Gonzalez-Alonso, M., Pich, A., & Prades, J. (2010). Pinched weights and duality violation in QCD sum rules: A critical analysis. Phys. Rev. D, 82(1), 014019–7pp.
Abstract: We analyze the so-called pinched weights, that are generally thought to reduce the violation of quarkhadron duality in finite-energy sum rules. After showing how this is not true in general, we explain how to address this question for the left-right correlator and any particular pinched weight, taking advantage of our previous work [1], where the possible high-energy behavior of the left-right spectral function was studied. In particular, we show that the use of pinched weights allows to determine with high accuracy the dimension six and eight contributions in the operator-product expansion, O-6 = (-4.3(-0.7)(+0.9)) x 10(-3) GeV6 and O-8 = (-7.2(-5.3)(+4.2)) x 10(-3) GeV8.
Gonzalez-Alonso, M., Pich, A., & Prades, J. (2010). Violation of quark-hadron duality and spectral chiral moments in QCD. Phys. Rev. D, 81(7), 074007–10pp.
Abstract: We analyze the spectral moments of the V – A two-point correlation function. Using all known short-distance constraints and the most recent experimental data from tau decays, we determine the lowest spectral moments, trying to assess the uncertainties associated with the so-called violations of quark-hadron duality. We have generated a large number of acceptable spectral functions, satisfying all conditions, and have used them to extract the wanted hadronic parameters through a careful statistical analysis. We obtain accurate values for the chi PT couplings L-10 and C-87, and a realistic determination of the dimension six and eight contributions in the operator product expansion, O-6 = (-5.4(-1.6)(+3.6)) . 10(-3) GeV6 and O-8 = d(-8.9-(12.6)(7.4+)) 10(-3) GeV8, showing that the duality-violation effects have been underestimated in previous literature.
Cirigliano, V., Jenkins, J. P., & Gonzalez-Alonso, M. (2010). Semileptonic decays of light quarks beyond the Standard Model. Nucl. Phys. B, 830(1-2), 95–115.
Abstract: We describe non-standard contributions to semileptonic processes in a model independent way in terms of in SU(2)(L) x U(1)(Y) invariant effective lagrangian at the weak scale, front which we derive the low-energy effective lagrangian governing muon and beta decays. We find that the deviation from Cabibbo universality, Delta(CKM) equivalent to vertical bar V-ud vertical bar(2) + vertical bar V-us vertical bar(2) + vertical bar V-ub vertical bar(2) – 1, receives contributions from four effective operators. The phenomenological bound Delta(CKM) = (-1 +/- 6) x 10(-4) provides strong constraints on all four operators, corresponding to art effective scale Lambda > 11 TeV (90% CL). Depending on the operator, this constraint is at the same level or better then the Z pole observables. Conversely, precision electroweak constraints alone would allow universality violations as large as Delta(CKM) = -0.01 (90% CL). An observed Delta(CKM) not equal 0 at this level Could be explained in terms of a single four-fermion operator which is relatively poorly constrained by electroweak precision measurements.
Bhattacharya, T., Cirigliano, V., Cohen, S. D., Filipuzzi, A., Gonzalez-Alonso, M., Graesser, M. L., et al. (2012). Probing novel scalar and tensor interactions from (ultra)cold neutrons to the LHC. Phys. Rev. D, 85(5), 054512–29pp.
Abstract: Scalar and tensor interactions were once competitors to the now well-established V – A structure of the standard model weak interactions. We revisit these interactions and survey constraints from low-energy probes (neutron, nuclear, and pion decays) as well as collider searches. Currently, the most stringent limit on scalar and tensor interactions arise from 0(+) -> 0(+) nuclear decays and the radiative pion decay pi -> e nu gamma, respectively. For the future, we find that upcoming neutron beta decay and LHC measurements will compete in setting the most stringent bounds. For neutron beta decay, we demonstrate the importance of lattice computations of the neutron-to-proton matrix elements to setting limits on these interactions, and provide the first lattice estimate of the scalar charge and a new average of existing results for the tensor charge. Data taken at the LHC is currently probing these interactions at the 10(-2) level (relative to the standard weak interactions), with the potential to reach the less than or similar to 10(-3) level. We show that, with some theoretical assumptions, the discovery of a charged spin-0 resonance decaying to an electron and missing energy implies a lower limit on the strength of scalar interactions probed at low energy.
Filipuzzi, A., Portoles, J., & Gonzalez-Alonso, M. (2012). U(2)^5 flavor symmetry and lepton universality violation in W -> tau(nu)over-bar(tau). Phys. Rev. D, 85(11), 116010–10pp.
Abstract: The seeming violation of universality in the tau lepton coupling to the W boson suggested by LEP-II data is studied using an effective field theory (EFT) approach. Within this framework we explore how this feature fits into the current constraints from electroweak precision observables using different assumptions about the flavor structure of New Physics, namely [U(2) x U(1)](5) and U(2)(5). We show the importance of leptonic and semileptonic tau decay measurements, giving 3-4 TeV bounds on the New Physics effective scale at 90% C.L. We conclude under very general assumptions that it is not possible to accommodate this deviation from universality in the EFT framework, and thus such a signal could only be explained by the introduction of light degrees of freedom or New Physics strongly coupled at the electroweak scale.
Gonzalez-Alonso, M., Pich, A., & Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. (2016). Updated determination of chiral couplings and vacuum condensates from hadronic tau decay data. Phys. Rev. D, 94(1), 014017–14pp.
Abstract: We analyze the lowest spectral moments of the left-right two-point correlation function, using all known short-distance constraints and the recently updated ALEPH V – A spectral function from tau decays. This information is used to determine the low-energy couplings L-10 and C-87 of chiral perturbation theory and the lowest-dimensional contributions to the operator product expansion of the left-right correlator. A detailed statistical analysis is implemented to assess the theoretical uncertainties, including violations of quark-hadron duality.
Cirigliano, V., Falkowski, A., Gonzalez-Alonso, M., & Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. (2019). Hadronic tau Decays as New Physics Probes in the LHC Era. Phys. Rev. Lett., 122(22), 221801–7pp.
Abstract: We analyze the sensitivity of hadronic tau decays to nonstandard interactions within the model-independent framework of the standard model effective field theory. Both exclusive and inclusive decays are studied, using the latest lattice data and QCD dispersion relations. We show that there are enough theoretically clean channels to disentangle all the effective couplings contributing to these decays, with the tau -> pi pi nu(tau) channel representing an unexpected powerful new physics probe. We find that the ratios of nonstandard couplings to the Fermi constant are bound at the subpercent level. These bounds are complementary to the ones from electroweak precision observables and pp -> tau nu(tau) measurements at the LHC. The combination of tau decay and LHC data puts tighter constraints on lepton universality violation in the gauge boson-lepton vertex corrections.
Falkowski, A., Gonzalez-Alonso, M., & Tabrizi, Z. (2020). Consistent QFT description of non-standard neutrino interactions. J. High Energy Phys., 11(11), 048–23pp.
Abstract: Neutrino oscillations are precision probes of new physics. Apart from neutrino masses and mixings, they are also sensitive to possible deviations of low-energy interactions between quarks and leptons from the Standard Model predictions. In this paper we develop a systematic description of such non-standard interactions (NSI) in oscillation experiments within the quantum field theory framework. We calculate the event rate and oscillation probability in the presence of general NSI, starting from the effective field theory (EFT) in which new physics modifies the flavor or Lorentz structure of charged-current interactions between leptons and quarks. We also provide the matching between the EFT Wilson coefficients and the widely used simplified quantum-mechanical approach, where new physics is encoded in a set of production and detection NSI parameters. Finally, we discuss the consistency conditions for the standard NSI approach to correctly reproduce the quantum field theory result.
Falkowski, A., Gonzalez-Alonso, M., & Naviliat-Cuncic, O. (2021). Comprehensive analysis of beta decays within and beyond the Standard Model. J. High Energy Phys., 04(4), 126–36pp.
Abstract: Precision measurements in allowed nuclear beta decays and neutron decay are reviewed and analyzed both within the Standard Model and looking for new physics. The analysis incorporates the most recent experimental and theoretical developments. The results are interpreted in terms of Wilson coefficients describing the effective interactions between leptons and nucleons (or quarks) that are responsible for beta decay. New global fits are performed incorporating a comprehensive list of precision measurements in neutron decay, superallowed 0(+)-> 0(+) transitions, and other nuclear decays that include, for the first time, data from mirror beta transitions. The results confirm the V-A character of the interaction and translate into updated values for V-ud and g(A) at the 10(-4) level. We also place new stringent limits on exotic couplings involving left-handed and right-handed neutrinos, which benefit significantly from the inclusion of mirror decays in the analysis.
Breso-Pla, V., Falkowski, A., & Gonzalez-Alonso, M. (2021). A(FB) in the SMEFT: precision Z physics at the LHC. J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 021–27pp.
Abstract: We study the forward-backward asymmetry A(FB) in pp -> l(+)l(-) at the Z peak within the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). We find that this observable provides per mille level constraints on the vertex corrections of the Z boson to quarks, which close a flat direction in the electroweak precision SMEFT fit. Moreover, we show that current A(FB) data is precise enough so that its inclusion in the fit improves significantly LEP bounds even in simple New Physics setups. This demonstrates that the LHC can compete with and complement LEP when it comes to precision measurements of the Z boson properties.