Albertus, C., Hernandez, E., Hidalgo-Duque, C., & Nieves, J. (2014). (B)over-bar(s) -> K semileptonic decay from an Omnes improved constituent quark model. Phys. Lett. B, 738, 144–149.
Abstract: We study the f(+) form factor for the semileptonic (B) over bar (s) -> K+ l(-) (V) over bar (l) decay in a constituent quark model. The valence quark estimate is supplemented with the contribution from the (B) over bar* pole that dominates the high q(2) region. We use a multiply-subtracted Omnes dispersion relation to extend the quark model predictions from its region of applicability near q(max)(2) = (M-Bs – M-K)(2) similar to 23.75 GeV2 to all q(2) values accessible in the physical decay. To better constrain the dependence of f(+) on q(2), we fit the subtraction constants to a combined input from previous light cone sum rule by Duplancic and Melic (2008) [11] and the present quark model results. From this analysis, we obtain Gamma ( (B) over bar (s) -> K+ l(-) (V) over bar (l)) = (5.47(-0.46)(+0.54)) vertical bar Vub vertical bar(2) x 10(-9) MeV, which is about 10% and 20% higher than the predictions based on Lattice QCD and QCD light cone sum rules respectively. The former predictions, for both the form factor f(+) (q(2)) and the differential decay width, lie within the 1 sigma band of our estimated uncertainties for all q(2) values accessible in the physical decay, except for a quite small region very close to q(max)(2). Differences with the light cone sum results for the form factor f(+) are larger than 20% in the region above q(2) = 15 GeV2.
Albertus, C., Hernandez, E., & Nieves, J. (2014). Exclusive c -> s, d Semileptonic Decays of Spin-1/2 and Spin-3/2 cb Baryons. Few-Body Syst., 55(8-10), 767–771.
Abstract: We present results for exclusive semileptonic decay widths of ground state spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 cb baryons corresponding to a c -> s, d transition at the quark level. The relevance of hyperfine mixing in spin-1/2 cb baryons is shown. Our form factors are compatible with heavy quark spin symmetry constraints obtained in the infinite heavy quark mass limit.
Albertus, C., Hernandez, E., & Nieves, J. (2014). B -> rho semileptonic decays and vertical bar V-ub vertical bar. Phys. Rev. D, 90(1), 013017–11pp.
Abstract: We reevaluate the B -> rho l(+) nu(l) decay width as a full B. pi pi iota(+)nu iota four-particle decay, in which the two final pions are produced via an intermediate. meson. The decay width can be written as a convolution of the B -> rho l(+) nu(l) decay width, for an off-shell., with the.. pp line shape. This allows us to fully incorporate the effects of the finite. meson width and a better comparison with actual experiments. We use an Omn s representation to provide the dependence of the B.. semileptonic form factors on q2. The Omn s subtraction constants and the overall normalization parameter jVubj are fitted to light cone sum rules and lattice QCD theoretical form-factor calculations, in the low and high q2 regions, respectively, together to the CLEO, BABAR, and Belle experimental partial branching fraction distributions. The extracted value from this global fit is jVubj d3.40 +/- 0.15_ x 10-3, in agreement with jVubj extracted using all other inputs in Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa fits and the exclusive semileptonic B. p channel, but showing a clear disagreement with jVubj extracted from inclusive semileptonic b. u decays. As estimated by [U.-G. Mei beta ner andW. Wang, J. High Energy Phys. 01 (2014) 107], taking into account the. meson width effects and the actual acceptance of the experiments is essential to render the jVubj determinations from exclusive B. p and B.. decays totally compatible.
Albertus, C., Hernandez, E., & Nieves, J. (2012). Exclusive c -> s, d semileptonic decays of ground-state spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 doubly heavy cb baryons. Phys. Rev. D, 85(9), 094035–21pp.
Abstract: We evaluate exclusive semileptonic decays of ground-state spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 doubly heavy cb baryons driven by a c --> s, d transition at the quark level. We check our results for the form factors against heavy quark spin symmetry constraints obtained in the limit of very large heavy quark masses and near zero recoil. Based on those constraints we make model-independent, though approximate, predictions for ratios of decay widths.
Albertus, C., Hernandez, E., & Nieves, J. (2011). Exclusive c -> s, d semileptonic decays of ground-state spin-1/2 doubly charmed baryons. Phys. Lett. B, 704(5), 499–509.
Abstract: We evaluate exclusive semileptonic decays of ground-state spin-1/2 doubly heavy charmed baryons driven by a c -> s, d transition at the quark level. Our results for the form factors are consistent with heavy quark spin symmetry constraints which are valid in the limit of an infinitely massive charm quark and near zero recoil. Only a few exclusive semileptonic decay channels have been theoretically analyzed before. For those cases we find that our results are in a reasonable agreement with previous calculations.
Albertus, C., Hernandez, E., & Nieves, J. (2010). Hyperfine mixing in electromagnetic decay of doubly heavy bc baryons. Phys. Lett. B, 690(3), 265–271.
Abstract: We investigate the role of hyperfine mixing in the electromagnetic decay of ground state doubly heavy bc baryons. As in the case of a previous calculation on b -> c semileptonic decays of doubly heavy baryons, we find large corrections to the electromagnetic decay widths due to this mixing. Contrary to the weak case just mentioned, we find here that one cannot use electromagnetic width relations obtained in the infinite heavy quark mass limit to experimentally extract information on the admixtures in a model independent way.
Albertus, C., Hernandez, E., & Nieves, J. (2010). Hyperfine mixing in b -> c semileptonic decay of doubly heavy baryons. Phys. Lett. B, 683(1), 21–25.
Abstract: We qualitatively corroborate the results of [W. Roberts, M. Pervin, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 24 (2009) 2401] according to which hyperfine mixing greatly affects the decay widths of b -> c semileptonic decays involving doubly heavy bc baryons. However, our predictions for the decay widths of the unmixed states differ from those reported in the work of Roberts and Pervin by a factor of 2, and this discrepancy translates to the mixed case. We further show that the predictions of heavy quark spin symmetry, might be used in the future to experimentally extract information on the admixtures in the actual physical bc baryons, in a model independent manner.
Alvarado, F., Alvarez-Ruso, L., Hernandez, E., Nieves, J., & Penalva, N. (2024). The Λc → Λ ℓ+ ν ℓ weak decay including new physics. J. High Energy Phys., 10(10), 137–24pp.
Abstract: We investigate the Lambda(c) -> Lambda & ell;(+)nu(& ell;) decay with a focus on potential new physics (NP) effects in the & ell; = μchannel. We employ an effective Hamiltonian within the framework of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) to consider generalized dimension-6 semileptonic c -> s operators of scalar, pseudoscalar, vector, axial-vector and tensor types. We rely on Lattice QCD (LQCD) for the hadronic transition form factors, using heavy quark spin symmetry (HQSS) to determine those that have not yet been obtained on the lattice. Uncertainties due to the truncation of the NP Hamiltonian and different implementations of HQSS are taken into account. As a result, we unravel the NP discovery potential of the Lambda(c) -> Lambda semileptonic decay in different observables. Our findings indicate high sensitivity to NP in lepton flavour universality ratios, probing multi-TeV scales in some cases. On the theoretical side, we identify LQCD uncertainties in axial and vector form factors as critical for improving NP sensitivity, alongside better SMEFT uncertainty estimations.
Alvarez-Ruso, L., Hernandez, E., Nieves, J., & Vicente Vacas, M. J. (2016). Watson's theorem and the N Delta(1232) axial transition. Phys. Rev. D, 93(1), 014016–16pp.
Abstract: We present a new determination of the N Delta axial form factors from neutrino induced pion production data. For this purpose, the model of Hernandez et al. [Phys. Rev. D 76, 033005 (2007)] is improved by partially restoring unitarity. This is accomplished by imposing Watson's theorem on the dominant vector and axial multipoles. As a consequence, a larger C-5(A) (0), in good agreement with the prediction from the off-diagonal Goldberger-Treiman relation, is now obtained.
Du, M. L., Hernandez, E., & Nieves, J. (2022). Is the Lambda(c)(2625)(+) the heavy quark spin symmetry partner of the Lambda(c)(2595)(+) ? Phys. Rev. D, 106(11), 114020–22pp.
Abstract: We use a O(alpha(s). Lambda(QCD)/m(c)) heavy quark effective theory scheme, where only O(Lambda(QCD)/mb) corrections are neglected, to study the matrix elements of the scalar, pseudoscalar, vector, axial-vector and tensor currents between the Lambda(b) ground state and the odd parity charm Lambda(c)(2595)(+) and Lambda(c)(2625)(+) resonances. We show that in the near-zero recoil regime, the scheme describes reasonably well, taking into account uncertainties, the results for the 24 form factors obtained in lattice QCD (LQCD) just in terms of only four Isgur-Wise (IW) functions. We also find some support for the possibility that the Lambda(c)(2595)(+) and Lambda(c)(2625)(+) resonances might form a heavy quark spin symmetry (HQSS) doublet. However, we argue that the available LQCD description of these two resonances is not accurate enough to disentangle the possible effects of the Sigma(c)pi and Sigma(c)*pi thresholds, located only a few MeV above their position, and that it cannot be ruled out that these states are not HQSS partners. Finally, we study the ratio d Gamma/[Lambda(b) -> Lambda(c,1/2)-*l (v) over bar (l)]/dq(2)/d Gamma/[Lambda(b) -> Lambda(c,3/2)-*l (v) over bar (l)]/dq(2) of the Standard Model differential semileptonic decay widths, with q the four-momentum transferred between the initial and final hadrons. We provide a natural explanation for the existence of large deviations, near the zero recoil, of this ratio from 1=2 (value predicted in the infinite heavy quark mass limit, assuming that the Lambda(c,1/2)- and Lambda(c,3/2)- are the two members of a HQSS doublet) based on S-wave contributions to the Lambda(b) -> Lambda(c,1/2)- decay amplitude driven by a subleading IW function.