Molina, F., Aguilera, P., Romero-Barrientos, J., Arellano, H. F., Agramunt, J., Medel, J., et al. (2017). Energy distribution of the neutron flux measurements at the Chilean Reactor RECH-1 using multi-foil neutron activation and the Expectation Maximization unfolding algorithm. Appl. Radiat. Isot., 129, 28–34.
Abstract: We present a methodology to obtain the energy distribution of the neutron flux of an experimental nuclear reactor, using multi-foil activation measurements and the Expectation Maximization unfolding algorithm, which is presented as an alternative to well known unfolding methods such as GRAVEL. Self-shielding flux corrections for energy bin groups were obtained using MCNP6 Monte Carlo simulations. We have made studies at the at the Dry Tube of RECH-1 obtaining fluxes of 1.5(4) x 10(13) cm(-2) s(-1) for the thermal neutron energy region, 1.9(5) x 10(12) cm(-2) s(-1) for the epithermal neutron energy region, and 4.3(11) x 10(11) cm(-2) s(-1) for the fast neutron energy region.
Algora, A. et al, Valencia, E., Tain, J. L., Jordan, M. D., Agramunt, J., Rubio, B., et al. (2014). Total Absorption Study of Beta Decays Relevant for Nuclear Applications and Nuclear Structure. Nucl. Data Sheets, 120, 12–15.
Abstract: An overview is given of our activities related to the study of the beta decay of neutron rich nuclei relevant for nuclear applications. Recent results of the study of the beta decay of Br-87,Br-88 using a new segmented total absorption spectrometer are presented. The measurements were performed at the IGISOL facility using trap-assisted total absorption spectroscopy.