Montanari, D., Farnea, E., Leoni, S., Pollarolo, G., Corradi, L., Benzoni, G., et al. (2011). Response function of the magnetic spectrometer PRISMA. Eur. Phys. J. A, 47(1), 4–7pp.
Abstract: The response function of the magnetic spectrometer PRISMA is studied via a Monte Carlo simulation that employs a ray tracing code to determine the trajectories of individual rays through the electromagnetic fields. The calculated response is tested on angular and energy distributions provided by theoretical calculations for the Ca-48 + Ni-64 multinucleon transfer reaction and applied to the corresponding experimental data.
Olivares Herrador, J., Latina, A., Aksoy, A., Fuster Martinez, N., Gimeno, B., & Esperante, D. (2024). Implementation of the beam-loading effect in the tracking code RF-track based on a power-diffusive model. Front. Physics, 12, 1348042–11pp.
Abstract: The need to achieve high energies in particle accelerators has led to the development of new accelerator technologies, resulting in higher beam intensities and more compact devices with stronger accelerating fields. In such scenarios, beam-loading effects occur, and intensity-dependent gradient reduction affects the accelerated beam as a consequence of its interaction with the surrounding cavity. In this study, a power-diffusive partial differential equation is derived to account for this effect. Its numerical resolution has been implemented in the tracking code RF-Track, allowing the simulation of apparatuses where transient beam loading plays an important role. Finally, measurements of this effect have been carried out in the CERN Linear Electron Accelerator for Research (CLEAR) facility at CERN, finding good agreement with the RF-Track simulations.
Gonzalez-Iglesias, D., Aksoy, A., Esperante, D., Gimeno, B., Latina, A., Boronat, M., et al. (2021). X-band RF photoinjector design for the CompactLight project. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 1014, 165709–10pp.
Abstract: RF photoinjectors have been under development for several decades to provide the high-brightness electron beams required for X-ray Free Electron Lasers. This paper proposes a photoinjector design that meets the Horizon 2020 CompactLight design study requirements. It consists of a 5.6-cell, X-band (12 GHz) RF gun, an emittance-compensating solenoid and two X-band traveling-wave structures that accelerate the beam out of the space-charge-dominated regime. The RF gun is intended to operate with a cathode gradient of 200 MV/m, and the TW structures at a gradient of 65 MV/m. The shape of the gun cavity cells was optimized to reduce the peak electric surface field. An assessment of the gun RF breakdown likelihood is presented as is a multipacting analysis for the gun coaxial coupler. RF pulse heating on the gun inner surfaces is also evaluated and beam dynamics simulations of the 100 MeV photoinjector are summarized.