Carcamo Hernandez, A. E., Hati, C., Kovalenko, S., Valle, J. W. F., & Vaquera-Araujo, C. A. (2022). Scotogenic neutrino masses with gauged matter parity and gauge coupling unification. J. High Energy Phys., 03(3), 034–25pp.
Abstract: Building up on previous work we propose a Dark Matter (DM) model with gauged matter parity and dynamical gauge coupling unification, driven by the same physics responsible for scotogenic neutrino mass generation. Our construction is based on the extended gauge group SU(3)(c) circle times SU(3)(L) circle times U(1)(X) circle times U(1)(N), whose spontaneous breaking leaves a residual conserved matter parity, M-P, stabilizing the DM particle candidates of the model. The key role is played by Majorana SU(3) (L)-octet leptons, allowing the successful gauge coupling unification and a one-loop scotogenic neutrino mass generation. Theoretical consistency allows for a plethora of new particles at the less than or similar to O(10) TeV scale, hence accessible to future collider and low-energy experiments.
Arbelaez, C., Gonzalez, M., Kovalenko, S. G., & Hirsch, M. (2017). QCD-improved limits from neutrinoless double beta decay. Phys. Rev. D, 96(1), 015010–12pp.
Abstract: We analyze the impact of QCD corrections on limits derived from neutrinoless double beta decay (0 nu beta beta ). As demonstrated previously, the effect of the color mismatch arising from loops with gluons linking the quarks from different color-singlet currents participating in the effective operators has a dramatic impact on the predictions for some particular Wilson coefficients. Here, we consider all possible contributions from heavy particle exchange, i.e. the so-called short-range mechanism of 0 nu beta beta decay. All high-scale models (HSM) in this class match at some scale around a similar to few TeV with the corresponding effective theory, containing a certain set of effective dimension-9 operators. Many of these HSM receive contributions from more than one of the basic operators and we calculate limits on these models using the latest experimental data. We also show with one nontrivial example, how to derive limits on more complicated models, in which many different Feynman diagrams contribute to 0 nu beta beta decay, using our general method.
Arbelaez, C., Gonzalez, M., Hirsch, M., & Kovalenko, S. G. (2016). QCD corrections and long-range mechanisms of neutrinoless double beta decay. Phys. Rev. D, 94(9), 096014–5pp.
Abstract: Recently it has been demonstrated that QCD corrections are numerically important for short-range mechanisms (SRM) of neutrinoless double beta decay (0 nu beta beta) mediated by heavy particle exchange. This is due to the effect of color mismatch for certain effective operators, which leads to mixing between different operators with vastly different nuclear matrix elements (NMEs). In this note we analyze the QCD corrections for long-range mechanisms (LRM), due to diagrams with light-neutrino exchange between a Standard Model (V-A)chi(V-A) and a beyond the SM lepton number violating vertex. We argue that in contrast to the SRM in the LRM case, there is no operator mixing from color-mismatched operators. This is due to a combined effect of the nuclear short-range correlations and color invariance. As a result, the QCD corrections to the LRM amount to an effect no more than 60%, depending on the operator in question. Although less crucial, taken into account QCD running makes theoretical predictions for 0 nu beta beta-decay more robust also for LRM diagrams. We derive the current experimental constraints on the Wilson coefficients for all LRM effective operators.
Arbelaez, C., Cepedello, R., Helo, J. C., Hirsch, M., & Kovalenko, S. (2022). How many 1-loop neutrino mass models are there? J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 023–29pp.
Abstract: It is well-known that at tree-level the d = 5 Weinberg operator can be generated in exactly three different ways, the famous seesaw models. In this paper we study the related question of how many phenomenologically consistent 1-loop models one can construct at d=5. First, we discuss that there are two possible classes of 1-loop neutrino mass models, that allow avoiding stable charged relics: (i) models with dark matter candidates and (ii) models with “exits”. Here, we define “exits” as particles that can decay into standard model fields. Considering 1-loop models with new scalars and fermions, we find in the dark matter class a total of (115+203) models, while in the exit class we find (38+368) models. Here, 115 is the number of DM models, which require a stabilizing symmetry, while 203 is the number of models which contain a dark matter candidate, which maybe accidentally stable. In the exit class the 38 refers to models, for which one (or two) of the internal particles in the loop is a SM field, while the 368 models contain only fields beyond the SM (BSM) in the neutrino mass diagram. We then study the RGE evolution of the gauge couplings in all our 1-loop models. Many of the models in our list lead to Landau poles in some gauge coupling at rather low energies and there is exactly one model which unifies the gauge couplings at energies above 10(15) GeV in a numerically acceptable way.
Arbelaez, C., Carcamo Hernandez, A. E., Cepedello, R., Kovalenko, S., & Schmidt, I. (2020). Sequentially loop suppressed fermion masses from a single discrete symmetry. J. High Energy Phys., 06(6), 043–24pp.
Abstract: We propose a systematic and renormalizable sequential loop suppression mechanism to generate the hierarchy of the Standard Model fermion masses from one discrete symmetry. The discrete symmetry is sequentially softly broken in order to generate one-loop level masses for the bottom, charm, tau and muon leptons and two-loop level masses for the lightest Standard Model charged fermions. The tiny masses for the light active neutrinos are produced from radiative type-I seesaw mechanism, where the Dirac mass terms are effectively generated at two-loop level.
Arbelaez, C., Carcamo Hernandez, A. E., Cepedello, R., Hirsch, M., & Kovalenko, S. (2019). Radiative type-I seesaw neutrino masses. Phys. Rev. D, 100(11), 115021–7pp.
Abstract: We discuss a radiative type-I seesaw. In these models, the radiative generation of Dirac neutrino masses allows to explain the smallness of the observed neutrino mass scale for rather light right-handed neutrino masses in a type-1 seesaw. We first present the general idea in a model-independent way. This allows us to estimate the typical scale of right-handed neutrino mass as a function of the number of loops. We then present two example models, at the one- and two-loop level, which we use to discuss neutrino masses and lepton-flavor-violating constraints in more detail. For the two-loop example, right-handed neutrino masses must lie below 100 GeV, thus making this class of models testable in heavy neutral lepton searches.