Tolos, L., Cabrera, D., Garcia-Recio, C., Molina, R., Nieves, J., Oset, E., et al. (2013). Strangeness and charm in nuclear matter. Nucl. Phys. A, 914, 461–471.
Abstract: The properties of strange (K, (K) over bar and (K) over bar*) and open-charm (D, (D) over bar and D*) mesons in dense matter are studied using a unitary approach in coupled channels for meson-baryon scattering. In the strangeness sector, the interaction with nucleons always comes through vector-meson exchange, which is evaluated by chiral and hidden gauge Lagrangians. For the interaction of charmed mesons with nucleons we extend the SU(3) Weinberg-Tomozawa Lagrangian to incorporate spin-flavor symmetry and implement a suitable flavor symmetry breaking. The in-medium solution for the scattering amplitude accounts for Pauli blocking effects and meson self-energies. On one hand, we obtain the K, (K) over bar and (K) over bar* spectral functions in the nuclear medium and study their behaviour at finite density, temperature and momentum. We also make an estimate of the transparency ratio of the gamma A -> K+ K*(-) A' reaction, which we propose as a tool to detect in-medium modifications of the (K) over bar* meson. On the other hand, in the charm sector, several resonances with negative parity are generated dynamically by the s-wave interaction between pseudoscalar and vector meson multiplets with 1/2(+) and 3/2(+) baryons. The properties of these states in matter are analyzed and their influence on the open-charm meson spectral functions is studied. We finally discuss the possible formation of D-mesic nuclei at FAIR energies.
Tolos, L., Molina, R., Oset, E., & Ramos, A. (2010). (K)over-bar* mesons in dense matter. Phys. Rev. C, 82(4), 045210–12pp.
Abstract: We study the properties of (K) over bar* mesons in nuclear matter using a unitary approach in coupled channels within the framework of the local hidden gauge formalism and incorporating the (K) over bar pi decay channel in matter. The in-medium (K) over bar *N interaction accounts for Pauli blocking effects and incorporates the (K) over bar* self-energy in a self-consistent manner. We also obtain the (K) over bar* (off-shell) spectral function and analyze its behavior at finite density and momentum. At a normal nuclear matter density, the (K) over bar* meson feels a moderately attractive potential, while the (K) over bar* width becomes five times larger than in free space. We estimate the transparency ratio of the gamma A -> K+K*(-) A` reaction, which we propose as a feasible scenario at the present facilities to detect changes in the properties of the (K) over bar* meson in nuclear medium.
Wu, J. J., Molina, R., Oset, E., & Zou, B. S. (2011). Dynamically generated N* and Lambda* resonances in the hidden charm sector around 4.3 GeV. Phys. Rev. C, 84(1), 015202–15pp.
Abstract: The interactions of (D) over bar Sigma(c)-(D) over bar Lambda(c), (D) over bar*Sigma(c)-(D) over bar*Lambda(c), and related strangeness channels, are studied within the framework of the coupled-channel unitary approach with the local hidden gauge formalism. A series of meson-baryon dynamically generated relatively narrow N* and Lambda* resonances are predicted around 4.3 GeV in the hidden charm sector. We make estimates of production cross sections of these predicted resonances in (p) over barp collisions for the experiment of antiproton annihilation at Darmstadt (PANDA) at the forthcoming GSI Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) facility.
Wu, J. J., Molina, R., Oset, E., & Zou, B. S. (2010). Prediction of Narrow N* and Lambda* Resonances with Hidden Charm above 4 GeV. Phys. Rev. Lett., 105(23), 232001–4pp.
Abstract: The interaction between various charmed mesons and charmed baryons is studied within the framework of the coupled-channel unitary approach with the local hidden gauge formalism. Several meson-baryon dynamically generated narrow N* and Lambda* resonances with hidden charm are predicted with mass above 4 GeV and width smaller than 100 MeV. The predicted new resonances definitely cannot be accommodated by quark models with three constituent quarks and can be looked for in the forthcoming PANDA/FAIR experiments.