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NA64 Collaboration(Cazzaniga, C. et al), & Molina Bueno, L. (2021). Probing the explanation of the muon (g-2) anomaly and thermal light dark matter with the semi-visible dark photon channel. Eur. Phys. J. C, 81(10), 959–6pp.
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NA64 Collaboration(Andreev, Y. M. et al), & Molina Bueno, L. (2021). Search for pseudoscalar bosons decaying into e(+)e(-) pairs in the NA64 experiment at the CERN SPS. Phys. Rev. D, 104(11), L111102–5pp.
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T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Antonova, M., Cervera-Villanueva, A., & Molina Bueno, L. (2021). First T2K measurement of transverse kinematic imbalance in the muon-neutrino charged-current single-pi(+) production channel containing at least one proton. Phys. Rev. D, 103(11), 112009–27pp.
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T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Antonova, M., Cervera-Villanueva, A., & Molina Bueno, L. (2021). Improved constraints on neutrino mixing from the T2K experiment with 3.13 x 10(21) protons on target. Phys. Rev. D, 103(11), 112008–59pp.
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NA64 Collaboration(Andreev, Y. M. et al), Molina Bueno, L., & Tuzi, M. (2024). Dark-Sector Search via Pion-Produced η and η' Mesons Decaying Invisibly in the NA64h Detector. Phys. Rev. Lett., 133(12), 121803–6pp.
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