Kleiss, R. H. P., Malamos, I., Papadopoulos, C. G., & Verheyen, R. (2012). Counting to one: reducibility of one- and two-loop amplitudes at the integrand level. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 038–24pp.
Abstract: Calculation of amplitudes in perturbative quantum field theory involve large loop integrals. The complexity of those integrals, in combination with the large number of Feynman diagrams, make the calculations very difficult. Reduction methods proved to be very helpful, lowering the number of integrals that need to be actually calculated. Especially reduction at the integrand level improves the speed and set-up of these calculations. In this article we demonstrate, by counting the numbers of tensor structures and independent coefficients, how to write such relations at the integrand level for one-and two-loop amplitudes. We clarify their connection to the so-called spurious terms at one loop and discuss their structure in the two-loop case. This method is also applicable to higher loops, and the results obtained apply to both planar and non-planar diagrams.
Bierenbaum, I., Buchta, S., Draggiotis, P., Malamos, I., & Rodrigo, G. (2013). Tree-loop duality relation beyond single poles. J. High Energy Phys., 03(3), 025–24pp.
Abstract: We develop the Tree-Loop Duality Relation for two- and three-loop integrals with multiple identical propagators (multiple poles). This is the extension of the Duality Relation for single poles and multi-loop integrals derived in previous publications. We prove a generalization of the formula for single poles to multiple poles and we develop a strategy for dealing with higher-order pole integrals by reducing them to single pole integrals using Integration By Parts.
Buchta, S., Chachamis, G., Draggiotis, P., Malamos, I., & Rodrigo, G. (2014). On the singular behaviour of scattering amplitudes in quantum field theory. J. High Energy Phys., 11(11), 014–13pp.
Abstract: We analyse the singular behaviour of one-loop integrals and scattering amplitudes in the framework of the loop-tree duality approach. We show that there is a partial cancellation of singularities at the loop integrand level among the different components of the corresponding dual representation that can be interpreted in terms of causality. The remaining threshold and infrared singularities are restricted to a finite region of the loop momentum space, which is of the size of the external momenta and can be mapped to the phase-space of real corrections to cancel the soft and collinear divergences.