T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Antonova, M., Cervera-Villanueva, A., Fernandez, P., Izmaylov, A., & Novella, P. (2019). Measurement of neutrino and antineutrino neutral-current quasielasticlike interactions on oxygen by detecting nuclear deexcitation gamma rays. Phys. Rev. D, 100(12), 112009–19pp.
Abstract: Neutrino- and antineutrino-oxygen neutral-current quasielasticlike interactions are measured at Super-Kamiokande using nuclear deexcitation gamma rays to identify signal-like interactions in data from a 14.94(16.35) x 10(20) protons-on-target exposure of the T2K neutrino (antineutrino) beam. The measured flux-averaged cross sections on oxygen nuclei are <sigma(nu-NCQE)> = 1.70 +/- 0.17(stat.)(-0.38)(+0.51) (syst.) x 10(-38) cm(2)/oxygen with a flux-averaged energy of 0.82 GeV and <sigma((nu) over bar -NCQE)> = 0.98 +/- 0.16(stat.)(-0.19)(+0.26)(syst.) x 10(-38)cm(2)/oxygen with a flux-averaged energy of 0.68 GeV, for neutrinos and antineutrinos, respectively. These results are the most precise to date, and the antineutrino result is the first cross section measurement of this channel. They are compared with various theoretical predictions. The impact on evaluation of backgrounds to searches for supernova relic neutrinos at present and future water Cherenkov detectors is also discussed.
T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Cervera-Villanueva, A., Escudero, L., Izmaylov, A., Sorel, M., & Stamoulis, P. (2015). Measurement of the nu(mu) charged-current quasielastic cross section on carbon with the ND280 detector at T2K. Phys. Rev. D, 92(11), 112003–14pp.
Abstract: This paper reports a measurement by the T2K experiment of the nu(mu) charged current quasielastic (CCQE) cross section on a carbon target with the off-axis detector based on the observed distribution of muon momentum (rho(mu)) and angle with respect to the incident neutrino beam (theta(mu)). The flux-integrated CCQE cross section was measured to be <sigma > = (0.83 +/- 0.12) x 10(-38) cm(2). The energy dependence of the CCQE cross section is also reported. The axial mass, M-A(QE), of the dipole axial form factor was extracted assuming the Smith-Moniz CCQE model with a relativistic Fermi gas nuclear model. Using the absolute (shape-only) rho(mu)-cos theta(mu) distribution, the effective M-A(QE) parameter was measured to be 1.26(-0.18)(+0.21) GeV/c(2) (1.43(-0.22)(+0.28) GeV/c(2)).
T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Cervera-Villanueva, A., Escudero, L., Izmaylov, A., Sorel, M., & Stamoulis, P. (2015). Measurement of the nu(mu) charged current quasielastic cross section on carbon with the T2K on-axis neutrino beam. Phys. Rev. D, 91(11), 112002–17pp.
Abstract: We report a measurement of the nu(mu) charged current quasielastic cross-sections on carbon in the T2K on-axis neutrino beam. The measured charged current quasielastic cross-sections on carbon at mean neutrino energies of 1.94 GeV and 0.93 GeV are (11.95 +/- 0.19(stat)(-1.47)(+1.82)(syst)) x 10(-39) cm(2)/neutron, and (10.64 +/- 0.37(stat)(-1.65)(+2.03)(syst)) x 10(-39) cm(2)/neutron, respectively. These results agree well with the predictions of neutrino interaction models. In addition, we investigated the effects of the nuclear model and the multi-nucleon interaction.
T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Antonova, M., Cervera-Villanueva, A., Fernandez, P., Izmaylov, A., & Novella, P. (2020). First combined measurement of the muon neutrino and antineutrino charged-current cross section without pions in the final state at T2K. Phys. Rev. D, 101(11), 112001–44pp.
Abstract: This paper presents the first combined measurement of the double-differential muon neutrino and antineutrino charged-current cross sections with no pions in the final state on hydrocarbon at the off-axis near detector of the T2K experiment. The data analyzed in this work comprise 5.8 x 10(20) and 6.3 x 10(20) protons on target in neutrino and antineutrino mode respectively, at a beam energy peak of 0.6 GeV. Using the two measured cross sections, the sum, difference, and asymmetry were calculated with the aim of better understanding the nuclear effects involved in such interactions. The extracted measurements have been compared with the prediction from different Monte Carlo generators and theoretical models showing that the difference between the two cross sections have interesting sensitivity to nuclear effects.
T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Cervera-Villanueva, A., Izmaylov, A., Novella, P., Sorel, M., & Stamoulis, P. (2017). Search for Lorentz and CPT violation using sidereal time dependence of neutrino flavor transitions over a short baseline. Phys. Rev. D, 95(11), 111101–9pp.
Abstract: A class of extensions of the Standard Model allows Lorentz and CPT violations, which can be identified by the observation of sidereal modulations in the neutrino interaction rate. A search for such modulations was performed using the T2K on-axis near detector. Two complementary methods were used in this study, both of which resulted in no evidence of a signal. Limits on associated Lorentz and CPT-violating terms from the Standard Model extension have been derived by taking into account their correlations in this model for the first time. These results imply such symmetry violations are suppressed by a factor of more than 10(20) at the GeV scale.
T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Cervera-Villanueva, A., Izmaylov, A., & Novella, P. (2017). Measurement of neutrino and antineutrino oscillations by the T2K experiment including a new additional sample of nu(e) interactions at the far detector. Phys. Rev. D, 96(9), 092006–49pp.
Abstract: The T2K experiment reports an updated analysis of neutrino and antineutrino oscillations in appearance and disappearance channels. A sample of electron neutrino candidates at Super-Kamiokande in which a pion decay has been tagged is added to the four single-ring samples used in previous T2K oscillation analyses. Through combined analyses of these five samples, simultaneous measurements of four oscillation parameters, vertical bar Delta m(32)(2)vertical bar, sin(2) theta(23), sin(2) theta(13), and delta(CP) and of the mass ordering are made. A set of studies of simulated data indicates that the sensitivity to the oscillation parameters is not limited by neutrino interaction model uncertainty. Multiple oscillation analyses are performed, and frequentist and Bayesian intervals are presented for combinations of the oscillation parameters with and without the inclusion of reactor constraints on sin(2) theta(13). When combined with reactor measurements, the hypothesis of CP conservation (delta(CP) = 0 or pi) is excluded at 90% confidence level. The 90% confidence region for delta(CP) is [-2.95, -0.44] ([-1.47, -1.27]) for normal (inverted) ordering. The central values and 68% confidence intervals for the other oscillation parameters for normal (inverted) ordering are Delta m(32)(2) = 2.54 +/- 0.08(2.51 +/- 0.08) x 10(-3) eV(2)/c(4) and sin(2) theta(23) = 0.55(-0.09)(+0.005) (0.55(-0.08)(+0.05)), compatible with maximal mixing. In the Bayesian analysis, the data weakly prefer normal ordering (Bayes factor 3.7) and the upper octant for sin(2) theta(23) (Bayes factor 2.4).
T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Cervera-Villanueva, A., Escudero, L., Gomez-Cadenas, J. J., Izmaylov, A., Monfregola, L., et al. (2014). Measurement of the intrinsic electron neutrino component in the T2K neutrino beam with the ND280 detector. Phys. Rev. D, 89(9), 092003–18pp.
Abstract: The T2K experiment has reported the first observation of the appearance of electron neutrinos in a muon neutrino beam. The main and irreducible background to the appearance signal comes from the presence in the neutrino beam of a small intrinsic component of electron neutrinos originating from muon and kaon decays. In T2K, this component is expected to represent 1.2% of the total neutrino flux. A measurement of this component using the near detector (ND280), located 280 m from the target, is presented. The charged current interactions of electron neutrinos are selected by combining the particle identification capabilities of both the time projection chambers and electromagnetic calorimeters of ND280. The measured ratio between the observed electron neutrino beam component and the prediction is 1.01 +/- 0.10 providing a direct confirmation of the neutrino fluxes and neutrino cross section modeling used for T2K neutrino oscillation analyses. Electron neutrinos coming from muons and kaons decay are also separately measured, resulting in a ratio with respect to the prediction of 0.68 +/- 0.30 and 1.10 +/- 0.14, respectively.
DUNE Collaboration(Abi, B. et al), Antonova, M., Barenboim, G., Cervera-Villanueva, A., De Romeri, V., Fernandez Menendez, P., et al. (2020). Neutrino interaction classification with a convolutional neural network in the DUNE far detector. Phys. Rev. D, 102(9), 092003–20pp.
Abstract: The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment is a next-generation neutrino oscillation experiment that aims to measure CP-violation in the neutrino sector as part of a wider physics program. A deep learning approach based on a convolutional neural network has been developed to provide highly efficient and pure selections of electron neutrino and muon neutrino charged-current interactions. The electron neutrino (antineutrino) selection efficiency peaks at 90% (94%) and exceeds 85% (90%) for reconstructed neutrino energies between 2-5 GeV. The muon neutrino (antineutrino) event selection is found to have a maximum efficiency of 96% (97%) and exceeds 90% (95%) efficiency for reconstructed neutrino energies above 2 GeV. When considering all electron neutrino and antineutrino interactions as signal, a selection purity of 90% is achieved. These event selections are critical to maximize the sensitivity of the experiment to CP-violating effects.
T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Cervera-Villanueva, A., Escudero, L., Gomez-Cadenas, J. J., Izmaylov, A., Monfregola, L., et al. (2014). Measurement of the neutrino-oxygen neutral-current interaction cross section by observing nuclear deexcitation gamma rays. Phys. Rev. D, 90(7), 072012–11pp.
Abstract: We report the first measurement of the neutrino-oxygen neutral-current quasielastic (NCQE) cross section gamma It is obtained by observing nuclear deexcitation. rays which follow neutrino-oxygen interactions at the Super-Kamiokande water Cherenkov detector. We use T2K data corresponding to 3.01 x 10(20) protons on target. By selecting only events during the T2K beam window and with well-reconstructed vertices in the fiducial volume, the large background rate from natural radioactivity is dramatically reduced. We observe 43 events in the 4-30 MeV reconstructed energy window, compared with an expectation of 51.0, which includes an estimated 16.2 background events. The background is primarily nonquasielastic neutral-current interactions and has only 1.2 events from natural radioactivity. The flux-averaged NCQE cross section we measure is 1.55 x 10(-38) cm(2) with a 68% confidence interval of (1.22, 2.20) x 10(-38) cm(2) at a median neutrino energy of 630 MeV, compared with the theoretical prediction of 2.01 x 10(-38) cm(2).
T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Cervera-Villanueva, A., Escudero, L., Izmaylov, A., Sorel, M., & Stamoulis, P. (2015). Measurements of neutrino oscillation in appearance and disappearance channels by the T2K experiment with 6.6 x 10(20) protons on target. Phys. Rev. D, 91(7), 072010–50pp.
Abstract: We report on measurements of neutrino oscillation using data from the T2K long-baseline neutrino experiment collected between 2010 and 2013. In an analysis of muon neutrino disappearance alone, we find the following estimates and 68% confidence intervals for the two possible mass hierarchies: normal hierarchy: sin(2)theta(23) = 0.514(-0.055)(+0.056) and Delta m(32)(2) = (2.51 +/- 0.10) x 10(-3) eV(2)/c(4) and inverted hierarchy: sin(2)theta(23) = 0.511 +/- 0.055 and Delta m(13)(2) = (2.48 +/- 0.10) x 10(-3) eV(2)/c(4). The analysis accounts for multinucleon mechanisms in neutrino interactions which were found to introduce negligible bias. We describe our first analyses that combine measurements of muon neutrino disappearance and electron neutrino appearance to estimate four oscillation parameters, vertical bar Delta m(2)vertical bar, sin(2)theta(23), sin(2)theta(13,) delta(CP), and the mass hierarchy. Frequentist and Bayesian intervals are presented for combinations of these parameters, with and without including recent reactor measurements. At 90% confidence level and including reactor measurements, we exclude the region delta(CP) = [0.15; 0.83]pi for normal hierarchy and delta(CP) = [-0.08; 1.09]pi for inverted hierarchy. The T2K and reactor data weakly favor the normal hierarchy with a Bayes factor of 2.2. The most probable values and 68% one-dimensional credible intervals for the other oscillation parameters, when reactor data are included, are sin(2)theta(23) = 0.528(-0.055)(+0.038) and vertical bar Delta m(32)(2)vertical bar = (2.51 +/- 0.11) x 10(-3) eV(2)/c(4).