Bayar, M., Martinez Torres, A., Khemchandani, K. P., Molina, R., & Oset, E. (2023). Exotic states with triple charm. Eur. Phys. J. C, 83(1), 46–9pp.
Abstract: In this work we investigate the possibility of the formation of states from the dynamics involved in the D* D* D* system by considering that two D*'s generate a JP = 1+ bound state, with isospin 0, which has been predicted in an earlier theoretical work. We solve the Faddeev equations for this system within the fixed center approximation and find the existence of J(P) = 0(-), 1(-) and 2(-) states with charm 3, isospin 1/2, masses similar to 6000 MeV, which are manifestly exotic hadrons, i.e., with a multiquark inner structure.
Aceti, F., Bayar, M., Oset, E., Martinez Torres, A., Khemchandani, K. P., Dias, J. M., et al. (2014). Prediction of an I=1 D(D)over-bar* state and relationship to the claimed Z(c)(3900), Z(c)(3885). Phys. Rev. D, 90(1), 016003–13pp.
Abstract: We study here the interaction of D (D) over bar* in the isospin I = 1 channel in light of recent theoretical advances that allow us to combine elements of the local hidden gauge approach with heavy quark spin symmetry. We find that the exchange of light q (q) over bar is Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka (OZI) suppressed and thus we concentrate on the exchange of heavy vectors and of two pion exchange. The latter is found to be small compared to the exchange of heavy vectors, which then determines the strength of the interaction. A barely D (D) over bar* bound state decaying into eta(c)rho and pi J/psi is found. At the same time we reanalyze the data of the BESIII experiment on e(+)e(-) -> pi(+/-)(D (D) over bar*)(-/+), from where a Z(c)(3885) state was claimed, associated to a peak in the (D (D) over bar*)(-/+) invariant mass distribution close to threshold, and we find the data compatible with a resonance with mass around 3875 MeV and width around 30 MeV. We discuss the possibility that this and the Z(c)(3900) state found at BESIII, reconfirmed at 3894 MeV at Belle, or 3885 MeV at CLEO, could all be the same state and correspond to the one that we find theoretically.