Krause, C., Pich, A., Rosell, I., Santos, J., & Sanz-Cillero, J. J. (2019). Colorful imprints of heavy states in the electroweak effective theory. J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 092–51pp.
Abstract: We analyze heavy states from generic ultraviolet completions of the Standard Model in a model-independent way and investigate their implications on the low-energy couplings of the electroweak effective theory. We build a general effective Lagrangian, implementing the electroweak symmetry breaking SU(2)(L) circle times SU(2)(R) SU(2)(L+R) with a non-linear Nambu-Goldstone realization, which couples the known particles to the heavy states. We generalize the formalism developed in previous works [1, 2] to include colored resonances, both of bosonic and fermionic type. We study bosonic heavy states with J(P) = 0(+/-) and J(P) = 1(+/-), in singlet or triplet SU(2)(L+R) representations and in singlet or octet representations of SU(3)(C) , and fermionic resonances with that are electroweak doublets and QCD triplets or singlets. Integrating out the heavy scales, we determine the complete pattern of low-energy couplings at the lowest non-trivial order. Some specific types of (strongly- and weakly-coupled) ultraviolet completions are discussed to illustrate the generality of our approach and to make contact with current experimental searches.
de Blas, J., Eberhardt, O., & Krause, C. (2018). Current and future constraints on Higgs couplings in the nonlinear Effective Theory. J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 048–45pp.
Abstract: We perform a Bayesian statistical analysis of the constraints on the nonlinear Effective Theory given by the Higgs electroweak chiral Lagrangian. We obtain bounds on the effective coefficients entering in Higgs observables at the leading order, using all available Higgs-boson signal strengths from the LHC runs 1 and 2. Using a prior dependence study of the solutions, we discuss the results within the context of natural-sized Wilson coefficients. We further study the expected sensitivities to the different Wilson coefficients at various possible future colliders. Finally, we interpret our results in terms of some minimal composite Higgs models.
Chala, M., Krause, C., & Nardini, G. (2018). Signals of the electroweak phase transition at colliders and gravitational wave observatories. J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 062–29pp.
Abstract: If the electroweak phase transition (EWPT) is of strongly first order due to higher dimensional operators, the scale of new physics generating them is at the TeV scale or below. In this case the effective-field theory (EFT) neglecting operators of dimension higher than six may overlook terms that are relevant for the EWPT analysis. In this article we study the EWPT in the EFT to dimension eight. We estimate the reach of the future gravitational wave observatory LISA for probing the region in which the EWPT is strongly first order and compare it with the capabilities of the Higgs measurements via double-Higgs production at current and future colliders. We also match different UV models to the previously mentioned dimension-eight EFT and demonstrate that, from the top-down point of view, the double-Higgs production is not the best signal to explore these scenarios.
Buchalla, G., Cata, O., Celis, A., Knecht, M., & Krause, C. (2018). Complete one-loop renormalization of the Higgs-electroweak chiral Lagrangian. Nucl. Phys. B, 928, 93–106.
Abstract: Employing background-field method and super-heat-kernel expansion, we compute the complete oneloop renormalization of the electroweak chiral Lagrangian with a light Higgs boson. Earlier results from purely scalar fluctuations are confirmed as a special case. We also recover the one-loop renormalization of the conventional Standard Model in the appropriate limit.