rev. C, 86(1), 014604–9pp.
Abstract: Recent studies of the interaction of vector mesons with nuclei make possible and opportune the study of the interaction of the J/psi with nuclei and the investigation of the origin of the J/psi suppression in its propagation thorough a nuclear medium. We observe that the transition of J/psi N to VN with V being a light vector, rho, omega, phi, together with the inelastic channels, J/psi N -> (D) over bar Lambda(c) and J/psi N -> (D) over bar Sigma(c), leads to a particular shape of the inelastic cross section. Analogously, we consider the mechanisms where the exchanged D collides with a nucleon and gives pi Lambda(c) or pi Sigma(c). The cross section has a peak around root s = 4415 MeV, where the J/psi N couples to a resonance predicted recently. We study the transparency ratio for electron-induced J/psi production in nuclei at about 10 GeV and find that 30-35% of the J/psi produced in heavy nuclei are absorbed inside the nucleus. This ratio is in line with depletions of J/psi through matter observed in other reactions.
Ikeno, N., Molina, R., & Oset, E. (2021). Triangle singularity mechanism for the pp -> pi(+)d fusion reaction. Phys. Rev. C, 104(1), 014614–16pp.
Abstract: We develop a model for the pp -> pi(+)d reaction based on the pp -> Delta(1232)N transition followed by Delta(1232) -> pi N' decay and posterior fusion of NN' to give the deuteron. We show that the triangle diagram depicting this process develops a triangle singularity leading to a large cross section of this reaction compared to ordinary fusion reactions. The results of the calculation also show that the process is largely dominated by the pp system in L = 2 and S = 0, which transfers J = 2 to the final pi(+)d system. This feature is shown to be well suited to provide L = 2, S = 1, and J(tot) = 3 for np in the np(I = 0) pi(-)pp reaction followed by the pp -> pi(+)d reaction, which has been proposed recently, as a means of describing the so far assumed dibaryon d* (2380) peak.