T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Cervera-Villanueva, A., Izmaylov, A., & Novella, P. (2018). First measurement of the nu(mu) charged-current cross section on a water target without pions in the final state. Phys. Rev. D, 97(1), 012001–16pp.
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T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Cervera-Villanueva, A., Izmaylov, A., Novella, P., Sorel, M., & Stamoulis, P. (2018). Measurement of the single pi(0) production rate in neutral current neutrino interactions on water. Phys. Rev. D, 97(3), 032002–13pp.
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T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Cervera-Villanueva, A., Izmaylov, A., Novella, P., & Sorel, M. (2017). Updated T2K measurements of muon neutrino and antineutrino disappearance using 1.5 x 10(21) protons on target. Phys. Rev. D, 96(1), 011102–9pp.
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T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Cervera-Villanueva, A., Izmaylov, A., & Novella, P. (2017). Measurement of neutrino and antineutrino oscillations by the T2K experiment including a new additional sample of nu(e) interactions at the far detector. Phys. Rev. D, 96(9), 092006–49pp.
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T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Cervera-Villanueva, A., Izmaylov, A., Novella, P., Sorel, M., & Stamoulis, P. (2017). First measurement of the muon neutrino charged current single pion production cross section on water with the T2K near detector. Phys. Rev. D, 95(1), 012010–11pp.
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T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Cervera-Villanueva, A., Izmaylov, A., Novella, P., Sorel, M., & Stamoulis, P. (2017). Search for Lorentz and CPT violation using sidereal time dependence of neutrino flavor transitions over a short baseline. Phys. Rev. D, 95(11), 111101–9pp.
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T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Cervera-Villanueva, A., Escudero, L., Izmaylov, A., Sorel, M., & Stamoulis, P. (2016). Upper bound on neutrino mass based on T2K neutrino timing measurements. Phys. Rev. D, 93(1), 012006–15pp.
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T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Cervera-Villanueva, A., Izmaylov, A., Sorel, M., & Stamoulis, P. (2016). Measurement of the muon neutrino inclusive charged-current cross section in the energy range of 1-3 GeV with the T2K INGRID detector. Phys. Rev. D, 93(7), 072002–23pp.
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T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Cervera-Villanueva, A., Izmaylov, A., Sorel, M., & Stamoulis, P. (2016). Measurement of double-differential muon neutrino charged-current interactions on C8H8 without pions in the final state using the T2K off-axis beam. Phys. Rev. D, 93(11), 112012–25pp.
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T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Cervera-Villanueva, A., Escudero, L., Izmaylov, A., Sorel, M., & Stamoulis, P. (2015). Measurement of the nu(mu) charged-current quasielastic cross section on carbon with the ND280 detector at T2K. Phys. Rev. D, 92(11), 112003–14pp.
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