Aceti, F., Liang, W. H., Oset, E., Wu, J. J., & Zou, B. S. (2012). Isospin breaking and f(0)(980)-a(0)(980) mixing in the eta(1405) -> pi(0)f(0)(980) reaction. Phys. Rev. D, 86(11), 114007–11pp.
Abstract: We make a theoretical study of the eta(1405) -> pi(0)f(0)(980) and eta(1405) -> pi(0)a(0)(980) reactions with an aim to determine the isospin violation and the mixing of the f(0)(980) and a(0)(980) resonances. We make use of the chiral unitary approach where these two resonances appear as composite states of two mesons, dynamically generated by the meson-meson interaction provided by chiral Lagrangians. We obtain a very narrow shape for the f(0)(980) production in agreement with a BES experiment. As to the amount of isospin violation, or f(0)(980) and a(0)(980) mixing, assuming constant vertices for the primary eta(1405) -> pi K-0 (K) over bar and eta(1405) -> pi(0)pi(0)eta production, we find results which are much smaller than found in the recent experimental BES paper, but consistent with results found in two other related BES experiments. We have tried to understand this anomaly by assuming an I = 1 mixture in the eta(1405) wave function, but this leads to a much bigger width of the f(0)(980) mass distribution than observed experimentally. The problem is solved by using the primary production driven by eta' -> K*(K) over bar followed by K* -> K pi, which induces an extra singularity in the loop functions needed to produce the f(0)(980) and a(0)(980) resonances. Improving upon earlier work along the same lines, and using the chiral unitary approach, we can now predict absolute values for the ratio Gamma(pi(0), pi(+)pi(-))/Gamma(pi(0), pi(0)eta) which are in fair agreement with experiment. We also show that the same results hold if we had the eta(1475) resonance or a mixture of these two states, as seems to be the case in the BES experiment.
Lin, J. X., Li, J. T., Liang, W. H., Chen, H. X., & Oset, E. (2024). J/ψ decays into ω(φ) f1(1285) and ω(φ) “f1(1420)”. Eur. Phys. J. C, 84(1), 52–8pp.
Abstract: We perform a theoretical study of the J/psi -> omega (Phi)K* K + c.c. -> omega(Phi)K-0 pi+ K- reactions with the assumption that the f1(1285) is dynamically generated from a single channel K*K + c.c interaction in the chiral unitary approach. Two peaks in the K-0 pi+ K- invariant mass distribution are observed, one clear peak locates at the f(1)(1285) nominal mass, the other peak locates at around 1420MeV with about 70MeV width. We conclude that the former peak is associated with the f(1)(1285) and the latter peak is not a genuine resonance but a manifestation of the kinematic effect in the higher energy region caused by the K* K + c.c. decay mode of the f(1)(1285).
Ikeno, N., Dias, J. M., Liang, W. H., & Oset, E. (2024). D+ → Ks0 π+ η reaction and a0(980)+. Eur. Phys. J. C, 84(5), 469–9pp.
Abstract: We study the D+ -> K- 0 pi (+) eta reaction where the a(0)(980) excitation plays a dominant role. We consider mechanisms of external and internal emission at the quark level, hadronize the qq components into two mesons and allow these mesons to undergo final state interaction where the a(0)(980) state is generated. While the a(0)(980) production is the dominant term, we also find other terms in the reaction that interfere with this production mode and, through interference with it, lead to a shape of the a(0)(980) significantly different from the one observed in other experiments, with an apparently much larger width.
Lin, J. X., Chen, H. X., Liang, W. H., Xiao, C. W., & Oset, E. (2024). (B)over-bars0 → Ds1(2460)+ K-, Ds1(2536)+ K- and the nature of the two Ds1 resonances. Eur. Phys. J. C, 84(4), 439–8pp.
Abstract: Starting from the molecular picture for the D-s1(2460) and D-s1(2536) resonances, which are dynamically generated by the interaction of coupled channels, the most important of which are the D* K for the D-s1(2460) and DK* for the D-s1(2536), we evaluate the ratio of decay widths for the (B) over bar (0)(s) -> D-s1(2460)(+) K- and (B) over bar (0)(s) -> D-s1(2536)(+) K- decays, the latter of which has been recently investigated by the LHCb collaboration, and we obtain a ratio of the order of unity. The present results should provide an incentive for the related decay into the D-s1(2460) resonance to be performed, which would provide valuable information on the nature of these two resonances.
Li, H. P., Song, J., Liang, W. H., Molina, R., & Oset, E. (2024). Contrasting observables related to the N*(1535) from the molecular or a genuine structure. Eur. Phys. J. C, 84(7), 656–8pp.
Abstract: In this work we compare the predictions for the scattering length and effective range of the channels K-0 Sigma(+), K+Sigma(0), K+ Lambda and eta p, assuming the N*(1535) state as a molecular state of these channels, or an original genuine state, made for instance from three quarks. Looking at very different scenarios, what we conclude is that the predictions of these two pictures are drastically different, to the point that we advise the measurement of these magnitudes, accessible for instance by measuring correlation functions, in order to gain much valuable information concerning the nature of this state.
Duan, M. Y., Song, J., Liang, W. H., & Oset, E. (2024). On the search for the two poles of the Ξ(1820)in the ψ(3686)→Ξ+K0Σ∗-(π-Λ) decay. Eur. Phys. J. C, 84(9), 947–5pp.
Abstract: We propose the reaction psi(3686)->Xi<overline>+K-<overline>0 Sigma(& lowast;-), with the Sigma(& lowast;-) decaying to pi(-)Lambda in order to show evidence for the existence of two Xi(1820) states, one around 1824 MeV and narrow, and another one around 1875 MeV and wide. The phase space for K<overline>0 Sigma(& lowast;-) production reduces the effect of the lower mass resonance, magnifying the effect of the higher mass resonance that shows clearly over the phase space. The estimated rate of the production is bigger than the one of the psi(3686)->Xi<overline>+K-Lambda reaction, where a clear peak for Xi(1820) was observed by the BESIII collaboration, what makes the Beijing facility ideal to carry out the reaction proposed.
Song, J., Liang, W. H., Xiao, C. W., Dias, J. M., & Oset, E. (2024). Testing the molecular nature of the Ω (2012) with the ψ (3770) → (Ω)over-bar(K)over-barΞ and ψ (3770) → (Ω)over-bar(K)over-barΞ* (1530) ((Ω)over-bar(K)over-barπΞ) reactions. Eur. Phys. J. C, 84(12), 1311–7pp.
Abstract: We report on the reactions psi(3770) -> (Omega) over bar+(K) over bar Xi and psi(3770) -> (Omega) over bar (+)(K) over bar Xi*(1530) (Xi* (1530) -> pi Xi), and calculate the mass distributions d Gamma/dM(inv)((K) over bar Xi) and d Gamma/dM(inv)(K Xi*), respectively. We obtain clear peaks corresponding to the Omega(2012). From the decay of psi(3770) -> (Omega) over bar (+)(K) over bar Xi*, we also get a second, broader, peak around 2035MeV, which comes from the Omega(2012) decay to (K) over bar Xi*. This second peak is closely tied to the molecular picture of the Omega(2012) with the (K) over bar Xi* (1530) and eta Omega components. Its observation would provide a boost to the molecular picture of the Omega (2012).
Li, H. P., Zhang, G. J., Liang, W. H., & Oset, E. (2023). Theoretical interpretation of the Ξ(1620) and Ξ(1690) resonances seen in Ξc+ → Ξ-π+π+ decay. Eur. Phys. J. C, 83(10), 954–7pp.
Abstract: We study the Belle reaction Xi(+)(c) -> Xi(-)pi(+)pi(+) looking at the mass distribution of pi(+)Xi, where clear signals for the Xi(1620) and Xi(1690) resonances are seen. These two resonances are generated dynamically from the interaction in coupled channels of pi Xi, (K) over bar Lambda, (K) over bar Xi and eta Xi within the chiral unitary approach. Yet, the weak decay process at the quark level, together with the hadronization to produce pairs of mesons, does not produce the pi pi Xi final state. In order to produce this state one must make transitions from the (K) over bar Lambda, (K) over bar Xi and eta Xi components to pi Xi, and this interaction is what produces the resonances. So, the reaction offers a good test for the molecular picture of these resonances. Adding the contribution of the Xi*(1530) and some background we are able to get a good reproduction of the mass distribution showing the signatures of the two resonances as found in the experiment.
Molina, R., Doring, M., Liang, W. H., & Oset, E. (2021). The pi f(0)(500) decay of the a(1)(1260). Eur. Phys. J. C, 81(9), 782–9pp.
Abstract: We evaluate the a(1)(1260) -> pi sigma(f(0)(500)) decay width from the perspective that the a(1)(1260) resonance is dynamically generated from the pseudoscalar-vector interaction and the sigma arises from the pseudoscalar-pseudoscalar interaction. A triangle mechanism with a(1)(1260) -> p pi followed by rho -> pi pi and a fusion of two pions within the loop to produce the sigma provides the mechanism for this decay under these assumptions for the nature of the two resonances. We obtain widths of the order of 13-22 MeV. Present experimental results differ substantially from each other, suggesting that extra efforts should be devoted to the precise extraction of this important partial decay width, which should provide valuable information on the nature of the axial vector and scalar meson resonances and help clarify the role of the ps channel in recent lattice QCD calculations of the a(1).
Lin, J. X., Li, J. T., Jiang, S. J., Liang, W. H., & Oset, E. (2021). The D-s(+) -> a(0)(980)e(+)nu(e) reaction and the a(0)(980) – f(0)(980) mixing. Eur. Phys. J. C, 81(11), 1017–8pp.
Abstract: We perform a study of the D-s(+) -> a(0)(980) (f(0)(980))e(+)nu(e) reactions investigating the different sources of isospin violation which make the production of the a0(980) possible. We find that loops involving kaons in the production mechanism provide a source of isospin violation since they do not cancel due to the different mass of charged and neutral kaons, but we also find that the main source comes from the breaking of isospin in the meson-meson transition T matrices, which contain information on the nature of the low lying scalar mesons. The reaction is thus very sensitive to the nature of the a(0)(980) and f(0)(980) resonances. Our results are consistent with the present upper bound for a(0)(980) production and only a factor three smaller, indicating that future runs with more statistics should find actual numbers for this reaction from where we can learn more about the origin of the scalar resonances and their nature.