Chen, P., Ding, G. J., Lu, J. N., & Valle, J. W. F. (2020). Predictions from warped flavor dynamics based on the T ' family group. Phys. Rev. D, 102(9), 095014–17pp.
Abstract: We propose a realistic theory of fermion masses and mixings using a five-dimensional warped scenario where all fermions propagate in the bulk and the Higgs field is localized on the IR bran. The assumed T' flavor symmetry is broken on the branes by flavon fields, providing a consistent scenario where fermion mass hierarchies arise from adequate choices of the bulk mass parameters, while quark and lepton mixing angles are restricted by the family symmetry. Neutrino mass splittings, mixing parameters and the Dirac CP phase all arise from the type-I seesaw mechanism and are tightly correlated, leading to predictions for the neutrino oscillation parameters, as well as expected 0 nu beta beta decay rates within reach of upcoming experiments. The scheme also provides a good global description of flavor observables in the quark sector.
Ding, G. J., Lu, J. N., & Valle, J. W. F. (2021). Trimaximal neutrino mixing from scotogenic A(4) family symmetry. Phys. Lett. B, 815, 136122–13pp.
Abstract: We propose a flavor theory of leptons implementing an A(4) family symmetry. Our scheme provides a simple way to derive trimaximal neutrino mixing from first principles, leading to simple and testable predictions for neutrino mixing and CP violation. Dark matter mediates neutrino mass generation, as in the simplest scotogenic model.
Lu, J. N., Liu, X. G., & Ding, G. J. (2020). Modular symmetry origin of texture zeros and quark-lepton unification. Phys. Rev. D, 101(11), 115020–27pp.
Abstract: The even-weight modular forms of level N can be arranged into the common irreducible representations of the inhomogeneous finite modular group Gamma(N) and the homogeneous finite modular group Gamma(N)' which is the double covering of Gamma(N) , and the odd-weight modular forms of level N transform in the new representations of Gamma(N)'. We find that the above structure of modular forms can naturally generate texture zeros of the fermion mass matrices if we properly assign the representations and weights of the matter fields under the modular group. We perform a comprehensive analysis for the Gamma(3)' congruent to T' modular symmetry. The three generations of left-handed quarks are assumed to transform as a doublet and a singlet of T', and we find six possible texture-zero structures of the quark mass matrix up to row and column permutations. We present five benchmark quark models which can produce very good fits to the experimental data. These quark models are further extended to include the lepton sector, and the resulting models can give a unified description of both quark and lepton masses and flavor mixing simultaneously, although they contain a smaller number of free parameters than the observables.