Hirsch, M., Joaquim, F. R., & Vicente, A. (2012). Constrained SUSY seesaws with a 125 GeV Higgs. J. High Energy Phys., 11(11), 105–33pp.
Abstract: Motivated by the ATLAS and CMS discovery of a Higgs-like boson with a mass around 125 GeV, and by the need of explaining neutrino masses, we analyse the three canonical SUSY versions of the seesaw mechanism (type I, II and III) with CMSSM boundary conditions. In type II and III cases, SUSY particles are lighter than in the CMSSM (or the constrained type I seesaw), for the same set of input parameters at the universality scale. Thus, to explain m(h0) similar or equal to 125 GeV at low energies, one is forced into regions of parameter space with very large values of m(0), M-1/2 or A(0). We compare the squark and gluino masses allowed by the ATLAS and CMS ranges for m(h0) (extracted from the 2011-2012 data), and discuss the possibility of distinguishing seesaw models in view of future results on SUSY searches. In particular, we briefly comment on the discovery potential of LHC upgrades, for squark/gluino mass ranges required by present Higgs mass constraints. A discrimination between different seesaw models cannot rely on the Higgs mass data alone, therefore we also take into account the MEG upper limit on BR(mu -> e gamma) and show that, in some cases, this may help to restrict the SUSY parameter space, as well as to set complementary limits on the seesaw scale.
Hirsch, M., Kernreiter, T., Romao, J. C., & del Moral, A. V. (2010). Minimal supersymmetric inverse seesaw: neutrino masses, lepton flavour violation and LHC phenomenology. J. High Energy Phys., 01(1), 103–21pp.
Abstract: We study neutrino masses in the framework of the supersymmetric inverse seesaw model. Different from the non-supersymmetric version a minimal realization with just one pair of singlets is sufficient to explain all neutrino data. We compute the neutrino mass matrix up to 1-loop order and show how neutrino data can be described in terms of the model parameters. We then calculate rates for lepton flavour violating (LFV) processes, such as μ-> e gamma and chargino decays to singlet scalar neutrinos. The latter decays are potentially observable at the LHC and show a characteristic decay pattern dictated by the same parameters which generate the observed large neutrino angles.
Hirsch, M., Krauss, M. E., Opferkuch, T., Porod, W., & Staub, F. (2016). A constrained supersymmetric left-right model. J. High Energy Phys., 03(3), 009–22pp.
Abstract: We present a supersymmetric left-right model which predicts gauge coupling unification close to the string scale and extra vector bosons at the TeV scale. The subtleties in constructing a model which is in agreement with the measured quark masses and mixing for such a low left-right breaking scale are discussed. It is shown that in the constrained version of this model radiative breaking of the gauge symmetries is possible and a SM-like Higgs is obtained. Additional CP-even scalars of a similar mass or even much lighter are possible. The expected mass hierarchies for the supersymmetric states differ clearly from those of the constrained MSSM. In particular, the lightest down-type squark, which is a mixture of the sbottom and extra vector-like states, is always lighter than the stop. We also comment on the model's capability to explain current anomalies observed at the LHC.
Hirsch, M., Lineros, R. A., Morisi, S., Palacio, J., Rojas, N., & Valle, J. W. F. (2013). WIMP dark matter as radiative neutrino mass messenger. J. High Energy Phys., 10(10), 149–18pp.
Abstract: The minimal seesaw extension of the Standard SU(3)(c)circle times SU(2)(L)circle times U(1)(Y) Model requires two electroweak singlet fermions in order to accommodate the neutrino oscillation parameters at tree level. Here we consider a next to minimal extension where light neutrino masses are generated radiatively by two electroweak fermions: one singlet and one triplet under SU(2)(L). These should be odd under a parity symmetry and their mixing gives rise to a stable weakly interactive massive particle (WIMP) dark matter candidate. For mass in the GeV-TeV range, it reproduces the correct relic density, and provides an observable signal in nuclear recoil direct detection experiments. The fermion triplet component of the dark matter has gauge interactions, making it also detectable at present and near future collider experiments.
Hirsch, M., Malinsky, M., Porod, W., Reichert, L., & Staub, F. (2012). Hefty MSSM-like light Higgs in extended gauge models. J. High Energy Phys., 02(2), 084.
Abstract: It is well known that in the MSSM the lightest neutral Higgs h(0) must be, at the tree level, lighter than the Z boson and that the loop corrections shift this stringent upper bound up to about 130GeV. Extending the MSSM gauge group in a suitable way, the new Higgs sector dynamics can push the tree-level mass of h(0) well above the tree-level MSSM limit if it couples to the new gauge sector. This effect is further pronounced at the loop level and h(0) masses in the 140GeV ballpark can be reached easily. We exemplify this for a sample setting with a low-scale U(1)(R) x U(1)(B-L) gauge symmetry in which neutrino masses can be implemented via the inverse seesaw mechanism.
Hirsch, M., Maselek, R., & Sakurai, K. (2021). Detecting long-lived multi-charged particles in neutrino mass models with MoEDAL. Eur. Phys. J. C, 81(8), 697–19pp.
Abstract: A certain class of neutrino mass models predicts long-lived particles whose electric charge is four or three times larger than that of protons. Such particles, if they are light enough, may be produced at the LHC and detected. We investigate the possibility of observing those long-lived multi-charged particles with the MoEDAL detector, which is sensitive to long-lived particles with low velocities (beta) and a large electric charge (Z) with Theta equivalent to beta /Z less than or similar to 0.15. We demonstrate that multi-charged scalar particles with a large Z give three-fold advantage for MoEDAL; reduction of Theta due to strong interactions with the detector, and enhancement of the photon-fusion process, which not only increases the production cross-section but also lowers the average production velocity, reducing Theta further. To demonstrate the performance of MoEDAL on multi-charged long-lived particles, two concrete neutrino mass models are studied. In the first model, the new physics sector is non-coloured and contains long-lived particles with electric charges 2, 3 and 4. A model-independent study finds MoEDAL can expect more than 1 signal event at the HL-LHC (L=300fb-1) if these particles are lighter than 600, 1100 and 1430 GeV, respectively. These compare with the current ATLAS limits 650, 780 and 920 GeV for L=36fb-1. The second model has a coloured new physics sector, which possesses long-lived particles with electric charges 4/3, 7/3 and 10/3. The corresponding MoEDAL's mass reaches at the HL-LHC are 1400, 1650 and 1800 GeV, respectively, which compare with the current CMS limits 1450, 1480 and 1510 GeV for L=36fb-1. In a model-specific study we explore the parameter space of neutrino mass generation models and identify the regions that can be probed with MoEDAL at the end of Run-3 and the High-Luminosity LHC.
Hirsch, M., Morisi, S., Peinado, E., & Valle, J. W. F. (2010). Discrete dark matter. Phys. Rev. D, 82(11), 116003–5pp.
Abstract: We propose a new motivation for the stability of dark matter (DM). We suggest that the same non-Abelian discrete flavor symmetry which accounts for the observed pattern of neutrino oscillations, spontaneously breaks to a Z(2) subgroup which renders DM stable. The simplest scheme leads to a scalar doublet DM potentially detectable in nuclear recoil experiments, inverse neutrino mass hierarchy, hence a neutrinoless double beta decay rate accessible to upcoming searches, while theta(13) = 0 gives no CP violation in neutrino oscillations.
Hirsch, M., Porod, W., Weiss, C., & Staub, F. (2013). Supersymmetric type-III seesaw mechanism: Lepton flavor violation and LHC phenomenology. Phys. Rev. D, 87(1), 013010–12pp.
Abstract: We study a supersymmetric version of the type-III seesaw mechanism considering two variants of the model: a minimal version for explaining neutrino data with only two copies of 24 superfields and a model with three generations of 24-plets. The latter predicts, in general, rates for μ-> e gamma inconsistent with experimental data. However, this bound can be evaded if certain special conditions within the neutrino sector are fulfilled. In the case of two 24-plets, lepton flavor violation constraints can be satisfied much more easily. After specifying the corresponding regions in the minimal supergravity parameter space, we show that under favorable conditions one can test the corresponding flavor structures in the leptonic sector at the LHC. For this we perform Monte Carlo studies for the signals, also taking into account the supersymmetry background. We find that it is only of minor importance for the scenarios studied here.
Hirsch, M., Reichert, L., & Porod, W. (2011). Supersymmetric mass spectra and the seesaw scale. J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 086–32pp.
Abstract: Supersymmetric mass spectra within two variants of the seesaw mechanism, commonly known as type-II and type-III seesaw, are calculated using full 2-loop RGEs and minimal Supergravity boundary conditions. The type-II seesaw is realized using one pair of 15 and (15) over bar superfields, while the type-III is realized using three copies of 24(M) superfields. Using published, estimated errors on SUSY mass observables attainable at the LHC and in a combined LHC+ILC analysis, we calculate expected errors for the parameters of the models, most notably the seesaw scale. If SUSY particles are within the reach of the ILC, pure mSugra can be distinguished from mSugra plus type-II or type-III seesaw for nearly all relevant values of the seesaw scale. Even in the case when only the much less accurate LHC measurements are used, we find that indications for the seesaw can be found in favourable parts of the parameter space. Since our conclusions crucially depend on the reliability of the theoretically forecasted error bars, we discuss in some detail the accuracies which need to be achieved for the most important LHC and ILC observables before an analysis, such as the one presented here, can find any hints for type-II or type-III seesaw in SUSY spectra.
Hirsch, M., Reichert, L., Porod, W., & Staub, F. (2012). Phenomenology of a supersymmetric U(1)(B-L) x U(1)(R) extension of the standard model with inverse seesaw mechanism. Phys. Rev. D, 86(9), 093018–26pp.
Abstract: We discuss the minimal supersymmetric U(1)(B-L) X U(1)(R) extension of the standard model. Gauge couplings unify as in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), even if the scale of U(1)(B-L) X U(1)(R) breaking is as low as order TeV and the model can be embedded into a SO(10) grand unified theory. The phenomenology of the model differs in some important aspects from the MSSM, leading potentially to rich phenomenology at the LHC. It predicts more light Higgs states and the mostly left CP-even Higgs having a mass that easily reaches 125 GeV, with no constraints on the supersymmetry spectrum. Right sneutrinos can be the lightest supersymmetric particle, changing all dark matter constraints on supersymmetry parameter space. The model has seven neutralinos, and squark/gluino decay chains involve more complicated cascades than in the MSSM. We also briefly discuss low-energy and accelerator constraints on the model, where the most important limits come from recent Z' searches at the LHC and upper limits on lepton flavor violation.