Fujita, Y., Rubio, B., Adachi, T., Blank, B., Fujita, H., Gelletly, W., et al. (2015). Gamow-Teller excitations studied by weak and strong interactions. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 46(3), 657–668.
Abstract: Studying weak nuclear responses, especially the Gamow-Teller (GT) transitions starting from stable as well as unstable nuclei, provide crucial and critical information on nuclear structure. Therefore, the study of GT transitions is a key issue in nuclear physics and also nuclear-astrophysics. Under the assumption of isospin symmetry, it is expected that the structure of mirror nuclei and the GT transitions starting from their ground states are identical. We have studied the corresponding GT transitions starting from T-z = +/- 1 and +/- 2 p f -shell nuclei, respectively, by means of hadronic (He-3,t) charge-exchange reactions and mirror beta decays. The results on GT strength distributions measured in beta decays and (He-3,t) reactions performed at an intermediate incident energy of 140 MeV/nucleon and 0 degrees are compared. The combined results help provide an understanding of nuclear structure of nuclei far-from-stability.
Orrigo, S. E. A. et al, Rubio, B., Agramunt, J., Algora, A., & Molina, F. (2015). β-delayed γ-proton decay in 56Zn: analysis of the charged-particle spectrum. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 46(3), 709–712.
Abstract: A study of the beta decay of the proton-rich T-z = 2 nucleus Zn-56 has been reported in a recent publication. A rare and exotic decay mode, beta-delayed gamma-proton decay, has been observed there for the first time in the fp shell. Here, we expand on some of the details of the data analysis, focussing on the charged particle spectrum.